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My Hand Writes My Heart

I am writing this article in the hope of finding inner peace and self-reflection. Writing is therapeutic. At the moment, it helps me focus, gather my chaotic thoughts and ideas, and search my soul for answers to life's questions. It offers a solution to the issues that trouble me, disrupt my sleep, and rob me of peace.

Today, I lost my inner peace because it was the last day of my trip back home to Hong Kong, a place I hadn't visited for almost two years. Due to the COVID-19 situation and various government policies, I had been unable to travel freely. I stayed in Singapore, just 4 hours away by flight from my family and girlfriend, whom I hadn't seen for so long. Although I should have felt excited about being back in Hong Kong, I felt inexplicably frustrated, sad, and lost.

I should be grateful that my family is still here and my girlfriend is safe and communicates with me. However, Hong Kong has changed, and not for the better. I don't want to delve into politics, but this external change partly explains my sadness. Yet, the root cause of my emotional turmoil lies within me. I am disappointed in myself for not meeting certain expectations. Life would be simple if I were just living for myself; quarantining in a hotel for a week, away from work and others, brings me peace.

Reality, however, is unavoidable. I can't forever escape the relationships that demand my attention. Whether it's family, my girlfriend, colleagues, or friends, I have been using the pandemic as an excuse to avoid facing these responsibilities. Now that I am back home, I can no longer maintain my emotional distance, and this disrupts my inner peace.

Firstly, my family is wonderful, and it's good to be back. However, my parents are aging and heading towards retirement. I must find the courage to confront these facts. Health and financial challenges are inevitable, and I must prepare to take care of them. Though they are in Hong Kong and I'm four hours away in Singapore, it's manageable — despite the inconvenient travel restrictions.

Secondly, my girlfriend wants to get married but doesn't wish to leave Hong Kong, as her aging mother is there. We are limited by our differing perspectives, which is frustrating for me. I believe it's essential to consider emigration, especially from a political standpoint. Yet, she remains unconvinced, and I can't change her mind if she's unwilling to change her own.

Thirdly, I am dissatisfied with my own life. I'm unhappy about aging and losing hair, as well as not achieving traditional markers of success. I understand I shouldn't compare myself to others, but the societal pressures are difficult to resist, especially when old friends and classmates seem to be doing better according to Asian societal norms.

In summary, I feel like I have not reached my full potential, and this bothers me deeply. I am struggling to find inner peace, and it may be time to pause and meditate to understand myself better.



今天,我失去了內心的平靜,因為這是我回到香港的最後一天,這是我近兩年來沒有造訪的地方。由於 COVID-19 的情況和各種政府政策,我無法自由地旅行。我待在新加坡,距離我的家人和女朋友只有四小時的飛行時間,我已經很長時間沒有見到他們了。儘管我應該對返回香港感到興奮,但我卻無法理解地感到失落,難過,和迷茫。



首先,我的家人很棒,能回家真好。然而,我的父母正老去並且即將退休。我必須找到勇氣面對這些事實。健康和金融挑戰是無可避免的,我必須準備好照顧他們。雖然他們在香港,我在新加坡,距離只有四個小時的飛行時間,這是可以管理的 —— 儘管旅行限制造成了不便。




Positioning for Technology Consultancy

Positioning involves applying a systematic, repeatable process to identify the unique attributes of my service, differentiate it from competitors, and articulate this positioning into an effective sales pitch. In this post, I aim to create a differentiated value proposition based on my service's unique features and capabilities.

A positioning challenge arises when some clients view me as a technology consultant while others see me as a software developer. Competing in both categories against fully staffed software vendors, I find myself without a clear positioning strategy. With a saturated market of technology consultants, even the best ones struggle to secure projects. Clients often wonder why they should choose my consultancy over the alternatives. Effective product positioning can help me stand out and capture the unique value of my service in a crowded market.

