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Angular UI Bootstrap: Opening the First Accordion with ng-repeat

The Problem:

I was using the accordion directive in Angular UI Bootstrap version 0.1.2. On the demo page, there's an example showing how to open the first accordion group by default:

<accordion-group heading="First Header" is-open="true"> </accordion-group>

This works well for static content but fails to operate as expected with dynamic content generated using ng-repeat. In other words, it does not work like this:

  ng-repeat="group in groups"

My Solution:

In the template, bind the is-open property of the accordion as follows:

  ng-repeat="group in groups"

And in the controller:

$scope.groups = ["First Header", "Second Header", "Third Header"]
$scope.status = {
  isItemOpen: new Array($scope.groups.length),
  isFirstDisabled: false,
$scope.status.isItemOpen[0] = true

Change the value of the last line to false if you prefer the first accordion to be closed by default.

Let me know if this doesn't work for you. 😊

Angular UI Bootstrap:使用ng-repeat開啟第一個手風琴


我在使用Angular UI Bootstrap版本0.1.2的手風琴指令。在示例頁面上,有一個範例顯示如何默認開啟第一個手風琴組:

<accordion-group heading="First Header" is-open="true"> </accordion-group>


  ng-repeat="group in groups"



  ng-repeat="group in groups"


$scope.groups = ["First Header", "Second Header", "Third Header"]
$scope.status = {
  isItemOpen: new Array($scope.groups.length),
  isFirstDisabled: false,
$scope.status.isItemOpen[0] = true



Note on Ionic Framework: Android Platform in OS X

In this blog post, we will walk through several error messages that you might encounter when installing dependencies for the Android platform of the Ionic framework on Mac OS X. Follow this official guide to install Cordova and Ionic, and then create a project up until the step where you configure the platform.

To enable the Android platform, run the following command:

ionic platform add android

However, you may encounter this error:

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH.

Step 1: Download the Android SDK

Visit the Android developer website and download the stand-alone SDK Tools:

Step 2: Unzip the File

I unzipped the SDK to the path of my workspace:


Step 3: Set the Android Command in Your PATH

Note: Replace "Victor" with your username. If you are using oh-my-zsh, replace the .bash_profile with your .zshrc profile.

  1. Open your terminal and ensure that .bash_profile ends with a newline:
echo >> /Users/Victor/.bash_profile
  1. Set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable in .bash_profile:
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/Victor/Workspace/android-sdk-macosx" >> /Users/Victor/.bash_profile
  1. Update the PATH variable as well:
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools" >> /Users/Victor/.bash_profile
  1. Reload the terminal to apply the changes:
. /Users/Victor/.bash_profile

Step 4: Install Android-19

Now, if you try to run:

ionic platform add android

You might see the following error:

Error: Please install Android target "android-19".

Run android from your command line to open the SDK manager:


Check the box for Android 4.4.2 (API 19) and then click "Install 8 packages…". Accept the license and keep your fingers crossed while waiting for the download process to complete.

Finally, try running the command again:

ionic platform add android

And voila:

Project successfully created.

If you encounter any issues, feel free to send me a help request. Cheers! ☺

關於Ionic框架的註解:OS X中的Android平台

在這篇博客文章中,我們將一起研究你在Mac OS X上為Ionic框架的Android平台安裝依賴時可能遇到的幾種錯誤信息。請按照這個官方指南來安裝Cordova和Ionic,然後創建一個項目,直到你配置平台的步驟。


ionic platform add android


Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH.

步驟1:下載Android SDK

訪問 Android 開發者網站並下載獨立的 SDK 工具:






  1. 打開您的終端並確保 .bash_profile 以一個新行結束:
echo >> /Users/Victor/.bash_profile
  1. .bash_profile中設置 ANDROID_HOME 環境變量:
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/Victor/Workspace/android-sdk-macosx" >> /Users/Victor/.bash_profile
  1. 也更新PATH變量:
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools" >> /Users/Victor/.bash_profile
  1. 重載終端以應用更改:
. /Users/Victor/.bash_profile



ionic platform add android


Error: Please install Android target "android-19".

從命令行運行 android 打開SDK管理器:


勾選 Android 4.4.2 (API 19),然後點擊 "Install 8 packages…”。接受授權並等待下載過程完成。


ionic platform add android


Project successfully created.


Configure CircleCI with Karma Test

The Problem

I was setting up continuous integration using CircleCI and Karma tests for Angular on Heroku.

