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克服公開演講的恐懼 - 釋放您的內在演說者


1. 擁抱準備


2. 從小處著手


3. 將緊張情緒轉化為興奮


4. 想像成功


5. 與你的觀眾建立連繫


6. 擁抱錯誤


7. 尋求具建設性的反饋




探索印度尼西亞的活力之心 - 雅加達


1. 文化的大熔爐

作為世界上人口最多的城市之一,雅加達是真正的文化大熔爐。在這裡,你可以見識到各種族群,包括爪哇、巽他、貝塔維等的和諧共存。傳統、語言和美食的混合創造出一個魅力四溢的畫面,反映出國家的多元性。探索像 Kota Tua、Glodok 和 Menteng 這樣的社區,將讓你體驗到雅加達的文化豐富性和建築遺產。

2. 歷史珍寶

雅加達有一段追溯至公元4世紀的迷人歷史。該城市見證了帝國的興衰、獨立鬥爭以及後續的城市發展。歷史愛好者可以參觀如國家博物館的地方,該處展示了一批令人印象深刻的印度尼西亞文物,或者可以參觀國家紀念碑(Monas),這是獨立的象徵。 Kota Tua,也被稱為老城區,帶你通過其荷蘭式建築和鵝卵石街道,重新經歷殖民時代的雅加達。

3. 現代奇觀

儘管雅加達擁抱其歷史根源,但它也是一座繁榮於現代性的城市。城市線條優美,鑲嵌著令人印象深刻的摩天大樓,其中包括像 BNI City Tower 和 Wisma 46 這樣的象徵性地標。這個城市擁有世界一流的購物商場,如 Plaza Indonesia 和 Grand Indonesia,為購物狂和美食愛好者提供了避風港。如果想要品味雅加達的繁華夜生活,可以去 Kemang 或 SCBD 這樣的時尚地區,那裡有眾多的俱樂部、酒吧和現場音樂場所。

4. 美食體驗

來雅加達的訪問不會完整,除非你沉醉於其令人垂涎的美食場景。這座城市提供了一個美食寶藏,從街頭小吃攤到高級餐廳,應有盡有。嘗試當地人最愛的食物,如炒飯(nasi goreng)、菜沙拉配花生醬(gado-gado)和烤串(satay)。如果想要獲得真實的體驗,可以在 Jalan Sabang 或 Pasar Santa 的美食攤位探索,那裡可以品嚐到各種美味的菜餚,價格也很實惠。

5. 大自然的療癒

在城市的繁華攝人中,雅加達以其天然美景的綠洲讓遊客驚喜。Thousand Islands 位於離海岸不遠的地方,提供了從城市喧囂中逃脫的寧靜之地。這些風景如畫的島嶼為浮潛、潛水和在原始的海灘上放鬆提供了機會。此外,還可以參觀 Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,這是一個展示國家多樣化風景、傳統房屋和文化表演的文化公園。








  1. 數據源的靈活性:Grafana支持許多數據源,包括如Graphite,InfluxDB,Prometheus,Elasticsearch等流行的數據庫。此種靈活性使得用戶能夠連接到他們喜愛的數據源,並無縫地可視化數據,無任何困擾。

  2. 交互式儀表板:Grafana的儀表板高度交互,提供用戶深入到特定數據點,縮放時間範圍並應用過濾器以聚焦最相關的信息。拖曳編輯器使創建和自定義面板,圖表和圖形變得輕易,以滿足個人需求。

  3. 警報與通知:Grafana的警報系統賦權用戶根據數據閾值和條件定義自定義警報規則。當這些規則被觸發時,Grafana可以通過各種通道例如電子郵件,Slack,PagerDuty或自定義webhooks發送通知,確保即時處理關鍵問題。

  4. 豐富的插件生態系統:Grafana的插件生態系統是其最大的優勢之一。有了大量的插件,用戶可以通過與其他工具集成,添加新的可視化選項,或連接到額外的數據源來擴展Grafana的功能。這種擴展性允許用戶根據他們特定的需求定制他們的Grafana體驗。