My ideal customers are those who already intuitively understand the value of my services. Specifically, CEOs and founders of growth-stage fintech startups who have a strong technical background. These individuals prioritize team expansion and product scaling, and they seek solutions to their technical challenges.

From my target customers' perspective, there are several alternatives they might consider before opting for my service:

Alternative 1: Outsourcing to consulting firms

  • Accenture
  • Deloitte
  • Capgemini

Alternative 2: Searching online for technical answers

  • Stack Overflow
  • Quora
  • Reddit

Alternative 3: Hiring in-house roles

  • Software Developer
  • Business Analyst
  • Architect

Alternative 4: Self-learning through videos

  • YouTube tutorials
  • Udemy courses
  • Online coding bootcamps

My service offers unique attributes that set it apart from at least one of these alternatives:

  • Blog content
  • Technical expertise
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Product management skills
  • Personal stories
  • Video content
  • Best practices
  • Business acumen

To identify the most compelling aspects of my service, I repeatedly ask the question "So what?" until I arrive at a value proposition that is clearly differentiated and directly beneficial to customers. Through this exercise, I've identified the following differentiated values:

Differentiated Value 1: CEOs are avid readers, often relying on recommended blogs. My blog offers:

  • 1.1 Blog Content: Condensed into an Amazon Kindle book for easy reading.
  • 1.2 Product Management Skills: Proven experience in product development.
  • 1.3 Technical Expertise: Hands-on software development capabilities.
  • 1.4 Business Acumen: Skills in stakeholder management, leadership, and communication.

Differentiated Value 2: My blog serves as an effective lead generation tool for my consultancy, particularly offering:

  • 2.1 Best Practices: Expertise in the banking industry.
  • 2.2 Knowledge Sharing: Insights into deploying new technical products in financial markets.

Differentiated Value 3: Clients can gauge my approach to business and technology before engaging my services, made possible through:

  • 3.1 Personal Stories: Revealing my experience in technology consulting in the banking industry.
  • 3.2 Video Content: Storytelling with humor.

With these differentiated values in mind, my blog aligns well with a framework that includes:

  • A. Competitive Alternatives: DIY approaches.
  • B. Unique Attributes: Concise, valuable blog posts.
  • C. Differentiated Value: Expertise and thought leadership.
  • D. Best-Fit Customers: CEOs of Series A and Series B fintech startups.
  • E. Market Category: Technology consultancy for financial companies.

As for the next steps, I plan to:

By April 2022

  • Update the landing page messages on my website.
  • Add more case studies.
  • Conduct interviews with top-five clients to refine messaging.

By May 2022

  • Create a sales pitch focused on technology consultancy.
  • Respond to Requests for Proposals (RFPs).
  • Add more technology and business content to my blog for brand awareness.

In summary, I am repositioning as a specialized technology consultant for financial companies. Leveraging a proven agile methodology, I aim to help such companies architect and develop software solutions that improve their business performance. My services range from software development for startups to consulting for larger tech companies and custom product management. To find out more, please visit

Feel free to reach out to discuss how I can assist your team in both business and technology.







  • Accenture
  • Deloitte
  • Capgemini


  • Stack Overflow
  • Quora
  • Reddit


  • 軟體開發人員
  • 業務分析師
  • 架構師


  • YouTube教學
  • Udemy 課程
  • 在線編碼培訓班


  • 部落格內容
  • 技術專長
  • 知識共享
  • 產品管理技能
  • 個人故事
  • 視頻內容
  • 最佳實踐
  • 商業智識

為了識別我的服務最引人注目的方面,我反覆問 "那又怎樣?" 的問題,直到我得到一個明確差異化並直接對客戶有益的價值主張。通過這個練習,我找到了以下差異化的價值:

差異化價值1:CEO 是熱衷的讀者,經常依靠推薦的部落格。我的部落格提供:

