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Understanding the CAP Theorem - The Balancing Act of Distributed Systems

In the world of distributed systems, achieving consistency, availability, and partition tolerance simultaneously is a challenging task. The CAP theorem, formulated by computer scientist Eric Brewer in 2000, explores the inherent trade-offs involved in designing and operating such systems. In this blog post, we'll delve into the CAP theorem, its key concepts, and the implications it has on distributed system design.

Understanding the CAP Theorem

The CAP theorem states that in a distributed system, it is impossible to simultaneously guarantee three fundamental properties: consistency (C), availability (A), and partition tolerance (P). Here's a breakdown of each aspect:

  1. Consistency (C): Consistency refers to all nodes in a distributed system having the same data at the same time. In other words, when a client reads data, it will always receive the most recent and up-to-date version. Achieving strong consistency can be desirable for certain applications, especially those involving financial transactions or critical data.

  2. Availability (A): Availability implies that every request made to a distributed system must receive a response, regardless of the state of the system. Even if some nodes fail or experience network issues, the system should continue to respond to requests and provide an acceptable level of service. High availability is crucial for systems that prioritize responsiveness and must handle a large volume of user requests.

  3. Partition Tolerance (P): Partition tolerance addresses the system's ability to continue functioning even when network partitions occur, causing communication failures between different parts of the system. Network partitions can happen due to various reasons, such as hardware failures, network congestion, or software issues. A system that is partition-tolerant can sustain the loss of network connectivity and still operate correctly.

The Trade-offs

The CAP theorem asserts that when a distributed system faces a network partition (P), system designers must choose between consistency (C) and availability (A). In other words, it is not possible to simultaneously achieve strong consistency and high availability during a partition.

When choosing between C and A, there are two main consistency models to consider:

  1. Strong Consistency: Systems that prioritize strong consistency require all nodes to agree on the order and validity of updates before responding to any read requests. Achieving strong consistency often involves coordination mechanisms that introduce latency and increase the chances of unavailability during network partitions.

  2. Eventual Consistency: Eventual consistency relaxes the requirements of strong consistency and allows for temporary inconsistencies between nodes. Nodes can diverge during a partition but are eventually brought back into consistency as the network partition is resolved. Eventual consistency favors availability over immediate consistency and is commonly used in systems where scalability and responsiveness are crucial.

Real-World Examples

Several popular distributed systems embody different trade-offs within the CAP theorem:

  1. Relational databases: Traditional relational databases typically prioritize consistency over availability. When network partitions occur, they may choose to pause or stall operations until consistency is restored, thereby sacrificing availability.

  2. NoSQL databases: Many NoSQL databases, such as Apache Cassandra, favor availability over strong consistency. They are designed to handle large-scale distributed environments and partition tolerance while providing high availability and eventual consistency.

  3. Amazon DynamoDB: DynamoDB, a managed NoSQL database by Amazon, exemplifies the AP trade-off. It favors availability and partition tolerance, allowing users to read and write data with low latency, but eventual consistency may result in temporarily inconsistent data during network partitions.


The CAP theorem serves as a crucial guideline for understanding the trade-offs involved in designing distributed systems. System architects and developers must carefully consider the specific requirements of their applications and weigh the importance of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance to make informed design choices.

While the CAP theorem offers valuable insights, it's worth noting that recent research and advancements have explored relaxing its assumptions and introducing new consistency models. These developments, along with emerging technologies like consensus algorithms and distributed databases, continue to push the boundaries of what is achievable in distributed system design, offering exciting possibilities for future innovations.

理解CAP定理 - 分散式系統的平衡行為

在分散式系統的世界中,同時實現一致性、可用性和分區容忍性是一項具有挑戰性的任務。由電腦科學家 Eric Brewer 在2000年提出的CAP定理探討了設計和運營此類系統涉及的內在權衡。在這篇博客文章中,我們將深入探討CAP定理,其關鍵概念,以及它對分散系統設計的影響。



  1. 一致性(C):一致性指的是分散式系統中的所有節點在同一時間擁有相同的資料。換句話說,當客戶端讀取資料時,它將始終接收到最新的和最新的版本。對於涉及金融交易或關鍵資料的應用程序,實現強一致性可能是理想的。

  2. 可用性(A):可用性意味著分散式系統必須對每個請求提供回應,無論系統的狀態如何。即使有些節點無法正常運作或網絡出現問題,系統應繼續對請求作出回應並提供可接受的服務水平。高可用性對於需要優先考慮響應性並必須處理大量使用者請求的系統至關重要。