  5. 社區與社區儀表板:Grafana擁有一個充滿活力且活躍的社區,不斷貢獻新的儀表板,插件和增強功能。社區儀表板可供用戶導入和使用,節省了從零開創儀表板的時間和努力。Grafana的這種合作方面確保了用戶可以利用社區的集體專業知識創建有影響力的視覺化。


  1. 基礎設施監控:Grafana擅長監控和可視化基礎設施組件的健康和性能,如服務器,數據庫和網絡設備。通過與Prometheus和Graphite等工具集成,Grafana提供了對資源利用,系統指標和網絡流量的實時洞察。

  2. 應用性能監控(APM):Grafana可以集成APM工具,如Jaeger,Zipkin或Prometheus,以監控應用的性能和可用性。它讓用戶可以跟蹤響應時間,錯誤率和其他關鍵指標,從而有效地進行故障排除和最佳化。

  3. 商業智能和分析:在商業智能和分析領域,Grafana也同樣有價值。用戶可以連接到 MySQL,PostgreSQL 或者 Microsoft SQL Server 等數據庫,創建互動式儀表板,對銷售數據,客戶行為,市場活動以及其他商業衡量指標提供洞察。



學習有效溝通的技巧 - 與上司對話時,不要變成問題


















棉花糖挑戰 - 揭示團隊合作、創意和創新的課程


















Create An Innovation Strategy with Design Thinking

Thought Machine is a fintech company that builds cloud-native technology to revolutionize core banking and payments. The company was founded in 2014 by a former Google employee, Paul Taylor. Its mission is to eliminate legacy technology from the world's banks in a comprehensive and lasting way. To achieve this, the company is rebuilding the fundamental technologies of banking.

The current situation at Thought Machine is one of rapid growth, as the company expands its offerings and increases its global reach. Innovation is crucial not only for expanding beyond the tier 1 and 2 bank segments with complex deployments, but also for staying ahead of competitors who may develop similar products. To ensure the company's survival and prosperity in the coming decade, an innovation strategy is necessary. Adopting design thinking successfully is a prerequisite for sustained vitality

The innovation strategy involves using design thinking principles to drive innovation within our organization. This means understanding the needs and desires of our banking customers and using that knowledge to create products and services that meet those needs in new and exciting ways. Through this approach, Thought Machine can develop banking products and services that have the potential to disrupt the banking market.

The focus of this innovative initiative is on developing new core banking product features and functionality, exploring new use cases to meet customer needs and remain competitive, improving operational efficiency by reducing cloud hosting costs and CPU resources. As a result of that, we would be increasing market share by capturing a larger market share in APAC, including Singapore, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Japan, and expanding the number of clients from Europe to the new region. To develop an innovation strategy for my management team at Thought Machine, I would recommend the steps below.

Firstly, we need to identify the greatest pain points of banking customers that Thought Machine can alleviate. In a sales and client-facing environment, backend engineers can speak directly to banking customers and observe them in their offices, rather than sitting in the Thought Machine office and imagining what they want. By conducting user interviews, we can often shatter preconceptions. While our backend engineers may be technology-oriented, my experience of talking to business users in banks has shown that technology is not considered a competitive edge by them. The true pain point is their inability to provide new services to their customers due to the complexity of legacy technology. The focus is not on the technology itself, but on the ability of new technology to enable them to offer new financial services in the market.

After speaking with many banking customers, we have a better understanding of their pain points. Despite the proliferation of cloud infrastructure in the market, most of the world's top retail banks are still running on legacy systems, such as IBM mainframes. Banks are burdened by the old systems they are hard to maintain. Legacy stacks do not support the ways of working needed to rapidly deliver new financial products to customers. Significant time and resources are wasted because the old services are tightly coupled, introducing the risk of cascading issues. Moreover, the banking industry is highly regulated, and senior management of banks are often unwilling to take risks and make changes, as they are concerned about reputation damage.