The tests were working on my local host, but Karma was not found on CircleCI:

Uh-oh, some tests have failed!
Failing command: npm test
Exit code: 1
> karma start karma.conf.js

sh: 1: karma: not found
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
((npm :test)) returned exit code 1

My Solution

To resolve this issue, either create or edit your circle.yml config file. Add dependencies using npm to install karma-cli globally, and use Bower to install Angular, as shown below:

    - npm install -g karma-cli bower
    - bower install
    - ~/nvm

This configuration should help you run your Karma tests successfully on CircleCI.




![] (./2014-12-22.png)


>啟動 karma karma.conf.js

npm ERR!測試失敗。有關詳細信息,請參見上文。


要解決這個問題,您可以創建或編輯 circle.yml 配置文件。使用npm添加依賴以全局安裝 karma-cli,並使用Bower安裝Angular,如下所示:

     - npm install -g karma-cli bower
     - bower安裝
     - ~/nvm


How to Upload Files with Meteor.js?

NOTE: This tutorial uses Meteor 1.1.3 with cfs:standard-package 0.0.2 as of December 15, 2014. Since this feature is under active development, it may have changed by the time you read this. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. :)

The Problem

Last week, a friend of mine asked me how to handle file uploads in a Meteor project. I recommended he use Collection FS, and he followed the instructions on their repository. The file upload feature worked fine on localhost but failed once deployed to the free Meteor testing server. In fact, the server would keep refreshing and wouldn't even load a page.

My Explanation

This issue arises because FS.filesystem uploads the image to a public folder directory. Due to security concerns, this is not allowed by the server unless properly configured. A workaround is to use GridFS as a storage adapter to insert images into MongoDB.

My Solution


First, instead of using cfs:filesystem, use cfs:gridfs for your package.

    meteor add cfs:standard-packages
    meteor add cfs:gridfs

Next, when declaring your collection, switch from using FS.Collection to FS.Store.GridFS.

var imageStore = new FS.Store.GridFS("images")

Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
  stores: [imageStore],

Then, set up 'deny' and 'allow' rules based on your needs.

  insert: function () {
    return false
  created: function () {
    return false
  remove: function () {
    return false
  download: function () {
    return false

  insert: function () {
    return true
  created: function () {
    return true
  remove: function () {
    return true
  download: function () {
    return true
User Interface

Add a file input button in your client template for users to click.

<input type="file" name="..." class="myFileInput" />

Handle the event as follows:{
  "change .myFileInput": function (event, template) {
    FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function (file) {
      Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
        if (err) {
          // handle error
        } else {
          // handle success depending on your needs
          var userId = Meteor.userId()
          var imagesURL = {
            "profile.image": "/cfs/files/images/" + fileObj._id,
          Meteor.users.update(userId, { $set: imagesURL })

Lastly, don't forget to set up publication and subscription in case you've removed the autopublish package.

Meteor.publish("images", function () {
  return Images.find()

Subscribe to it in your iron:router:

Router.route("/profile", {
  waitOn: function () {
    return Meteor.subscribe("images")
  action: function () {
    if (this.ready()) this.render("Profile")
    else this.render("Loading")

I hope this solution works for you. If you're using an Amazon S3 bucket, consider using cfs:s3 as the adapter. If all else fails, Filepicker could serve as an alternative approach for handling file uploads. For more information, visit Filepicker's website.


注意: 本教程使用的是2014年12月15日的Meteor 1.1.3 和 cfs:standard-package 0.0.2。由於此功能正在積極開發中,您閱讀此文時可能已有所變化。如果你有任何疑問,請隨時聯絡我。:)


上周,我的一個朋友問我如何在Meteor項目中處理檔案上傳。我建議他使用Collection FS,並按照他們存儲庫的README.md指南。檔案上傳功能在本地主機上工作正常,但一旦部署到免費的Meteor測試服務器,就會失敗。事實上,服務器會不斷刷新,甚至無法加載頁面。


這個問題產生的原因是 FS.filesystem 將圖像上傳到公共資料夾目錄。由於安全考慮,除非經過適當配置,否則服務器不允許這樣做。一個解決方法是使用 GridFS 作為儲存適配器,將圖像插入到MongoDB中。




    meteor add cfs:standard-packages
    meteor add cfs:gridfs

接下來,當聲明您的集合時,從使用 FS.Collection 切換到 FS.Store.GridFS

var imageStore = new FS.Store.GridFS("images")

Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
  stores: [imageStore],


  insert: function () {
    return false
  created: function () {
    return false
  remove: function () {
    return false
  download: function () {
    return false

  insert: function () {
    return true
  created: function () {
    return true
  remove: function () {
    return true
  download: function () {
    return true