  3. 分區容忍性(P):分區容忍性涉及到系統在網絡分區發生時仍能繼續運作的能力,造成系統不同部分之間的通信失敗。網絡分區可能由於硬體故障、網絡擁塞或軟體問題等各種原因發生。一個具有分區容忍性的系統可以承受網絡連接的丟失並仍能正常運作。


CAP定理宣稱,當分散式系統面臨網絡分區(P)時,系統設計者必須在一致性(C)和可用性(A)之間做出選擇。 換句話說,在分區期間不可能同時實現強一致性和高可用性。


  1. 強一致性:優先考慮強一致性的系統要求所有節點在回應任何讀請求之前同意更新的順序和有效性。實現強一致性通常涉及引入延遲的協調機制,並在網絡分區期間增加不可用性的可能性。

  2. 最終一致性:最終一致性放寬了強一致性的要求,允許節點之間存在臨時的不一致性。在分區期間,節點可以分叉,但當網絡分區解決時,最終將恢復一致性。最終一致性優先考慮可用性,而非立即一致性,並常用於需要關注擴展性和反應速度的系統中。



  1. 關聯性資料庫:傳統的關聯性資料庫通常優先考慮一致性而非可用性。當網絡分區發生時,它們可能選擇暫停或停止運行,直到恢復一致性,從而犧牲可用性。

  2. NoSQL資料庫:許多NoSQL資料庫,如Apache Cassandra, 優先考慮可用性而非強一致性。它們被設計來處理大規模的分散環境和分區容忍性,同時提供高可用性和最終一致性。

  3. Amazon DynamoDB:DynamoDB是亞馬遜的一種管理型NoSQL資料庫,實現了AP權衡。它優先考慮可用性和分區容忍性,讓用戶能夠以低延遲讀寫資料,但在網絡分區時可能會造成數據的臨時不一致。




Monitoring Systems and Services with Prometheus

In the dynamic landscape of modern software development, effective monitoring systems and services play a critical role in ensuring the reliability, availability, and performance of applications. One such system that has gained immense popularity in recent years is Prometheus. Built with a focus on simplicity, scalability, and robustness, Prometheus empowers developers and operators to gain valuable insights into their systems. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Prometheus, exploring its key features, architecture, and best practices for monitoring systems and services.

1. Understanding Prometheus

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, originally developed at SoundCloud. It adopts a pull-based model for collecting metrics, where it scrapes data from target systems using HTTP protocols. With its flexible data model and query language, Prometheus allows users to collect, store, and analyze time-series data effectively.

2. Key Features and Benefits

a. Multi-dimensional Data Model: Prometheus enables efficient storage and querying of time-series data, allowing users to define labels for metrics and easily slice and dice data based on various dimensions. This flexibility facilitates granular monitoring and better troubleshooting capabilities.

b. Powerful Query Language: The PromQL query language enables users to perform advanced aggregations, filtering, and transformations on the collected data. It empowers operators to gain valuable insights and answer complex questions about the system's performance and behavior.

c. Alerting and Notifications: Prometheus incorporates a robust alerting system that supports defining alert rules based on metric thresholds and conditions. It can send notifications through various channels, such as email, Slack, PagerDuty, or custom integrations, ensuring prompt responses to critical events.

d. Dynamic Service Discovery: Prometheus seamlessly integrates with service discovery mechanisms, like Kubernetes, Consul, or DNS-based discovery. This feature allows automatic monitoring of newly deployed instances and ensures scalability in dynamic environments.

3. Prometheus Architecture

Prometheus follows a simple and modular architecture, consisting of several core components: a. Prometheus Server: The heart of the system, responsible for collecting, processing, and storing time-series data. It exposes a query API and handles alerting and rule evaluation.

b. Exporters: These are agents deployed alongside target systems, responsible for exposing metrics in Prometheus-compatible formats. Exporters exist for various technologies, including databases, web servers, message queues, and more.

c. Pushgateway: A component used for gathering and temporarily storing metrics from batch jobs or short-lived services that cannot be scraped directly.

d. Alertmanager: A separate service that handles alert notifications and manages the grouping, deduplication, and silencing of alerts.