After identifying the pain point, we can use divergent thinking to brainstorm ideas and apply design thinking principles for prototyping and testing. The best way to maintain momentum is to get code into the hands of banking users as quickly as possible. This will help determine whether the solution has potential or not and, if so, what needs to be done to enhance it. The goal of prototyping is not to achieve perfection, but to create something good enough to take to customers and gather feedback. For instance, instead of requesting a high-risk big bang migration of their existing core banking system, banks could conduct a parallel run and move only a portion of new products in our platform to test our solutions.

There are different types of innovation outcomes we could pursue, and the one we have chosen is radical innovation, which requires new technical competencies while leveraging our existing business model. In today's world, banks are still using legacy technology on mainframes in on-premises data centers, while our cloud-native core banking product transforms the infrastructure. Our innovations include product innovation, where we offer high configurability and a single source of truth for data and real-time reporting. The new features and functionality we explore will enable banks to achieve something new in the market, meet customer needs, and stay competitive.

Additionally, our new technology can provide process innovation benefits to the banks, including lower costs and higher levels of agility than legacy core systems using mainframe technology. The operational processes would be more efficient because the banks would not need to hire developers to write legacy programming languages such as Pascal or Cobol. Additionally, hosting costs would be much lower than with legacy mainframe systems. As for business model innovation, we can leverage our existing licensing model, and we are also exploring strategic partnerships to increase our market share. However, the extent of our expansion is constrained by factors such as regulatory requirements and legal compliance.

Furthermore, I need to foster a culture of innovation by encouraging experimentation rather than relying solely on PowerPoint presentations. I should create an environment where employees feel empowered to take risks and think creatively. Collaborating with partners in the fintech ecosystem could help us create innovative solutions that meet the needs of our banking customers.

I can measure the success of our innovation efforts by tracking key performance indicators such as customer satisfaction ratings and feedback on how easily our product accommodates most of the bank use cases and payment needs out of the box. I can also compare the number of new features developed and released to the usage and adoption rates for the client's implementation.

Another KPI would be the return on investment, which would be reflected in a low cost-to-income ratio compared to our peers. We can achieve this by leveraging our cloud-native architecture, for example, by reducing hosting costs and CPU resource usage. I should also track revenue growth by monitoring the number of high-quality banks that sign up with us, including the number of new clients acquired, the amount of license revenue generated per client, and our market share in the APAC region compared to our competitors.

To lead, manage, and inspire innovation in Thought Machine, I would recommend the following actions. Firstly, I would lead by example by fostering a culture of innovation and taking risks myself, such as open to feedback and conduct brownbag sharing sessions for failure lesson learnt. I would also empower other employees to take risks and think creatively by providing them with the necessary resources and support to innovate, such as using recognitions, rewards, promotion and bonus as the incentive. I would encourage collaboration both within and outside the organization to drive innovation, by breaking down the silos and conducting role rotation. I would recognize and reward employees who come up with innovative ideas and solutions, celebrate our successes and use them as inspiration for further innovation.

The implementation of an innovation strategy may face some potential challenges and risks, including employee resistance to change, with most employees unwilling to take risks or think creatively. Without a communication plan, employees would feel uncomfortable sharing their concerns and questions about the changes. Without explaining the why on a change is necessary, employees would be confused about the purpose of the changes. To make things worse, without proper training and support on change management, there are no effective ways to alleviate concerns and increase confidence in new processes and new technologies introduced. Change would fail to be implemented without buy-in and taking ownership of the changes.

Innovation requires resources, but there is a shortage of funding and other human resources to support innovation efforts. Additionally, undervaluing and underinvesting in the human aspect of innovation is another common barrier. Our top management often put the best technical people in charge rather than the best leaders. These technically oriented managers then mistakenly assume that good ideas will speak for themselves, so they neglect external communication. They also prioritize tasks over relationships, missing opportunities to enhance the team chemistry necessary to turn undeveloped concepts into useful innovations.