  • 1.1 部落格內容:匯總成 Amazon Kindle 書本,方便閱讀。
  • 1.2 產品管理技能:在產品開發中具有豐富經驗。
  • 1.3 技術專長:具有實際的軟體開發能力。
  • 1.4 商業智識:有利害關係人管理、領導和溝通能力。


  • 2.1 最佳實踐:在銀行業的專業知識。
  • 2.2 知識分享:對在金融市場部署新技術產品的見解。

差異化價值3: 客戶可以在聘請我的服務之前衡量我的商業和技術方法,這是通過以下方式實現的:

  • 3.1 個人故事: 揭示我在銀行業技術顧問的經驗。
  • 3.2 視頻內容:通過幽默講故事。


  • A. 競爭替代方案:自己動手做。
  • B. 獨特屬性:簡潔、有價值的部落格文章。
  • C. 差異化價值:專門知識和思想領導。
  • D. 最佳適合的客戶:金融科技創業公司的A輪和B輪CEO。
  • E. 市場類別:為金融公司提供技術諮詢。



  • 更新我的網站上的登陸頁面信息。
  • 增加更多的案例研究。
  • 與前五名客戶進行訪談以微調訊息。


  • 創建專注於技術諮詢的銷售話語。
  • 回應提案請求(RFPs)。
  • 在我的部落格上增加更多的科技和商業內容以提高品牌知名度。



Connecting Apache Kafka to Azure Event Hubs

Recently, I worked on an integration with Azure Event Hubs. A colleague of mine faced challenges while trying to export messages from an existing Kafka topic and import them into Event Hubs. To assist, I've documented the steps below, which you may find useful.

Step 1: Download and Extract Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source, distributed event streaming platform. It facilitates the construction of distributed systems and ensures high throughput. You can download Apache Kafka from the following link: Apache Kafka Download

tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.1.0.tgz
cd kafka_2.13-3.1.0

Step 2: Start the Kafka Environment

Ensure that Java 8 or higher is already installed in your local environment. If not, download and install it from Oracle's website.

To start all services, execute the following commands:

Start the ZooKeeper service:

bin/ config/

Start the Kafka broker:

bin/ config/

Step 3: Create and Set Up Configuration Files

Create a new file named with the values below:

... (The content is mostly fine and technical, no changes)

Replace the placeholder values with those from your Azure endpoint. If you haven't already, create a new namespace and deploy Event Hubs resources from the Azure portal. Note that you might need to select the Standard pricing tier or higher to successfully create Kafka topics in the next step.

The required password can be found in the Shared access policies settings of the Event Hub namespace, under the SAS Policy labeled RootManageSharedAccessKey.

Step 4: Create Three Kafka Topics

To create the topics manually, use the kafka-topics commands:

Create the configs topic:

... (Commands are mostly fine and technical, no changes)

Create the offsets topic:

... (Commands are mostly fine and technical, no changes)

Create the status topic:

... (Commands are mostly fine and technical, no changes)

Step 5: Run Kafka Connect

Kafka Connect is a tool for reliably and scalably streaming data between Apache Kafka and Azure Event Hubs. To continuously import and export your data, start the worker locally in distributed mode.

bin/ path/to/

With everything set up, you can proceed to test import and export functions.

Step 6: Create Input and Output Files

Create a directory and two files: one for seed data to be read by the FileStreamSource connector and another to be written to by the FileStreamSink connector.

mkdir ~/connect-demo
seq 1000 > ~/connect-demo/input.txt
touch ~/connect-demo/output.txt

Step 7: Create FileStreamSource Connector

Next, let me guide you through launching the FileStreamSource connector:

... (Commands are mostly fine and technical, no changes)

Step 8: Create FileStreamSink Connector

Similarly, let's proceed to launch the FileStreamSink connector:

... (Commands are mostly fine and technical, no changes)

Finally, confirm that the data has been replicated between files and is identical.

cat ~/connect-demo/output.txt

You should see that the output.txt file contains numbers from 1 to 1000, just like the input.txt file. That's it! If you update input.txt, output.txt will sync accordingly.