4. Best Practices for Monitoring with Prometheus

a. Define meaningful metrics and labels: Design metrics that provide insights into the behavior and performance of your system. Use labels effectively to add dimensions and context to your metrics.

b. Avoid cardinality explosion: Be cautious when adding labels to your metrics, as a high cardinality can impact Prometheus' storage and query performance. Strike a balance between granularity and scalability.

c. Leverage exporters and instrument your code: Utilize existing Prometheus exporters or create custom ones to expose metrics from your applications. Instrument your codebase to provide detailed insights into specific operations or components.

d. Establish robust alerting and monitoring rules: Define relevant alerting rules based on meaningful thresholds and conditions. Regularly review and refine these rules to ensure actionable and accurate alerts.

e. Monitor Prometheus itself: Implement monitoring and alerting for your Prometheus servers and exporters. This helps identify any issues with data collection, storage, or performance bottlenecks.


Prometheus has revolutionized the realm of monitoring systems and services with its simplicity, scalability, and powerful query capabilities. By adopting Prometheus as part of your monitoring stack, you can gain valuable insights into the behavior and performance of your applications, enabling you to proactively address issues and ensure optimal system health. Embrace the best practices outlined in this article to harness the full potential of Prometheus and elevate your monitoring excellence.



1. 理解Prometheus


2. 主要特點和優點

a. 多維度數據模型:Prometheus允許高效地存儲和查詢時序數據,並允許用戶為度量資料定義標籤,並根據各種維度輕鬆切分和劃分數據。這種靈活性有助於細節監控和更好的故障排除能力。

b. 強大的查詢語言:PromQL 查詢語言使用戶能夠對收集到的數據進行進階的匯總、過濾和轉換。它使操作員能夠深入了解系統的性能和行為,並解答關於系統性能和行為的複雜問題。

c. 警報和通知:Prometheus內置了強大的警報系統,支持基於度量資料閾值和條件的警報規則。它可以通過電子郵件、Slack、PagerDuty或自定義的整合通道發送通知,以確保對關鍵事件的及時響應。

d. 動態服務發現:Prometheus與服務發現機制(例如Kubernetes,Consul或基於DNS的發現)無縫結合。這一特性允許自動監視新部署的實例,並確保在動態環境中的擴展性。

3. Prometheus架構

Prometheus遵循一個簡單和模塊化的架構,包含幾個核心組件: a. Prometheus Server:系統的核心,負責收集、處理和存儲時序數據。它提供一個查詢API並處理警報和規則評估。

b. Exporters:這些是部署在目標系統旁的代理,負責將度量資料以Prometheus兼容的格式輸出。各種技術的exporters都有,包括數據庫、web伺服器、訊息佇列等等。

c. Pushgateway:一個用於收集和暫存來自批次作業或短期服務的度量資料,這些來源無法被直接采集的組件。

d. Alertmanager:一個獨立的服務,負責處理警報通知,並管理警報的分組、去重複和靜音。

4. 用Prometheus進行監控的最佳實踐

a. 定義有意義的度量資料和標籤:設計可以提供系統行為和性能洞察的度量資料。有效地使用標籤來為度量資料增加層次和上下文。

b. 避免cardinality爆炸:添加標籤到你的度量資料時要謹慎,因為高cardinality可以影響Prometheus的存儲和查詢性能。在粒度和可擴展性之間找到平衡。

c. 利用exporters並儀器化(instrument)你的程式:使用現有的Prometheus exporters或創建自定義的exporters來從你的應用中提取度量資料。找出程式碼庫以提供針對特定操作或部件的詳細洞察。

d. 建立強大的警報和監視規則:基於有意義的閾值和條件定義相關的警報規則。定期審查和修訂這些規則,以確保可行和準確的警報。

e. 監控Prometheus本身:實施對你的Prometheus伺服器和exporters的監視和警報。這有助於識別任何與數據收集、存儲或性能瓶頸有關的問題。



Demystifying Innovation - Unveiling the True Drivers of Progress

Everyone is excited about Apple’s Vision Pro, which is the new mixed-reality headset launched recently, but is this a true innovation? Innovation is a driving force behind human progress, revolutionizing industries, improving lives, and shaping the world we live in. However, the process of innovation is often misunderstood and oversimplified. In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of how innovation truly works, debunking common misconceptions and shedding light on the key factors that drive it forward.

1. Patents: Beyond a Measure of Innovativeness

Contrary to popular belief, patents alone cannot reliably measure innovativeness. While patents provide legal protection for intellectual property, they do not inherently capture the true essence of innovation. Patents are simply tools that enable inventors to safeguard their ideas and creations, but they do not guarantee the quality or impact of the invention. Innovation goes far beyond the mere act of securing a patent.