Moreover, teams dedicated to innovation initiatives often face conflicts with the rest of the organization. As a client engineering manager, I am responsible for my team's ongoing operations and sometimes may hear feedback about the innovation team as unproductive, while the innovation team may dismiss the operations team as bureaucratic. It is common to separate the two groups, but it is problematic when a group is asked to innovate in isolation. Nurturing a healthy partnership can be challenging. Conflicts between innovation initiatives and ongoing operations are normal and can easily escalate. Tensions can turn into rivalries, which in turn can lead to hostilities and office politics, ultimately leading to a negative impact on Thought Machine’s long-term viability.

To manage these challenges and risks, we could implement the following strategies. To overcome resistance to change, we should create a communication plan to explain the "why" and the benefits of innovation to all employees and help them understand how it can benefit both the organization and them. We should not neglect communication and relationship building outside of the team. Innovators cannot work in isolation if we want our ideas to be successful. We must build a coalition of supporters who will provide cover for the project, speak up for them in meetings, and sponsor the innovation to move into the next stages.

Furthermore, selecting the right individuals and establishing new working relationships are fundamental steps in building an effective innovation team. Having a diverse background, including outsiders, can be beneficial as outsiders naturally challenge assumptions since their biases and instincts are rooted in their previous experiences.

As a leader, it is important for me to address conflicts by continuously reinforcing a relationship of mutual respect. The differences between the operation team and innovation team may be significant. As a client engineering manager, the performance metrics for the operation team are focused on efficiency, accountability, timeliness, adherence to budget, and meeting client requirements. In every project, our approach is to make every task, process, and activity as repeatable and predictable as possible to ensure project success. However, the key performance indicator (KPI) for the innovation team should be the opposite. Innovative initiatives are by nature non-routine and uncertain. These incompatibilities can create conflicting dynamics. To manage these challenges, we should align our innovation efforts with the priorities of Thought Machine and ensure they are consistent with our overall strategy. Additionally, we should celebrate our successes and use them as inspiration for further innovation.

A proposed action plan for fostering innovation within the organization would be to establish an innovation team, where employees can experiment with new ideas and test new products and services. This would be staffed with a dedicated group of business analysts and engineers who can closely collaborate with banking clients to develop and prototype new ideas. The innovation team would be a sub-division within my client service department, with minimal overhead and more control and accountability within my team, allowing for investment in the success of the initiative. A senior engineer would take on a dual role as the subject matter expert, which would keep them engaged and challenged. As they have existing strong relationships within the same office as other teams, they can communicate effectively. The team would conduct user research on new core banking features, develop tooling to lower costs, and support the sales team in securing new deals in APAC. The team would also introduce design thinking culture to the wider company.

The team is sponsored by the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and led by the product manager who is responsible for communicating goals and priorities. The team consists of a cross-functional team with the following main roles: 3 Senior Engineers for product development who are responsible for the quality of its technical outcomes, 2 Business Analysts for requirement gathering, and 1 Architect for the design of the platform. The amount of time they dedicate in a year is broken down below (assuming 260 working days in a year): Product manager: 200 man-days (77% per year), Architect: 100 man-days (38% per year), Business Analyst: 250 man-days (48% per year per person), and Engineers: 400 man-days (51% per year per person). This would be a significant amount of time commitment and may require them to be fully focused and remove distractions.

In terms of funding, a total investment of SGD $1,566,250 is needed for these initiatives to cover the cost of resources for forming the innovation team. The breakdown is as follows: Product manager - 200 days x $1680 daily rate = $336,000, Architect - 100 days x $2100 daily rate = $210,000, Business Analyst - 250 days x $1505 daily rate = $376,250, Engineer - 400 days x $1610 daily rate = $644,000. Operational costs are not included because they will be taken from the normal budget and no additional funding will be required for this initiative.

