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在這個充滿假設、習慣與既定規範的世界中,我們如何開闢通往真正創新的道路?答案在於擁抱 第一性原則——一種剝離複雜性、探尋事物本質的思維方式。


法國哲學家兼科學家 笛卡兒(René Descartes)將第一性原則描述為:對一切可懷疑的事物進行系統性懷疑,直到抵達無法否認的真理。這是一種挑戰現狀、質疑根深蒂固假設的思維方式,引導我們跳脫表面層次的思考。

第一性原則思維需要轉變心態: - 不再將現有系統和解決方案視為不可改變的真理。 - 不讓別人的願景決定自己的道路。 - 將問題拆解至最基本的組成部分,像是在茂密叢林中開闢新的小徑。



運用第一性原則,可以讓我們發現那些隱藏在顯而易見中的洞見——那些因為過於明顯,或因為傳統思維的遮蔽,而常常被忽略的洞見。正如哲學家 叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer)所說:


當你以第一性原則思考時,你不再是只會翻唱別人歌曲的樂隊,而是創作原創音樂的藝術家。你不再是 James Carse 所說的「有限遊戲玩家」(finite player),被規則和限制束縛,而是「無限遊戲玩家」(infinite player),超越界限、重塑可能性。

Elon Musk 與第一性原則的力量

第一性原則的經典案例來自 Elon Musk。當他無法在俄羅斯以合理價格購買火箭零件時,他意識到,太空探索的主要障礙不是技術上的,而是心理上的。數十年的社會認知讓人們認為進入太空昂貴且遙不可及。

然而,Musk 並未接受這一既定認知,而是運用第一性原則進行思考: - 分析火箭的基本組成——鋁、碳纖維、鈦等原材料。 - 質疑為何製造火箭的成本如此高昂。 - 發現如果能自行設計和生產火箭,就能大幅降低成本。

結果如何?SpaceX 誕生,徹底顛覆了太空探索產業。


正如 David Schwartz 所寫,阻礙我們實現抱負的最大障礙,往往存在於我們自己的心中。 社會讓我們相信:「飛得低比飛得高更安全」、「順著慣性滑行比大膽躍進更好」、「平庸的夢想比遠大的夢想更明智」。


正如 滾石樂隊(Rolling Stones)唱道:




第一性原則思維並不容易,它需要努力、創造力和勇氣。這種思維方式的核心在於: - 挑戰他人視為理所當然的假設。 - 想像尚未存在的解決方案。 - 在逆境中開創新局面。


所以下次當你面對複雜的挑戰時,不妨退一步思考,問自己: - 有哪些未經質疑的假設? - 什麼才是不可或缺的核心本質? - 我能如何用不同的方式來解決這個問題?


The Joy of Being Wrong - Embracing Discovery and Growth

In the world of research and discovery, there’s an often-overlooked truth: being wrong is one of the best things that can happen to you. It’s not just a sign of humility or a badge of courage—it’s a gateway to learning and progress. This might sound counterintuitive, but as I reflect on my experiences and those of others, it’s clear that embracing errors with an open mind can lead to breakthroughs that far outweigh the sting of being incorrect.

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with Danny, a senior researcher whose insights I deeply admire. One day, Danny came across data that completely contradicted one of his long-held assumptions. Instead of frustration or defensiveness, his reaction was one of pure joy. His eyes lit up, and a wide grin spread across his face as he exclaimed, “This is fantastic—my idea was wrong!”

Later, over lunch, I asked him about his reaction. For me, it was a revelation. How could anyone be so thrilled to discover their mistake? Danny explained with calm confidence, “Every time I find out I’m wrong, I know I’ve learned something important. It means I’ve gotten a little closer to the truth, and my understanding has improved.”

At 85 years old, Danny said, he still relishes the chance to uncover errors in his thinking. “If no one ever pointed out my mistakes, I wouldn’t grow,” he added. “Being wrong means I’ve reduced my blind spots, even if just by a little.”

Danny’s attitude resonated deeply with me because it mirrored my own journey. When I was a university student, I was initially drawn to social sciences because of their ability to challenge my expectations. I loved reading studies that conflicted with my assumptions, eagerly rethinking my beliefs and sharing these revelations with my roommates.

During my first independent research project, I tested several hypotheses I had painstakingly developed. To my surprise—and slight embarrassment—most of them turned out to be completely wrong. But instead of feeling defeated, I was thrilled. Those “mistakes” meant I had learned something new. It was as if the process itself rewarded me with a sense of progress and discovery.

Why does being wrong sometimes feel so liberating? It’s because error is an unmistakable sign that we’re learning. Growth doesn’t come from being right all the time—it comes from curiosity, from challenging our own ideas, and from seeking out perspectives that don’t align with ours.

For example, when we study individuals who excel at making predictions, like expert forecasters, one key takeaway is their willingness to revise their views in the face of new evidence. Whether it’s refining statistical models or rethinking political predictions, the best forecasters don’t cling to their initial assumptions. Instead, they see error as an opportunity to improve.

Even if forecasting or statistical analysis isn’t your passion, observing how experts like these adapt their thinking can teach us a lot about intellectual humility and continuous improvement.

This mindset isn’t just for researchers and forecasters. Whether you’re working on a complex project, making decisions in your career, or simply navigating daily life, embracing the possibility of being wrong opens the door to growth.

Next time you encounter a mistake or a challenge to your assumptions, pause for a moment. Instead of feeling defensive, try to channel a bit of Danny’s enthusiasm. Ask yourself: What can I learn from this? How can this reshape my understanding?

In doing so, you’ll not only improve your knowledge but also cultivate a resilience and curiosity that will serve you well in every aspect of life.

Learning to see being wrong as a gift takes practice, but it’s a perspective that can transform how you approach challenges. After all, the joy of discovery isn’t just in being right—it’s in the journey toward deeper understanding. As Danny reminded me, the only way to be sure you’re learning is to celebrate the moments when your assumptions are proven wrong.

What’s the last mistake you learned from? Let’s embrace our errors and share the wisdom they bring.





丹尼今年 85 歲了,但他依然熱衷於發現自己的思維漏洞。他說:「如果沒有人指出我的錯誤,我就無法成長。犯錯代表我的盲點少了一點,即使只是微不足道的一點。






即使你對預測或數據分析不感興趣,觀察這些專家如何適應新資訊,也能讓我們學習到關於智慧謙遜(intellectual humility)與持續精進的寶貴態度