Please note that Azure Event Hubs' support for the Kafka Connect API is still in public preview. The FileStreamSource and FileStreamSink connectors deployed are not intended for production use and should only be used for demonstration purposes.

將Apache Kafka連接到Azure事件中樞


第一步:下載並提取Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka是一個開源的、分佈式的事件流平台。它促進了分佈式系統的構建並確保了高吞吐量。你可以從以下的鏈接下載Apache Kafka:Apache Kafka下載

tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.1.0.tgz
cd kafka_2.13-3.1.0


確保Java 8或更高版本已經安裝在你的本地環境中。如果沒有,請從Oracle的網站下載並安裝。



bin/ config/


bin/ config/



... (內容主要正確且技術含義實在, 無需改動)


所需的密碼可以在事件中樞命名空間的Shared access policies設置中找到,位於稱為RootManageSharedAccessKey的SAS策略下。




... (命令主要正確且技術含義實在, 無需改動)


... (命令主要正確且技術含義實在, 無需改動)


... (命令主要正確且技術含義實在, 無需改動)

第五步:運行Kafka Connect

Kafka Connect是一種可靠且具有擴展性的数据流工具,用於Apache Kafka和Azure Event Hubs之間。要持續地導入和導出你的數據,請在本地以分佈式模式開始工作人員。

bin/ path/to/




mkdir ~/connect-demo
seq 1000 > ~/connect-demo/input.txt
touch ~/connect-demo/output.txt



... (命令主要正確且技術含義實在, 無需改動)



... (命令主要正確且技術含義實在, 無需改動)


cat ~/connect-demo/output.txt


請注意,Azure事件中樞對Kafka Connect API的支持仍處於公共預覽階段。已部署的FileStreamSource和FileStreamSink連接器不適合生產用途,只應用於演示目的。

Product Engagement Strategy

I recently took a class on the Psychology of Engagement, where I learned the methodologies and vocabulary needed to create highly engaging products. I am applying these concepts to a product of my choosing.

One product that has me "hooked" is an app I use daily to manage my savings and investments. The intended behavior of this product is to encourage users to deposit and save money. I find it rewarding to check my account balance every night and see my progress. The internal trigger driving my engagement with this product is my goal of achieving financial freedom.

I currently work at Thought Machine, a product company that has developed a core banking product aimed at transforming the banking industry. This product empowers banks to offer innovative financial services to their customers. We recently raised $200 million in our Series C funding round, backed by industry-leading venture capitalists and major global banks like Nyca Partners, Molten Ventures, JPMorgan, and Standard Chartered. This has brought our total funding to $350 million, valuing the company at over £1 billion.

According to customer feedback, banks are enamored with our Vault product. It's a ledger system that operates on cloud-native platforms like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, without relying on legacy technology. Vault can be configured through Smart Contracts to run any type of retail banking product, such as checking accounts, savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and mortgages. However, bank customers often find it easy to spend money but difficult to save.

To identify behaviors with strong habit-forming potential, I've utilized "habit zones." Here are three behaviors my company could focus on:

  • Behavior 1: Spending money (e.g., paying monthly rent through a checking account)
  • Behavior 2: Saving money (e.g., accruing daily interest in a savings account)
  • Behavior 3: Borrowing money (e.g., using a credit card that offers reward points or taking out a personal loan)

Based on my personal experience, the behavior with the greatest habit-forming potential is saving money while monitoring daily interest accruals.

To better understand this behavior, I asked myself "why?" five times:

  1. Why? Because I want to check my bank account for daily interest accrual.
  2. Why? To monitor my progress and see how much interest has accumulated.
  3. Why? To gauge whether I am saving enough to meet my financial goals.
  4. Why? Because I fear not having enough money for significant life events like a wedding.
  5. Why? Due to uncertainties about the future, I feel more secure with a financial cushion for emergencies.