There are several existing assets present in Thought Machine that we could leverage on. Firstly, we have technical capabilities on the product development team, with experienced developers and product managers. We have been building and scaling cloud-native core banking products for nine years. This technical expertise is essential for developing new features and functionality. Secondly, we have existing relationships with banks and our customer base, who can provide insights into their existing hosting costs compared to the new solution we provide. The financial resources from the bank are secure and significant, allowing us to support and invest in our product research. Thirdly, we have existing partnership engagements, such as Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, that can support our efforts to expand in the APAC region and leverage our brand reputation in the market. Implementation partners, such as Accenture, would also help us to attract new clients.

There are four phases of activities. In the first phase, a 2-week workshop will be conducted to define the scope and problem statement using "How Might We" technique, set objectives, brainstorm ideas with divergent thinking, and identify key target users. The team will conduct user research and interviews to understand the customers in APAC regions, create a user journey map and persona, and identify their needs and pain points. The insights gathered will then be synthesized to identify solutions.

In the second phase, there will be an eight-week proof of concept (POC) period. This involves exploring and prototyping new ideas for new core banking product features, as well as proving their usability. Real-world scenario testing will be conducted to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of these new features.

In the third phase, it will take six weeks to build the minimum viable product (MVP). The architecture design will focus on finding ways to lower cloud hosting costs and CPU utilization. The team will analyze the data and identify areas of improvement. They will reach out to partners in the APAC region to explore sales opportunities with digital banks and traditional banks. The team will communicate with key stakeholders and select tools, such as chatbots, for implementing the new product features. The MVP will include a basic version of the product with essential features to meet customer needs and address pain points. The team will lower hosting costs by shutting down underutilized resources, developing tools for auto-scaling resources, and validating assumptions. They will open an office in the new region and actively participate in networking events with partners, focusing on feedback and improving with each iteration.

In the final phase, there will be a 3-month pilot launch. The team will soft launch the product features to a selected group of clients to collect user feedback for product improvement. The team will analyze the problems encountered by the clients and make necessary adjustments. The team will also recalculate the cloud hosting cost estimation using the new data, monitor performance, and reliability in the real-world environment. The team will then sign the legal contract for closing deals with new clients. Finally, the team will evaluate the success and desired outcomes of the pilot launch.

In conclusion, Thought Machine's innovative strategy outlined in this plan is aimed at addressing key pain points of customers and positioning the company for growth in the APAC region. With a focus on user-centric design and strategic partnerships, Thought Machine aims to build a cutting-edge core banking product that provides a competitive advantage in the market. The plan proposes a structured approach to innovation, with four distinct phases aimed at identifying opportunities, testing solutions, and launching a minimum viable product. By dedicating significant resources to this effort and actively engaging with key stakeholders, Thought Machine can create a product that meets the evolving needs of customers in the region, expand our customer base, and drive significant growth in the coming years. The management team should carefully consider the recommendations outlined in this plan and take the necessary steps to implement them effectively, which is the key to beating competitors. Disrupt or be disrupted.


設計思維並不容易。在過去的幾週中,我經歷了以人為中心的創新方法、流程、工具並且技術,我現在正在寫下以下的文章來反思這些經驗。從領導角度來看,我希望能提供一個分析並評價此方法如何與我在Thought Machine的組織相關聯。我預見到將設計思維融入到我的組織和工作實踐中,將會是一個重大的障礙。

Thought Machine是一家專注於雲原生核心銀行產品的金融科技行業新創公司。該公司由前谷歌員工於2014年在英國創立,他們具有獨特的焦點與強大的工程文化,並主要聘請技術人員。與傳統的更注重業務驅動的銀行不同,我們的組織還沒有將“在技術之前先考慮人”這種以客戶為中心的心態作為優先考慮的事物。




我在Thought Machine的角色是作為工程經理的客戶對門角色。我認為在我的團隊中,以客戶為中心的創新方法將達到最好的效果。因為這是一個迭代的設計過程,重點在於用戶需求。這不是一次性的過程,我可以通過將以用戶為中心的DNA插入其中以改善我