However, patents do hold value in terms of information dissemination. By reading scientific and technological literature, including journal articles and patents themselves, companies can gain insights and access foundational knowledge that goes beyond what is protected by patent claims. This knowledge acts as a spillover, inspiring further innovation and progress.

2. The Role of Competition

Competition has long been considered a catalyst for innovation, and for good reason. Contrary to the notion that competition stifles progress, it actually fuels it. Increased competition not only drives companies and individuals to invest more in research and development, but it also enhances the returns on those investments. The heightened effort and dedication spurred by competition often lead to greater breakthroughs and advancements.

Under competitive circumstances, individuals and companies strive to outperform their rivals, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. This increased effort and drive ultimately results in a higher payoff, both in terms of financial rewards and the overall impact of the innovation.

3. The Building Blocks of Innovation Output

Innovation output is the culmination of various factors that work in unison to bring ideas to life and drive progress. These key elements include capital, labor, spillovers, and advertising.

  • Capital: Adequate financial resources are essential for fostering innovation. Investment in research and development, infrastructure, and talent acquisition all contribute to creating an environment conducive to innovation.

  • Labor: Skilled and dedicated individuals form the backbone of any innovative endeavor. The expertise, creativity, and collaborative efforts of a talented workforce are indispensable for turning ideas into tangible outcomes.

  • Spillovers: Innovation often thrives on the exchange of knowledge and ideas between individuals, organizations, and industries. Spillovers occur when insights gained from one domain are applied to another, leading to cross-pollination of ideas and catalyzing further innovation.

  • Advertising: The dissemination of information and promotion of innovative products or services play a crucial role in their success. Effective advertising creates awareness, generates demand, and facilitates market adoption, allowing innovations to reach their full potential.


Innovation is a complex and multifaceted process that cannot be reduced to a single metric or formula. Patents, while useful for intellectual property protection, do not encapsulate the true essence of innovation. Instead, innovation thrives on a combination of factors, including capital investment, a skilled workforce, spillovers of knowledge, and effective advertising. Additionally, competition acts as a catalyst, driving individuals and companies to push their boundaries and achieve greater heights.

By understanding the true drivers of innovation, we can foster an environment that nurtures creativity, collaboration, and continuous progress. Embracing these principles will pave the way for groundbreaking inventions, transformative technologies, and a future shaped by the power of human ingenuity.

揭秘創新 - 揭示進步的真正推動者

每個人都對蘋果最近推出的新混合現實頭戴設備Vision Pro感到興奮,但是這真的是創新嗎?創新是推動人類進步的驅動力,改變產業,改善生活,形塑我們生活的世界。然而,創新的過程卻常常被誤解和過度簡單化。在這篇博客文章中,我們將探討創新是如何真正運作的,揭露常見的誤解,並且為推動創新的關鍵因素揭曉。

1. 專利:不僅僅是創新的衡量標準



2. 競爭的角色



3. 創新產出的基石


  • 資本:足夠的財務資源對於養成創新至關重要。投資研發、基礎設施和人才獲取都有助於創造一個有助於創新的環境。

  • 勞動力:有技能、敬業的人才是任何創新努力的基石。專業技能,創新思維,以及優秀的團隊合作精神是把創新的理念變為現實的重要因素。

  • 知識溢出:創新往往在個人、組織和行業間的知識和理念交流中繁榮。當一個領域得到的洞見被應用於另一個領域時,就會產生溢出效應,從而導致想法的交叉滋生,並催化進一步的創新。

  • 廣告:發布信息和推廣創新產品或服務在其成功中起著至關重要的作用。有效的廣告宣傳可以創造公眾意識,產生消費需求,並促進市場接納,讓創新能達到最大的潛力。


創新是一種複雜且多面向的過程,不能簡化為一個單一的衡量指標或公式。 專利,雖然對知識產權保護有所裨益,但並不能全盤體現創新的真正精髓。相反,創新是由多種因素促成的,包括資本投入、技術工作者、知識溢出,和有效的廣告。此外,競爭作為催化劑,驅使個人和公司突破其界限,達到更高層次。


Unlocking Scalability and Agility with Event-Driven Architecture

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are under constant pressure to deliver seamless and responsive experiences to their users. To meet these demands, traditional monolithic architectures are being replaced by more flexible and scalable solutions. One such solution that has gained significant traction is event-driven architecture (EDA). In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of event-driven architecture and how it empowers organizations to build highly scalable, decoupled, and agile systems.