I then applied the 5 Panels framework to design an external trigger that cues customers to perform the intended behavior.


  • Characteristics: Alex is a 34-year-old working professional in Singapore.
  • Values: Enjoys life, loves coffee, cars, and cooking.
  • Needs: To pay for a wedding, purchase a car, repay loans, buy a coffee machine.
  • Constraints: Faces high inflation, has no savings, and spends his entire monthly salary.

Internal Trigger: Alex wants to start saving money while controlling his expenses. He feels anxious about not being able to afford his upcoming wedding.

Context: Alex is discussing wedding plans and finances with Melanie at a coffee shop. During the conversation, he mentions a car he wishes to purchase.

External Trigger: Alex feels social pressure as his peers are getting married and starting families.

Association: Fear of not saving enough for the wedding = Checking bank account for daily interest accrual.

Action Phase: Steps and hurdles a customer faces:

  1. Receive salary: Financial commitment towards monthly rent and loan repayment.
  2. Allocate 10% for savings: Monetary discipline required, can't spend that money now.
  3. Log into the bank account: Physical effort needed to open the app and click.
  4. Transfer money to the savings account: Another click required.
  5. Wait for the next day: Time needed to see any significant interest accrual.
  6. Verify daily interest accrual: Cognitive load to check if the amount is correct.
  7. Resist temptation: Numerous reasons may tempt the user to withdraw the saved money.

From the customer's perspective, the most challenging hurdle is to allocate 10% of income for savings.

User Story: As a working professional, I find it difficult to save money because of my many expenses and loan repayments. To save, I need to cut back on unnecessary spending and determine a savings target.

Solution Description: Through daily interest accrual, our app can reward users for saving. It can project future savings and interest accruals, enabling customers to set aside money more effectively. The app can also tailor its services based on the user's risk profile and savings goals.

Engagement Strategy:

  • Trigger: Notification reminders to allocate money for savings, along with projections for future account balances.
  • Action: Schedule automatic transfers to a savings account and view daily interest accruals.
  • Variable Rewards: Offer a sense of achievement as users get closer to their financial goals. Provide tips on saving money and reducing daily expenses, along with cash back offers and discount notifications.
  • Investment: Incentivize users to refer friends, which earns them a higher interest rate on their savings account.

Strategic Priorities: The next step for Thought Machine is to enhance user engagement by offering more rewarding incentives for saving money.


  • Number of reminder notifications sent
  • Number of new savings accounts opened through referrals
  • Total amount of interest paid to customer savings accounts

Conclusion: The Hooked Model is a powerful framework that synthesizes decades of research into a simple four-phase process. By understanding and applying these principles, we can encourage more people to save money effectively and ethically through our product design.

Product Engagement Strategy

I recently took a class on the Psychology of Engagement, where I learned the methodologies and vocabulary needed to create highly engaging products. I am applying these concepts to a product of my choosing.

One product that has me "hooked" is an app I use daily to manage my savings and investments. The intended behavior of this product is to encourage users to deposit and save money. I find it rewarding to check my account balance every night and see my progress. The internal trigger driving my engagement with this product is my goal of achieving financial freedom.

I currently work at Thought Machine, a product company that has developed a core banking product aimed at transforming the banking industry. This product empowers banks to offer innovative financial services to their customers. We recently raised $200 million in our Series C funding round, backed by industry-leading venture capitalists and major global banks like Nyca Partners, Molten Ventures, JPMorgan, and Standard Chartered. This has brought our total funding to $350 million, valuing the company at over £1 billion.

According to customer feedback, banks are enamored with our Vault product. It's a ledger system that operates on cloud-native platforms like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, without relying on legacy technology. Vault can be configured through Smart Contracts to run any type of retail banking product, such as checking accounts, savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and mortgages. However, bank customers often find it easy to spend money but difficult to save.

