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使用 Numba 加速 Python —— GPU 程式設計入門

Python 因其簡潔性與強大的科學運算函式庫,成為開發者的首選。然而,對於計算密集型任務,Python 的執行效率可能成為瓶頸。這時,Numba —— 一款即時編譯器(Just-In-Time Compiler),能夠將數值運算為主的 Python 代碼在 CPU 和 GPU 上大幅提速。

在本文中,我們將探討如何使用 Numba 簡化基於 NVIDIA CUDA 平台的 GPU 程式設計,即便是對 C/C++ 不熟悉的開發者,也能輕鬆上手。

什麼是 Numba?

Numba 是一款 即時編譯(JIT)、類型專門化(Type-Specializing)、函式編譯器(Function Compiler),可將 Python 函式轉換為最佳化的機器碼。無論是 CPU 或 NVIDIA GPU,Numba 都能在最少代碼改動的情況下大幅提升效能。

Numba 的主要特點包括: - 函式編譯器:優化單獨的函式,而非整個程式。 - 類型專門化:根據參數類型生成高效實作。 - 即時編譯:函式執行時才編譯,以適應 Python 動態類型特性。 - 數值運算優化:專注於 intfloatcomplex 等數據類型。

為何選擇 GPU 程式設計?

GPU 具備大規模並行運算能力,能夠同時執行數千個線程,特別適用於矩陣運算、模擬計算、圖像處理等數據並行任務。NVIDIA 的 CUDA 平台釋放了 GPU 的潛能,而 Numba 提供了 Python 友好的介面,使開發者能夠利用 CUDA,而無需深入學習 C/C++。

開始使用 Numba

CPU 優化

在深入 GPU 運算前,先來看看 Numba 如何加速 Python 的 CPU 運算。透過 @jit 修飾器,Numba 可優化以下計算斜邊長度的函式:

from numba import jit
import math

def hypot(x, y):
    return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

當函式首次被呼叫時,Numba 會將其編譯為機器碼,從而加快運行速度。

GPU 加速

Numba 提供對 CUDA 的支援,使 GPU 編程變得簡單。我們可以利用 @vectorize 修飾器,將 NumPy 通用函式(ufuncs)加速到 GPU。例如,向量化的標量加法可如下實現:

from numba import vectorize
import numpy as np

@vectorize(['int64(int64, int64)'], target='cuda')
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([4, 5, 6])
print(add(a, b))  # 輸出: [5, 7, 9]

這行代碼會觸發 GPU 運算,包括記憶體分配、數據傳輸及核心(kernel)執行。

Numba 的進階功能

自訂 CUDA 核心函式

對於超越元素級別運算的場景,Numba 支援使用 @cuda.jit 修飾器編寫自訂 CUDA 核心(kernel),讓開發者可以更精細地控制執行緒行為,進一步優化複雜演算法。


在更高級的 GPU 程式設計中,Numba 支援 2D 和 3D 資料結構,以及 CUDA 共享記憶體機制,幫助開發者打造針對特定應用的高效 GPU 代碼。

CUDA 程式設計選項比較

Numba 不是唯一的 Python GPU 編程庫,下表對比了幾種常見選項:

框架 優勢 劣勢
CUDA C/C++ 高效能,完整 CUDA API 需要 C/C++ 專業知識
pyCUDA Python 介面,可直接使用 CUDA API 需要較多代碼改動
Numba 代碼改動少,Pythonic 語法 相較於 pyCUDA,效能稍遜一籌

GPU 編程的最佳實踐

雖然 GPU 能提供極大加速,但錯誤的使用方式可能導致效能低下。以下是幾個最佳實踐: - 使用大規模數據集:GPU 在高並行度的場景中表現最佳。 - 最大化計算密度:確保計算量足夠,以彌補記憶體存取的開銷。 - 優化數據傳輸:最小化 CPU 與 GPU 之間的數據移動,以減少傳輸延遲。


Numba 讓 Python 開發者能夠輕鬆發揮 GPU 的強大運算能力,讓高效能計算變得更可及。無論是數據科學家、研究人員,還是開發者,Numba 都提供了一種簡單且高效的方式來加速 Python 應用。

準備好進一步探索了嗎?深入學習 Numba 和 CUDA,釋放 GPU 運算的潛力,提升你的計算工作負載!

