Migrating Your Blog from Medium to Ghost 3.0

November 03, 2019

2019 11 03

Ghost 3.0 has just been released (https://ghost.org/3/). I have a strong preference for Ghost over WordPress because it uses Node.js instead of PHP. Not only is Ghost open-source, but it also offers a pretty cool dark theme. So, I decided to migrate my blog away from Medium. However, the process isn't straightforward and does come with some associated costs. Here are the steps to help you navigate the migration and regain control of your content:

Step 1: Export Posts from Medium

Navigate to Settings on Medium and find the section that allows you to download your data:

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Step 2: Import to WordPress.com and Export the File

Create a free account on WordPress.com. In the Import section, you'll find an option to import content from Medium:

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After successfully importing your content from Medium, you can then export the file from WordPress.com:

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Step 3: Import the File to WordPress.org via Plugin and Export the File

Download the open-source WordPress software from http://wordpress.org/ and run it locally using MAMP (https://www.mamp.info/en/). Copy all the WordPress files and place them in the /htdocs folder within MAMP. Start the server, and you should be able to run the local WordPress instance with MySQL installed.

Navigate to the Import section and select the option to import from WordPress:

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Next, install the official Ghost plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/ghost/ and export your blog posts using this plugin:

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Although there's an option to download the Ghost file, it didn't work for me. Try clicking on the download .json file instead.

Step 4: Import to Ghost Blog

Go to Settings and then the Labs section in Ghost, and import your file:

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Fingers crossed! If all goes well, you should see all your posts from Medium now migrated to Ghost 3.0. Happy blogging :)

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Victor Leung, who blog about business, technology and personal development. Happy to connect on LinkedIn