Understanding Event-Driven Architecture

Event-driven architecture is an architectural style that revolves around the production, detection, and consumption of events. An event is a significant occurrence or a change in state that holds meaning for a system. These events can be anything from user actions, system events, or messages from external systems.

Key Components of Event-Driven Architecture

  1. Event Producers: These are the components or systems responsible for generating and publishing events. They encapsulate the logic and data associated with an event and make it available for other components to consume.

  2. Event Consumers: Event consumers subscribe to specific types of events they are interested in. They receive and process the events, triggering relevant actions or updating the system state accordingly. Consumers can be individual microservices, components, or external systems.

  3. Event Bus: The event bus acts as a communication medium, facilitating the exchange of events between producers and consumers. It provides a scalable and reliable way of distributing events to interested parties. The event bus can be implemented using various messaging systems like Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, or even a simple message broker.

Benefits of Event-Driven Architecture

  1. Scalability: EDA enables horizontal scalability, allowing organizations to handle large workloads and sudden spikes in traffic efficiently. By decoupling components through event-driven communication, individual services can scale independently, eliminating bottlenecks associated with traditional architectures.

  2. Loose Coupling: EDA promotes loose coupling between components, making systems more flexible and resilient to changes. Producers and consumers are decoupled from each other, enabling independent development, deployment, and maintenance of services. This modularity enhances system agility and simplifies the introduction of new features or modifications.

  3. Event Sourcing and CQRS: Event-driven architecture naturally lends itself to event sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) patterns. Event sourcing stores events as the source of truth, enabling auditing, replayability, and rebuilding of system state. CQRS separates the read and write models, allowing optimized querying and scaling for different use cases.

  4. Real-time Responsiveness: With event-driven systems, consumers can react to events in real-time, leading to faster response times and improved user experiences. Events can trigger immediate actions, such as sending notifications, updating dashboards, or executing business workflows, keeping the system in sync with the latest state.

Challenges and Considerations

While event-driven architecture offers numerous advantages, it's important to consider a few challenges:

  1. Eventual Consistency: As events are distributed asynchronously, achieving strong consistency across all components might be challenging. Systems need to handle eventual consistency and design data synchronization strategies accordingly.

  2. Event Schema Evolution: As systems evolve, event schemas may change, making it crucial to plan for backward compatibility and versioning to ensure smooth event propagation and consumption.

  3. Event Ordering and Replay: In certain scenarios, events may need to be processed in a specific order or replayed for auditing, debugging, or system recovery purposes. Implementing mechanisms to handle event ordering and replay can be complex and requires careful design.


Event-driven architecture provides organizations with a powerful tool to build highly scalable, loosely coupled, and responsive systems. By embracing event-driven principles, businesses can unlock agility, scalability, and modularity in their applications. However, it's essential to consider the specific requirements and challenges of each project to ensure successful implementation. As technology continues to evolve, event-driven architecture will play a vital role in shaping the future of modern software systems.






  1. 事件生產者:這些是負責產生和發佈事件的組件或系統。他們封裝與事件相關的邏輯和數據,並使其可以供其他組件消費。

  2. 事件消費者:事件消費者訂閱他們感興趣的特定類型的事件。他們接收並處理事件,觸發相關的行動或相應地更新系統狀態。消費者可以是單獨的微服務、組件或外部系統。

  3. 事件匯流排:事件匯流排充當通信介質,促進生產者和消費者之間的事件交換。它提供了一種可擴展且可靠的方式來分發事件給感興趣的各方。事件匯流排可以使用各種消息系統實現,如Apache Kafka、RabbitMQ或者一個簡單的消息經紀人。


  1. 可擴展性:EDA實現了橫向可擴展性,讓組織能夠有效地處理大量的工作負載和流量激增。通過事件驅動通信來解耦組件,獨立的服務可以獨立擴展,消除了與傳統架構相關的瓶頸。

  2. 鬆散耦合:EDA推廣組件之間的鬆散耦合,使系統更具靈活性並能夠適應變化。生產者和消費者彼此解耦,使服務的獨立開發、部署和維護成為可能。這種模組化增強了系統的靈活性並簡化了新功能或修改的引入。