First Principles - A Foundation for Groundbreaking Thinking

In a world brimming with assumptions, habits, and established norms, how do we carve a path toward true innovation? The answer lies in embracing the concept of first principles—a way of thinking that strips down complexity to uncover foundational truths.

The Essence of First Principles

The French philosopher and scientist René Descartes described first principles as systematically doubting everything that can be doubted until reaching undeniable truths. It’s a call to challenge the status quo, to question deeply ingrained assumptions, and to venture beyond surface-level thinking.

First principles thinking requires a mindset shift: - Stop accepting existing systems and solutions as immutable. - Refuse to let others' visions dictate your path. - Break down assumptions to their core components, as if forging a new trail through a dense jungle.

In short, everything beyond those fundamental truths becomes negotiable.

Seeing the World Differently

Adopting first principles enables us to see insights hidden in plain sight—insights often overlooked because they seem too obvious or because convention blinds us. As philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer aptly put it: "The capable achieve what others cannot, and the wise see what others overlook."

When you think in terms of first principles, you stop being a cover band playing others' music. Instead, you become the artist creating original masterpieces. You transition from what James Carse calls a “finite player” bound by rules and limits to an “infinite player” who transcends boundaries and redefines possibilities.

Elon Musk and the Power of First Principles

A striking example of first principles thinking comes from Elon Musk. After failing to secure a deal for affordable rocket parts in Russia, Musk realized the primary obstacle to space exploration wasn’t physical but mental. Decades of societal conditioning had led people to believe that reaching for the stars was prohibitively expensive and out of reach.

Instead of accepting the conventional wisdom, Musk applied first principles: - He analyzed the fundamental components of rockets—raw materials like aluminum, carbon fiber, and titanium. - He questioned why building rockets should cost so much. - He discovered it was possible to reduce costs dramatically by designing and manufacturing rockets in-house.

The result? SpaceX, a company that has revolutionized space exploration.

Escaping the Trap of Low Expectations

As David Schwartz wrote, the biggest barriers to our ambitions often exist in our minds. Society trains us to believe that flying low is safer than soaring high, that gliding with inertia is better than taking bold leaps, and that modest dreams are wiser than audacious ones.

This conditioning becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When we pursue mediocrity, we achieve mediocrity. Conversely, when we aim high—even if we miss—we achieve far more than we would by playing it safe.

As the Rolling Stones remind us, “You can't always get what you want.” But if you strive for the moon with conviction and clarity, you may not just land among the stars—you might redefine the limits of possibility itself.

Becoming a Creator, Not a Follower

First principles thinking is hard. It requires effort, creativity, and courage. It’s about questioning assumptions that others take for granted and envisioning solutions that don’t yet exist. But the rewards are transformative. By applying this mindset, you move from being a passive consumer of existing ideas to an active creator of new paradigms.

So, the next time you face a complex challenge, take a step back. Break it down. Ask yourself: - What are the unquestioned assumptions? - What is truly essential? - How can I approach this differently?

When you embrace first principles, you stop being limited by the way things are—and start building the way things could be.


在這個充滿假設、習慣與既定規範的世界中,我們如何開闢通往真正創新的道路?答案在於擁抱 第一性原則——一種剝離複雜性、探尋事物本質的思維方式。


法國哲學家兼科學家 笛卡兒(René Descartes)將第一性原則描述為:對一切可懷疑的事物進行系統性懷疑,直到抵達無法否認的真理。這是一種挑戰現狀、質疑根深蒂固假設的思維方式,引導我們跳脫表面層次的思考。

第一性原則思維需要轉變心態: - 不再將現有系統和解決方案視為不可改變的真理。 - 不讓別人的願景決定自己的道路。 - 將問題拆解至最基本的組成部分,像是在茂密叢林中開闢新的小徑。



運用第一性原則,可以讓我們發現那些隱藏在顯而易見中的洞見——那些因為過於明顯,或因為傳統思維的遮蔽,而常常被忽略的洞見。正如哲學家 叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer)所說:


當你以第一性原則思考時,你不再是只會翻唱別人歌曲的樂隊,而是創作原創音樂的藝術家。你不再是 James Carse 所說的「有限遊戲玩家」(finite player),被規則和限制束縛,而是「無限遊戲玩家」(infinite player),超越界限、重塑可能性。

Elon Musk 與第一性原則的力量

第一性原則的經典案例來自 Elon Musk。當他無法在俄羅斯以合理價格購買火箭零件時,他意識到,太空探索的主要障礙不是技術上的,而是心理上的。數十年的社會認知讓人們認為進入太空昂貴且遙不可及。

然而,Musk 並未接受這一既定認知,而是運用第一性原則進行思考: - 分析火箭的基本組成——鋁、碳纖維、鈦等原材料。 - 質疑為何製造火箭的成本如此高昂。 - 發現如果能自行設計和生產火箭,就能大幅降低成本。

結果如何?SpaceX 誕生,徹底顛覆了太空探索產業。


正如 David Schwartz 所寫,阻礙我們實現抱負的最大障礙,往往存在於我們自己的心中。 社會讓我們相信:「飛得低比飛得高更安全」、「順著慣性滑行比大膽躍進更好」、「平庸的夢想比遠大的夢想更明智」。


正如 滾石樂隊(Rolling Stones)唱道:




第一性原則思維並不容易,它需要努力、創造力和勇氣。這種思維方式的核心在於: - 挑戰他人視為理所當然的假設。 - 想像尚未存在的解決方案。 - 在逆境中開創新局面。


所以下次當你面對複雜的挑戰時,不妨退一步思考,問自己: - 有哪些未經質疑的假設? - 什麼才是不可或缺的核心本質? - 我能如何用不同的方式來解決這個問題?


The Joy of Being Wrong - Embracing Discovery and Growth

In the world of research and discovery, there’s an often-overlooked truth: being wrong is one of the best things that can happen to you. It’s not just a sign of humility or a badge of courage—it’s a gateway to learning and progress. This might sound counterintuitive, but as I reflect on my experiences and those of others, it’s clear that embracing errors with an open mind can lead to breakthroughs that far outweigh the sting of being incorrect.

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with Danny, a senior researcher whose insights I deeply admire. One day, Danny came across data that completely contradicted one of his long-held assumptions. Instead of frustration or defensiveness, his reaction was one of pure joy. His eyes lit up, and a wide grin spread across his face as he exclaimed, “This is fantastic—my idea was wrong!”

Later, over lunch, I asked him about his reaction. For me, it was a revelation. How could anyone be so thrilled to discover their mistake? Danny explained with calm confidence, “Every time I find out I’m wrong, I know I’ve learned something important. It means I’ve gotten a little closer to the truth, and my understanding has improved.”

At 85 years old, Danny said, he still relishes the chance to uncover errors in his thinking. “If no one ever pointed out my mistakes, I wouldn’t grow,” he added. “Being wrong means I’ve reduced my blind spots, even if just by a little.”

Danny’s attitude resonated deeply with me because it mirrored my own journey. When I was a university student, I was initially drawn to social sciences because of their ability to challenge my expectations. I loved reading studies that conflicted with my assumptions, eagerly rethinking my beliefs and sharing these revelations with my roommates.

During my first independent research project, I tested several hypotheses I had painstakingly developed. To my surprise—and slight embarrassment—most of them turned out to be completely wrong. But instead of feeling defeated, I was thrilled. Those “mistakes” meant I had learned something new. It was as if the process itself rewarded me with a sense of progress and discovery.

Why does being wrong sometimes feel so liberating? It’s because error is an unmistakable sign that we’re learning. Growth doesn’t come from being right all the time—it comes from curiosity, from challenging our own ideas, and from seeking out perspectives that don’t align with ours.

For example, when we study individuals who excel at making predictions, like expert forecasters, one key takeaway is their willingness to revise their views in the face of new evidence. Whether it’s refining statistical models or rethinking political predictions, the best forecasters don’t cling to their initial assumptions. Instead, they see error as an opportunity to improve.

Even if forecasting or statistical analysis isn’t your passion, observing how experts like these adapt their thinking can teach us a lot about intellectual humility and continuous improvement.