To identify behaviors with strong habit-forming potential, I've utilized "habit zones." Here are three behaviors my company could focus on:

  • Behavior 1: Spending money (e.g., paying monthly rent through a checking account)
  • Behavior 2: Saving money (e.g., accruing daily interest in a savings account)
  • Behavior 3: Borrowing money (e.g., using a credit card that offers reward points or taking out a personal loan)

Based on my personal experience, the behavior with the greatest habit-forming potential is saving money while monitoring daily interest accruals.

To better understand this behavior, I asked myself "why?" five times:

  1. Why? Because I want to check my bank account for daily interest accrual.
  2. Why? To monitor my progress and see how much interest has accumulated.
  3. Why? To gauge whether I am saving enough to meet my financial goals.
  4. Why? Because I fear not having enough money for significant life events like a wedding.
  5. Why? Due to uncertainties about the future, I feel more secure with a financial cushion for emergencies.

I then applied the 5 Panels framework to design an external trigger that cues customers to perform the intended behavior.


  • Characteristics: Alex is a 34-year-old working professional in Singapore.
  • Values: Enjoys life, loves coffee, cars, and cooking.
  • Needs: To pay for a wedding, purchase a car, repay loans, buy a coffee machine.
  • Constraints: Faces high inflation, has no savings, and spends his entire monthly salary.

Internal Trigger: Alex wants to start saving money while controlling his expenses. He feels anxious about not being able to afford his upcoming wedding.

Context: Alex is discussing wedding plans and finances with Melanie at a coffee shop. During the conversation, he mentions a car he wishes to purchase.

External Trigger: Alex feels social pressure as his peers are getting married and starting families.

Association: Fear of not saving enough for the wedding = Checking bank account for daily interest accrual.

Action Phase: Steps and hurdles a customer faces:

  1. Receive salary: Financial commitment towards monthly rent and loan repayment.
  2. Allocate 10% for savings: Monetary discipline required, can't spend that money now.
  3. Log into the bank account: Physical effort needed to open the app and click.
  4. Transfer money to the savings account: Another click required.
  5. Wait for the next day: Time needed to see any significant interest accrual.
  6. Verify daily interest accrual: Cognitive load to check if the amount is correct.
  7. Resist temptation: Numerous reasons may tempt the user to withdraw the saved money.

From the customer's perspective, the most challenging hurdle is to allocate 10% of income for savings.

User Story: As a working professional, I find it difficult to save money because of my many expenses and loan repayments. To save, I need to cut back on unnecessary spending and determine a savings target.

Solution Description: Through daily interest accrual, our app can reward users for saving. It can project future savings and interest accruals, enabling customers to set aside money more effectively. The app can also tailor its services based on the user's risk profile and savings goals.

Engagement Strategy:

  • Trigger: Notification reminders to allocate money for savings, along with projections for future account balances.
  • Action: Schedule automatic transfers to a savings account and view daily interest accruals.
  • Variable Rewards: Offer a sense of achievement as users get closer to their financial goals. Provide tips on saving money and reducing daily expenses, along with cash back offers and discount notifications.
  • Investment: Incentivize users to refer friends, which earns them a higher interest rate on their savings account.

Strategic Priorities: The next step for Thought Machine is to enhance user engagement by offering more rewarding incentives for saving money.


  • Number of reminder notifications sent
  • Number of new savings accounts opened through referrals
  • Total amount of interest paid to customer savings accounts

Conclusion: The Hooked Model is a powerful framework that synthesizes decades of research into a simple four-phase process. By understanding and applying these principles, we can encourage more people to save money effectively and ethically through our product design.

Finding a Fulfilling Job

Last week, I received a bonus from my company. Things are going well, and the bonus served as a good financial incentive, rewarding me for my hard work over the past year. Receiving a 13th-month salary is pretty standard practice in Singapore, and the variable pay I received aligns with industry norms. My salary is about average within the expat community, providing me a decent standard of living as a single person. Despite this financial stability, I've been contemplating my career development and searching for a job that I truly love. I'm also focused on making a more significant impact rather than merely working harder to justify my salary.