  3. 事件源和CQRS:事件驅動架構自然地傾向於事件源和命令查詢職責分離(CQRS)模式。事件源將事件存儲為真實源,實現審計、可重播性和系統狀態的重建。CQRS將讀寫模型分開,允許為不同的使用案例優化查詢和擴展。

  4. 實時反應:使用事件驅動的系統,消費者可以實時對事件做出反應,從而導致響應時間更快和用戶體驗的提升。事件可以觸發即時的行動,例如發送通知、更新儀表盤或執行業務工作流,讓系統與最新狀態保持同步。



  1. 最終一致性:由於事件是異步分佈的,實現所有組件的強一致性可能是一個挑戰。系統需要處理最終一致性,並相應地設計數據同步策略。

  2. 事件模式演進:隨著系統的發展,事件模式可能會改變,這使得為了確保事件的順暢傳播和消費,計劃向後兼容和版本控制變得至關重要。

  3. 事件排序和重播:在某些情景下,可能需要按照特定的順序處理事件,或者為了審計、調試或系統恢復目的而重播事件。實現處理事件排序和重播的機制可能很複雜,並需要謹慎設計。



Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking - Unleash Your Inner Orator

One of my team member got a fear, which is the fear of public speaking. It impacts her work performance and impression from the senior management. I have been thinking how to help her to overcome it. Public speaking consistently ranks as one of the most common fears among people of all backgrounds. The mere thought of standing before a crowd and delivering a speech can trigger anxiety, sweaty palms, and a racing heart. However, the ability to communicate effectively in front of others is a skill that can open countless doors and propel your personal and professional growth. It's time to conquer your fear of public speaking and unlock your potential as a confident and compelling orator.

1. Embrace Preparation

The fear of public speaking often stems from a lack of confidence in one's abilities. One of the most effective ways to build confidence is through thorough preparation. Take the time to research your topic, organize your thoughts, and craft a clear and concise speech. Familiarize yourself with the venue, practice your delivery, and rehearse in front of a mirror or with a supportive friend. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel when facing your audience.

2. Start Small

Begin by addressing smaller, more intimate audiences or participate in speaking opportunities within a supportive environment, such as a local Toastmasters club. Gradually increase the size of your audience as you become more comfortable. Remember, every successful public speaker started somewhere, and it's perfectly normal to start small and work your way up.

3. Reframe Nervousness as Excitement

Instead of viewing your nervousness as a negative sensation, reframe it as excitement. Recognize that the adrenaline rush you feel before speaking is a sign that you care about your performance and are energized by the opportunity. Embrace this energy and channel it into your delivery, turning your fear into enthusiasm and passion.

4. Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful technique used by many successful individuals, including athletes and public speakers. Before your speech, take a moment to close your eyes and visualize yourself delivering a confident and engaging presentation. Imagine the positive reactions from the audience, the applause, and the sense of accomplishment. This exercise can help program your mind for success and alleviate anxiety.

5. Connect with Your Audience

Remember that your audience is composed of individuals just like you. Shift your focus from your own fears to the people you are addressing. Understand their needs, interests, and expectations. Engage them with relatable stories, humor, or thought-provoking questions. Establishing a connection will help you build rapport and foster a supportive environment.

6. Embrace Mistakes

Even the most seasoned public speakers make mistakes. Accept that making errors is a natural part of the learning process. Rather than dwelling on them, view mistakes as opportunities for growth and improvement. Maintain a sense of humor, stay composed, and carry on with your speech. Audiences are often forgiving, and they appreciate authenticity and resilience.

7. Seek Constructive Feedback

After delivering a speech, ask for feedback from trusted friends, colleagues, or mentors. Constructive criticism can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement. Consider joining a public speaking group or enrolling in a public speaking course where you can receive expert guidance and feedback from experienced speakers.


Overcoming the fear of public speaking is a journey that requires patience, practice, and a positive mindset. By embracing preparation, starting small, reframing nervousness, visualizing success, connecting with your audience, embracing mistakes, and seeking feedback, you can gradually build confidence and become a captivating and influential speaker. Remember, the ability to express your ideas with clarity and conviction is a skill that will empower you in various aspects of life, both personally and professionally. So take that first step, embrace the challenge, and unleash your inner orator.

克服公開演講的恐懼 - 釋放您的內在演說者


1. 擁抱準備


2. 從小處著手


3. 將緊張情緒轉化為興奮


4. 想像成功


5. 與你的觀眾建立連繫


6. 擁抱錯誤


7. 尋求具建設性的反饋