This mindset isn’t just for researchers and forecasters. Whether you’re working on a complex project, making decisions in your career, or simply navigating daily life, embracing the possibility of being wrong opens the door to growth.

Next time you encounter a mistake or a challenge to your assumptions, pause for a moment. Instead of feeling defensive, try to channel a bit of Danny’s enthusiasm. Ask yourself: What can I learn from this? How can this reshape my understanding?

In doing so, you’ll not only improve your knowledge but also cultivate a resilience and curiosity that will serve you well in every aspect of life.

Learning to see being wrong as a gift takes practice, but it’s a perspective that can transform how you approach challenges. After all, the joy of discovery isn’t just in being right—it’s in the journey toward deeper understanding. As Danny reminded me, the only way to be sure you’re learning is to celebrate the moments when your assumptions are proven wrong.

What’s the last mistake you learned from? Let’s embrace our errors and share the wisdom they bring.





丹尼今年 85 歲了,但他依然熱衷於發現自己的思維漏洞。他說:「如果沒有人指出我的錯誤,我就無法成長。犯錯代表我的盲點少了一點,即使只是微不足道的一點。






即使你對預測或數據分析不感興趣,觀察這些專家如何適應新資訊,也能讓我們學習到關於智慧謙遜(intellectual humility)與持續精進的寶貴態度








Constant Experimentation - The Key to Continuous Innovation

In today’s dynamic and competitive world, continuous innovation is not just a choice—it’s a necessity for survival and success. Without innovation, businesses stagnate, progress grinds to a halt, and competitors race ahead. But here’s the truth: innovation doesn’t happen in ivory towers or rely on grand, world-changing ideas. It’s built through constant experimentation — small, deliberate, and fast iterations that, over time, create extraordinary results.

Marc Randolph, Netflix's co-founder and first CEO, captured this brilliantly in his book That Will Never Work. He reminds us, "The key to being successful is not how good your ideas are, it's how good you are at being able to find quick, cheap, and easy ways to try your ideas." Success doesn’t depend on one perfect plan. It comes from cultivating a mindset where ideas are tested quickly, failures are embraced as lessons, and improvements are made consistently.

Every small experiment is a step forward. Every lesson learned is fuel for growth. The magic lies in momentum—taking action, testing ideas, and moving closer to innovation every single day.

Innovation Through Lean Thinking: Lessons from Toyota

Many people misunderstand lean methodologies, believing they’re only about cutting costs or improving quality. In reality, the Toyota Production System (TPS) was born from necessity and ingenuity. Toyota had no choice but to innovate; they had to shorten the time from order to delivery and generate cash flow faster (the “dash to cash”) to survive against far larger American competitors. Their solution? Relentless experimentation at scale.

Today, Toyota runs over one million experiments every year, at all levels of the organization. Each experiment—no matter how small—contributes to their mission of achieving efficiency, agility, and excellence. Their success is not built on a single genius idea but on a culture of trying, learning, and improving constantly.

If Toyota can innovate at such scale, so can you. Don’t wait for resources you think you lack. Innovation isn’t about having more; it’s about using what you have creatively and courageously.

As Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince, wisely said, "Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Perfection is not an endpoint—it’s a direction. The journey of continuous improvement means stripping away the unnecessary, refining what works, and always moving forward.

Take Action: Embrace Experimentation

In every successful business, innovation starts with action. It’s about creating a culture where everyone—at every level—feels empowered to test ideas, challenge assumptions, and learn from results. The smallest experiments, when multiplied, can lead to game-changing breakthroughs.

Don’t let fear of failure hold you back. In experimentation, failure is not the opposite of success—it’s part of the process. Start small, move fast, and embrace the lessons along the way. The road to innovation is paved with curiosity, courage, and relentless experimentation.

Take the first step. Experiment. Improve. Repeat. That’s where transformation happens.