Meanwhile, I face some challenges in my current role. Just yesterday, I met a new client at an event. Although he was friendly and pleasant, I found myself at a loss for words when trying to establish a strong business connection. As my company grows, the demand for my soft skills, including presentation, networking, and communication abilities, is increasing. I need to conquer my fear of engaging with strangers and develop my leadership skills to succeed in the global job market.

If my sole aim were to maximize income and status, I would probably become a full-time salesperson. They possess the soft skills I admire: the ability to influence clients, negotiate for profit, and generate new business opportunities. The potential earnings in commission are also very appealing. However, I've avoided this career path because I'm an introvert, and the thought of approaching strangers and maintaining a high level of energy in social settings daunts me.

As a child, I loved reading history books. I was particularly fascinated by stories of ordinary people rising to become advisors to kings. They would use their exceptional communication skills to earn trust, unite nations, and thwart common enemies, saving their communities in the process. This appealed to me deeply, though my own experiences were limited to strategic computer games and essay writing. What drove my interest was the strategic element—the joy of using knowledge and tactics to achieve goals.

As an adult, I still value strategy. I am continually learning, reading books, and taking online courses to absorb new information. My desire is to be a trusted advisor, helping others succeed while achieving something bigger than myself. I am driven by empathy and the joy of making others happy.

I often find myself envying figures like Elon Musk, Leonardo DiCaprio, and other highly successful people. Yet, I recognize that each of these paths comes with its own set of challenges and sacrifices. Instead, I focus on what aspects of their lives I genuinely admire, such as their impact on the world or their financial competence.

The joy in my work comes from making money, learning new technologies, leading teams, and helping people. I believe that solving complex, real-world problems through collaboration could lead to innovative and scalable solutions in the private sector.

If I knew I couldn't fail, my next step would be to start my own business and build a scalable product to dominate global markets. However, my biggest fear is that this new venture might not be profitable, and I could end up taking excessive risks, leading to financial ruin.

My family tends to value traditional job roles like engineering, accounting, and culinary arts. They're less familiar with digital-era positions like Scrum Master or Data Scientist. Their primary concern is for me to secure a stable, financially rewarding career. Political roles, especially those in opposition to the Chinese Communist Party, would be a cause for concern.

However, I aspire to exceed my family's achievements by becoming financially independent and gaining international exposure. I wish to help them broaden their perspectives, both through travel and technological literacy.

My social circle has its own challenges. While my university classmates and former business partners support my ambitions, my girlfriend has different interests and a different risk appetite. This creates a tension between pursuing my passions and dedicating time to our relationship.

In the end, the voice I need to listen to is that of "Intrinsic Love." If someone dislikes me, it's essential to remember that I can't please everyone.

Many people dream of working at companies like Google, drawn by the culture, cutting-edge technology, and high salaries. But the same benefits can often be found in tech startups or even in running your own business.

Despite my fears—of starting a business, speaking to strangers, or public speaking—I don't need to be the wealthiest person in the world to be content. Side hustles, new opportunities, and meaningful connections can provide not just tolerable work but a fulfilling career full of purpose, camaraderie, and creativity.

To achieve this, we'll need to focus intensely on the complexities that underpin finding truly fulfilling work. If you share this goal, I'd love to hear from you. Together, we can explore not just work that pays the bills but work that we deeply, profoundly appreciate.










我的家庭傾向於尊重傳統的職業角色,如工程,會計,廚藝等方面。他們對數位時代的職位,如 Scrum Master 或 Data Scientist不太熟悉。他們的主要憂慮是我要有一個穩定的,財富回報豐厚的職業。政治角色,特別是那些反對中國共產黨的角色,將是他們的擔憂。




許多人夢想在像 Google 這樣的公司工作,著迷於他們的文化,前沿技術和高薪資。但同樣的好處也常常可以在科技新創企業,甚至在創業時找到。