<input type="file" name="..." class="myFileInput" />

  "change .myFileInput": function (event, template) {
    FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function (file) {
      Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
        if (err) {
          // handle error
        } else {
          // handle success depending on your needs
          var userId = Meteor.userId()
          var imagesURL = {
            "profile.image": "/cfs/files/images/" + fileObj._id,
          Meteor.users.update(userId, { $set: imagesURL })

最後,如果你已經移除了 autopublish 套件,不要忘記設定發佈和訂閱。

Meteor.publish("images", function () {
  return Images.find()

在你的 iron:router 中訂閱它:

Router.route("/profile", {
  waitOn: function () {
    return Meteor.subscribe("images")
  action: function () {
    if (this.ready()) this.render("Profile")
    else this.render("Loading")

我希望這個解決方案對你有所幫助。如果你正在使用Amazon S3 bucket,可以考慮使用 cfs:s3 作為適配器。如果所有其他方法都失敗了,Filepicker可以作為處理文件上傳的另一種方法。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 Filepicker的網站

Q&A with General Assembly Hong Kong

I was invited by General Assembly (GA) Hong Kong to talk about my experience in the Web Development Immersive (WDI) course.

1. Introduce Yourself and Describe Your Current Projects

My name is Victor, and I am a software engineer. Currently, I am working on several interesting projects that utilize JavaScript frameworks:

  1. A native iOS/Android mobile app using Ionic and the Neo4j graph database.
  2. A video chatroom using WebRTC, Node.js, and Express.js.
  3. A music visualizer using WebGL and Three.js.
  4. A LinkedIn-like network platform using Angular.js and MongoDB.
  5. A real-time voting system using Meteor.js and D3 data visualization.

Some of these are open-source projects. If you're interested in contributing or trying out the demos, please check out my GitHub.

2. Reasons for Choosing WDI at GA

Prior to enrolling in WDI at GA, I was a digital marketer responsible for social media promotions in Australia. My role sparked an interest in how technology is rapidly changing traditional media and marketing channels. Recognizing the importance of a good website as the cornerstone of digital marketing efforts, I was motivated to develop coding skills. I chose WDI at GA over night classes at a Hong Kong university because I wanted an education that was in tune with cutting-edge technologies.

3. Recapping the Student Experience

My favorite part of the WDI course was the camaraderie among students from diverse backgrounds. We all helped each other technically and emotionally. Web development is teamwork, and a website is too complex to build entirely on your own, regardless of your skill level.

4. How the Course Helped Achieve My Goals

My goal was to land a job in the industry, and GA's strong network in Hong Kong greatly assisted me. I networked extensively and participated in various events, including hackathons. Special thanks to Justin for his support during this period.

5. Top 3 Lessons from the Course

  1. Wireframing: Initially, I underestimated the importance of wireframing. With more project experience, I’ve come to realize that planning ahead saves time in the long run.
  2. User Testing: Continuous user feedback is crucial. Code should be driven by market demand and user needs, not just by what a developer thinks is cool.
  3. Learning How to Learn: The course couldn’t cover everything, so self-directed learning is crucial for ongoing development.

6. Life After GA: What's Next?

I abide by the principle of "Always Be Coding." The more you code, the better you get. Currently, I am strengthening my theoretical foundation to take on leadership roles in the IT industry.

與香港General Assembly的問答環節

我被香港General Assembly (GA) 邀請,談論我在Web Development Immersive (WDI) 課程裡的經驗。

1. 自我介紹並描述你目前的項目


  1. 使用Ionic和Neo4j圖形數據庫的原生iOS/Android手機應用程式。
  2. 使用WebRTC,Node.js,和Express.js的視頻聊天室。
  3. 使用WebGL和Three.js的音樂視覺化器。
  4. 使用Angular.js和MongoDB的LinkedIn風格的網絡平台。
  5. 使用Meteor.js和D3數據視覺化的實時投票系統。


2. 選擇在GA接受WDI的原因


3. 回顧學生經驗


4. 課程如何幫助我實現我的目標


5. 課程的前3個經驗

  1. Wireframing:起初,我低估了wireframing的重要性。隨著更多的項目經驗,我已經意識到預先計劃可以長遠節省時間。
  2. 用戶測試:持續的用戶反饋非常重要。代碼應該由市場需求和用戶需求驅動,而不僅僅是由開發人員認為這很酷。
  3. 學習如何學習:課程無法涵蓋所有內容,所以對於持續的發展,自我導向的學習是非常重要的。

6. 過了GA後的生活:接下來是什麼?