持續實驗 —— 持續創新的關鍵

在當今充滿變數與競爭激烈的世界中,持續創新 不僅是一種選擇,更是企業生存與成功的必然條件。沒有創新,企業將停滯不前,進步將停滯,而競爭對手則會迅速超越。但現實是:創新並非誕生於象牙塔中,也不僅依賴於驚天動地的偉大想法。創新來自於 持續實驗 —— 一個個小規模、有意識、快速迭代的試驗,隨著時間的推移,累積出非凡的成果。

Netflix 聯合創辦人兼首任 CEO Marc Randolph 在他的著作 《That Will Never Work》 中精彩地闡述了這一點。他提醒我們:



每一次小型實驗,都是向前邁進的一步;每一次學習,都是成長的燃料。真正的魔法來自於動能 —— 採取行動,測試想法,並每天向創新更進一步


許多人誤解了精益(Lean)方法論,以為它只是關於削減成本或提升品質。但事實上,豐田生產方式(Toyota Production System, TPS) 是源於需求與創造力的結合。豐田必須創新,因為他們需要縮短從訂單到交付的時間,加快現金流轉(「衝刺現金流」),才能在市場上生存,面對比自己強大得多的美國競爭對手。

豐田的解決方案是 大規模的持續實驗。 時至今日,豐田每年在企業內部進行 超過一百萬次實驗,遍及組織的各個層級。每一個小小的實驗,都為他們的效率、敏捷性和卓越性貢獻了一份力量。他們的成功,不是靠單一的天才想法,而是來自於一種不斷試驗、學習與改進的文化。

如果豐田能夠在如此大規模下持續創新,你也可以! 不要等待你認為自己缺少的資源。創新不在於擁有更多資源,而在於勇敢而有創意地運用現有資源

《小王子》 的作者 Antoine de Saint-Exupery 曾說過:


完美不是終點,而是一種 方向。 持續改進的旅程,就是不斷去蕪存菁,精煉有效的方法,並且始終向前邁進。


在每一個成功的企業中,創新始於 行動。這意味著建立一種企業文化,讓每個人 —— 無論身處何種層級 —— 都能夠被賦能去測試想法、挑戰假設、並從結果中學習。當小實驗不斷累積,終將催生顛覆性的突破


邁出第一步。 實驗,改進,重複。 真正的變革,就在這個過程中發生。

Emotional Intelligence, Courage and Service

Leadership is not just a role—it is a calling to inspire, to challenge, and to serve. At its core, true leadership combines emotional intelligence with the courage to ask the tough questions, confront assumptions, and take calculated risks to advance a greater purpose. It is about navigating complexity with heart and vision, even when the path is unclear.

Emotional Intelligence: The Foundation of Leadership

True leadership begins with emotional intelligence—the ability to connect deeply, understand empathetically, and respond thoughtfully. Leaders with emotional intelligence create environments where people feel seen, heard, and valued. They listen not just to words but to the unspoken dynamics that shape a team’s energy and motivation.

This human-centered approach builds trust, which is the foundation of any successful team or organization. Yet, emotional intelligence alone is not enough. Effective leaders must also have the courage to disrupt comfort zones and address hard truths.

The Courage to Challenge Assumptions

Leadership demands bravery—the kind that drives innovation and progress. Leaders must have the guts to ask uncomfortable questions, challenge outdated beliefs, and explore new possibilities. This courage is not about seeking conflict but about seeking clarity and driving transformation.

Challenging assumptions often requires stepping into difficult conversations and addressing issues that others shy away from. It might mean facing resistance or even risking temporary goodwill. But it is this boldness that lights the way for meaningful growth and resilience.

Great leaders don’t shy away from the unknown; they embrace it as an opportunity to learn and lead by example. It is their willingness to confront what is uncomfortable that propels organizations forward.

Commitment to Service

Leadership is ultimately an act of service. The best leaders understand that their success is measured by the growth, empowerment, and well-being of those they lead. They see themselves as stewards, creating opportunities for others to thrive and reach their full potential.

This commitment to service requires humility—the ability to prioritize the needs of others over personal ambition. It also requires strength—the resilience to guide others through challenges while maintaining unwavering focus on a shared vision. Serving others is not about control but about enabling collective success.

Leading with Heart and Vision

Leadership is not for the faint-hearted. It requires a deep sense of purpose, the courage to face criticism, and the resilience to weather the storms of change. Leaders who combine emotional intelligence, courage, and service inspire those around them to aim higher, think bigger, and believe in their potential.