理解ERC20代幣 - 以太坊上可替代代幣的骨幹











雖然任何人似乎都可以使用智能合約在以太坊上創建代幣,但遵守代幣標準對於確保互操作性至關重要。如果沒有共同的標準,每種代幣都需要定制的代碼,從而導致復雜性和效率低下。 ERC20代幣標準的引入就是為了解決這個問題,它為在以太坊區塊鏈上創建可替換代幣提供了指導。


"ERC"在ERC20中代表以太坊請求意見稿,這意味著在以太坊網絡上開發標準的協同性質。 ERC20定義了代幣智能合約必須實現的一組函數和事件,以被視為符合ERC20的。這些函數和事件建立了所有ERC20代幣的通用接口,確保了與各種平台和服務的兼容性和無縫集成。



  1. totalSupply():此函數返回現存的ERC20代幣的總供應量。

  2. balanceOf():它允許用戶查詢特定帳戶的代幣餘額。

  3. transfer():此函數使代幣可以從一個帳戶轉移到另一個帳戶,前提是發件人擁有代幣。

  4. allowance():用戶可以使用此函數授權另一個帳戶代表他們花費一定數量的代幣。

  5. approve():此函數用於改變給另一個帳戶的額度。

  6. transferFrom():它允許一個指定的帳戶代表其他帳戶轉移代幣。



您可以嘗試在remix IDE上編寫和部署solidity代碼:


pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "";

contract MyERC20Token is ERC20 {
    address public owner;

    constructor() ERC20("victor coin", "VCOIN") {
        owner = msg.sender;

    function mintTokens(uint256 amount) external {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "you are not the owener");
        _mint(owner, amount);





  1. 尽可能早期的测试安全性: DevSecOps强调早期检测和预防安全漏洞。通过将安全性检测融入开发过程,团队可以在早期阶段确定并解决潜在的风险。应该使用自动化安全测试工具,如静态应用程序安全测试(SAST)和动态应用程序安全测试(DAST),以识别代码和正在运行的应用程序中的漏洞。

  2. 優先考慮預防性的安全控制: DevSecOps不僅依賴於反應式控制,還提倡實施預防性的安全控制。這種方法包括建立安全的編碼實踐,定期進行安全代碼審核,並實施安全配置管理。通過專注於預防,組織可以減少安全事件發生的可能性並降低潛在風險。

  3. 識別並記錄對安全事件的回應: 雖然預防非常重要,但也必須為安全事件做好準備。DevSecOps鼓勵組織制定清晰的事故響應計劃和文件記錄。這確保在發生事故時,回應迅速有效,將對軟體和組織的影響降至最低。定期的事故模擬和演練可以幫助改進事故響應能力。

  4. 自動化,自動化,自動化: 自動化是DevSecOps的核心。通过自动化安全检查、代码审阅、漏洞扫描和部署过程,组织可以减少人为错误并提高效率。自动化实现持续集成和持续部署(CI / CD),确保在快速的软件交付中不会妥协安全性。

  5. 收集指標以不斷改進: DevSecOps鼓勵用數據驅動的方式來處理軟體安全。通過收集並分析與安全性測試、漏洞、事故響應和合規性相關的指標,組織可以確定改進的領域。持續監控和度量標準使團隊能夠追蹤進度,識別趨勢,並實施針對性的安全增強措施。

DevSecOps 管道設計策略


  • 自動化所有事情:將整個軟體交付管道自動化,從碼測試到部署,確保安全檢查是流程的一部分。
  • 包括您的組織的安全驗證檢查:根據您的組織的合規要求和標準量身制定的安全驗證檢查。
  • 禁欲起始:從最小可行的管道開始,並根據需要逐步添加安全控制,保持敏捷性和安全性之間的平衡。
  • 將管道視為基礎設施:將安全實踐,如版本控制,備份和災難恢復,應用於管道本身。
  • 擁有卷動策略:將管道的變更逐步實施,此舉可以在更廣泛部署前進行適當的測試與驗證。
  • 包括自動回滾功能:如果在部署後檢測到安全問題,則應加入自動回滾機制。
  • 建立堅固的反饋迴圈:利用可觀測性和監控工具主動識別異常,並收集反饋以進行持續改進。
  • 建立生產環境的前置環境:確保劃定,開發,和測試環境接近生產環境,以有效的驗證保安措施。
  • 包括完整性檢查和依賴性漏洞掃描:驗證組建引泉包的完整性,並進行徹底的掃描來檢測和解決依賴性中的漏洞。
  • 考慮管道權限和角色:指派適當的權限和角色給管道中的參與者,確保安全性和問責性。