True leadership transforms not only organizations but also the people within them. It fosters a culture of trust, innovation, and shared purpose. For those willing to embrace its challenges, leadership is more than a responsibility—it is a legacy of impact and inspiration.
















Debezium - Real-Time Change Data Capture for Apache Kafka

In the era of real-time data-driven applications, the ability to capture and process database changes in real-time has become critical. Whether you're synchronizing data between systems, maintaining audit logs, or building event-driven architectures, change data capture (CDC) tools play a vital role. This is where Debezium shines as an open-source CDC platform, seamlessly integrating with Apache Kafka.

What is Debezium?

Debezium is an open-source distributed platform for capturing and publishing changes from a variety of database systems to Apache Kafka. It enables developers to track database row-level changes and stream them as events, empowering applications to react to changes in real-time. Debezium supports popular databases such as:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Oracle
  • SQL Server

By leveraging database transaction logs, Debezium ensures that it captures all changes reliably and with minimal performance impact on the source database.

How Debezium Works

Debezium operates as a Kafka Connect-based tool. It uses Kafka Connect connectors specific to each database to monitor changes. Here’s a high-level overview of its workflow:

  1. Connector Setup: A Debezium connector is configured for a specific database and deployed on a Kafka Connect cluster.
  2. Transaction Log Parsing: The connector reads the database's transaction log, which contains details about every insert, update, or delete operation.
  3. Change Event Generation: Changes are converted into structured Kafka events, typically serialized in JSON or Avro format.
  4. Kafka Integration: These events are published to Kafka topics, where consumers can process them for various use cases, such as analytics, caching, or syncing to other systems.

Key Features of Debezium

1. Schema Evolution

Debezium tracks and publishes schema changes, ensuring downstream systems can adapt dynamically to structural database updates.

2. Fault-Tolerance and Scalability

Built on Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect, Debezium benefits from Kafka’s scalability and fault-tolerance mechanisms, ensuring robust and reliable CDC pipelines.

3. Rich Ecosystem Integration

Debezium integrates seamlessly with Kafka’s ecosystem, including:

  • Kafka Streams for real-time stream processing
  • ksqlDB for SQL-based stream analysis
  • Kafka Connect sinks for writing data to external systems like Elasticsearch, Amazon S3, or HDFS

4. Outbox Pattern Support

Debezium supports the Outbox Pattern, enabling microservices to publish events atomically along with database updates.

5. Comprehensive Monitoring

It offers built-in metrics and monitoring via JMX, making it easy to track the health and performance of connectors.

Use Cases for Debezium

Real-Time Data Synchronization

Debezium is widely used for syncing data across heterogeneous systems in real-time. For instance, you can synchronize a MySQL database with Elasticsearch to enable fast search capabilities.

Event-Driven Architectures

Applications built on event-driven principles benefit from Debezium's ability to emit database change events to Kafka, where they can trigger business logic.

Audit Logs and Compliance

Debezium captures detailed change histories, making it suitable for generating audit logs for regulatory compliance or debugging purposes.

Cache Invalidation

Debezium can inform distributed caches (e.g., Redis) about changes to the underlying database, ensuring the cache remains fresh and consistent.

Getting Started with Debezium

Here’s a quick overview of how to set up Debezium for MySQL:

  1. Set Up Kafka: Install and configure Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect.
  2. Deploy the MySQL Connector: Add the Debezium MySQL connector to your Kafka Connect plugins folder.
  3. Configure the Connector: Define a configuration file specifying the database connection details, monitored tables, and Kafka topic mappings.
  4. Start Streaming: Launch the connector, and start consuming the change events from the designated Kafka topics.

For a detailed guide, visit the Debezium documentation.


Debezium has revolutionized the way organizations implement CDC by providing a powerful, open-source solution for capturing and streaming database changes to Apache Kafka. Its reliability, flexibility, and ease of integration make it a go-to choice for building modern, event-driven architectures.

If your application demands real-time insights, responsiveness, or synchronization, give Debezium a try and experience the power of seamless CDC. To learn more, check out the Debezium website or explore its GitHub repository.