  • 内部政策和标准:使管道的安全实践与组织设置的内部政策和标准相一致。
  • 外部监管机构:遵守外部实体,例如新加坡金融管理局(MAS)或其他相关监管机构的监管要求。
  • 識別正確的安全級別:評估軟體的敏感性和關鍵性,確定需要實施的適當安全級別。
  • 考慮功能性和非功能性的要求:以軟體的功能性、效能和使用者體驗相關的安全要求。



  • 保護敏感信息:避免在代码或管道中存储密码和密钥。实施安全的密码管理实践。
  • 軟體組成分析(SCA):執行第三方和函式庫尋找,並儘可能地重用先前已經審批過並且被接受的代碼。
  • 靜態應用程序安全性測試(SAST):進行程式碼審查以在開發階段識別並解決漏洞。
  • 動態應用程序安全性測試(DAST):動態運行應用程序以發現漏洞和潜在的利用辦法。



  • 在DevSecOps管道的設計階段納入合規性考慮因素。
  • 利用现代的安全自动化工具和做法来检测和预防安全漏洞。
  • 優先考慮預防性控制以減少風險和降低安全事故發生的可能性。
  • 收集並分析指標以不斷改進安全實踐和流程。
  • 專注於團隊間的一致性和協作,而不是使用的具體工具。








1.數據科學知識有限:導入 AIOps 需要數據科學、機器學習和統計分析的專門技術。公司可能會在招聘和提升具有必要技能的人員方面遇到挑戰,以有效地利用 AIOps 技術。

2.服務複雜性和依賴性:現代 IT 基礎設施複雜且相互關聯,這使得準確確定服務依賴性變得困難。AIOps 解決方案需要處理這種複雜性並提供整個系統的全面視圖,以準確識別問題的根本原因。

3.對信任和有效性的問題:組織往往會因對生成的洞察和建議的準確性和有效性的擔憂而對 AIOps 系統的信任度變低。確保透明和可靠是建立對 AIOps 技術信任的關鍵。

土法煉鋼:首選 AIOps 落地場景

雖然存在挑戰,但 AIOps 也提供了改善運營管理的許多機會。以下是 AIOps 可以提供重大效益的一些領域:

  • 异常检测:AIOps 可以帮助识别并通知运维团队系统行为中的不寻常模式或异常值,从而实现迅速回应和故障排除。

  • 配置更改检测:AIOps 可以自动检测和跟踪配置更改,提供对这些变更对系统影响的可见性,促进问题快速解决。

  • 基于指标的遥测和基础设施服务:AIOps 可以分析指标和遥测数据,提供有关基础设施服务性能和健康状况的见解,实现积极维护和优化。

  • 建议已知故障:AIOps 可以利用历史数据和模式,建议可能发生的失败或以前发生过的问题,帮助团队积极应对它们。

  • 預測糾正:通過分析模式和歷史數據,AIOps可以預測可能的問題或故障,並推薦糾正行動,這樣團隊就可以在問題發生之前採取預防措施。

AWS 中 AIOps 的示例


  • CloudWatch异常检测:AWS CloudWatch 提供异常检测功能,允许用户自动识别其监控数据(例如,CPU 使用量、网络流量或应用日志)中的不寻常模式或行为。

  • DevOps Guru 建议:AWS DevOps Guru 使用机器学习分析运营数据、检测异常,并提供解决问题和改善系统性能的行动建议。

  • EC2 的预测性扩展:AWS 为 EC2 实例提供预测性扩展功能,这个功能利用历史数据和机器学习算法自动调整 EC2 实例的容量,以便根据预测的需求进行调整,确保最佳性能和成本效益。


雖然 AIOps 表現出了潛力,但仍有一些領域需要改進以充分實現其潛力:

  • 服務和關係依賴性複雜:AIOps 解決方案需要更好地處理複雜的服務架構,並準確識別不同服務之間的依賴關係,以提供更準確的見解和根本原因分析。

  • 豐富的元數據和標記實踐:AIOps 在很大程度上依賴元數據和標記實踐來使數據具有語境。組織必須保持全面的元數據並堅持良好的標記實踐,以確保準確的分析和有效的故障排除。

  • 長期數據用於重複模式:AIOps 系統可以從長期的歷史數據中獲益,有效地識別重複的模式和異常。組織需要確保數據的保存並建立數據庫,以利用這種能力。

  • 您不知道,無法控制或儀器的服務:當處理第三方服務或組件時,AIOps 可能遇到限制,這些服務或組件在組織的控制之外或缺乏適當的儀器。將這種服務整合到 AIOps 工作流程中可能會面臨挑戰。

  • 成本對效益:實施和維護 AIOps 解決方案可能需要大量資源。組織需要仔細評估成本效益比,以確保 AIOps 提供的見解和自動化值得投資。

AWS 中 AIOps 的示例

為了解決這些挑戰,AWS 提供了像:

  • AWS X-Ray 的分散追蹤:AWS X-Ray 提供了分散追蹤的能力,用戶可以追蹤微服務的請求,了解其依賴性和性能,從而對不同的組件進行故障排除和性能優化。

  • AWS Lookout for Metrics:AWS Lookout for Metrics 將機器學習算法應用於時間序列數據,使用戶可以檢測他們的指標中的異常和不尋常的模式,從而促進更快的故障排除和積極的維護。

實施 AIOps 時應記住的建議:

  • 最好的標記地點:在創建服務或資源時應添加標籤,以確保分析的一致性和容易度。

  • 使用易讀的鍵和值:較短的標籤,具有有意義且易於理解的鍵和值,可以簡化解析和分析,從而提高 AIOps 的效果。

  • 命名和格式的一致性:在服務和資源中建立一致的命名慣例和標籤格式,以確保準確的數據分析和故障排除。

  • 考慮基礎設施作為代碼:擁抱基礎設施作為代碼的實踐,以維持一致性和可重複性,使得 AIOps 的能力更容易整合到開發和部署流程中。


為了有效運用 AIOps,工程師應該採用包含以下內容的設計思維方法:

  • 已知知識:利用類比、橫向思維和經驗來有效解決已知問題。

  • 已知未知:使用 AIOps 工具建立假設,衡量和迭代,探索並解決以前未識別的問題。

  • 未知已知:參與頭腦風暴和群體速寫會議,利用不斷發展的AI功能,從現有數據中發掘見解。

  • 未知的未知:接受研究和探索,以識別和解決新興的挑戰,這些挑戰目前的 AIOps 能力可能尚未完全解決。


儘管 AIOps 已經取得了進展,但完全自動化的根本原因分析仍然是一個挑戰。AIOps 可以幫助縮小潛在的原因範圍,但在複雜系統中,仍需要人類的專業知識和調查來確定確定的根本原因。


通過利用大數據分析、機器學習和自動化的能力,AIOps提供了一種管理和優化運營的強大方法。雖然存在挑戰,但AIOps可以提供重大好處,包括異常檢測、配置變更檢測、預測糾正以及提供基礎設施服務的見解。組織在實施 AIOps 時應仔細評估,考慮到如服務複雜性、元數據管理以及成本效益分析等因素。通過結合人類的專業知識和 AIOps 的能力,組織可以實現更大的運營效率,並趨助於在問題影響他們的業務之前,主動處理問題。