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比較 Cilium 和 Istio - 選擇適合您的雲原生網路需求的工具

隨著 Kubernetes 的普及,對於高級網路和服務網格(Service Mesh)的需求也日益增加,以管理日趨複雜的環境。在眾多可用工具中,CiliumIstio 因其獨特的方法脫穎而出,用於解決現代網路挑戰。然而,它們的設計目的不同,理解這些差異對於選擇合適的工具至關重要。在這篇文章中,我們將探討 Cilium 和 Istio 的核心功能、使用場景及其取捨。

什麼是 Cilium?

Cilium 是一款基於 eBPF(延伸伯克利封包過濾器,extended Berkeley Packet Filter)的開源網路與安全解決方案。它透過在 Linux 核心中直接執行 eBPF 程式,提供 Kubernetes 網路、安全性和可觀察性,並且擁有極低的運行開銷。

Cilium 的核心功能:

  • 網路策略(Network Policies):在第 3/4 層(IP 和 TCP/UDP)以及第 7 層(應用層)提供高級的 Kubernetes 原生網路策略管控。
  • 高效能(Performance):由於 eBPF 在核心層執行封包處理,比傳統方式更高效。
  • 可觀察性(Observability):透過 Hubble(Cilium 的可觀察性工具)提供細粒度的網路流量監控。
  • 服務網格(Service Mesh):提供輕量級的服務網格功能,包括流量加密與負載均衡,無需 Sidecar(透過 Cilium Service Mesh)。

Cilium 的使用場景:

  • 雲原生網路(Cloud-Native Networking):以更快、更高效的 eBPF 網路取代傳統的 kube-proxy。
  • 安全性(Security):實施零信任(Zero-Trust)網路,支援細粒度的安全策略。
  • 輕量級服務網格(Lightweight Service Mesh):管理東西向(East-West)流量,無需 Sidecar 開銷。

什麼是 Istio?

Istio 是一個完整的服務網格(Service Mesh)解決方案,旨在管理微服務架構中的服務間通訊。它專注於服務之間的流量管理、安全性和可觀察性。

Istio 的核心功能:

  • 流量管理(Traffic Management):提供細粒度的流量路由、故障注入、重試機制和流量鏡像等功能。
  • 安全性(Security):透過 mTLS(雙向 TLS) 提供服務之間的加密、身份驗證和授權管理。
  • 可觀察性(Observability):支援分散式追蹤(Distributed Tracing)、指標(Metrics)和日誌(Logging),並可與 Prometheus、Grafana 和 Jaeger 整合。
  • Sidecar 代理(Sidecar Proxy):使用 Envoy Sidecar 攔截並控制流量。

Istio 的使用場景:

  • 服務網格(Service Mesh):適用於管理微服務架構中複雜的服務互動。
  • 高可用性與容錯(Resiliency):實施熔斷(Circuit Breaker)、重試和流量調控機制,以提高應用的穩定性。
  • 多集群部署(Multi-Cluster Deployments):保護並管理跨集群或跨雲端的流量。

Cilium vs. Istio:關鍵比較

功能 Cilium Istio
目的 網路與安全,附帶輕量級服務網格功能。 完整的服務網格解決方案,專為微服務設計。
技術架構 基於 eBPF(核心層執行)。 基於 Envoy(用戶空間 Sidecar)。
效能(Performance) 由於無需 Sidecar,具有更高的效能。 由於 Sidecar 代理,可能增加延遲。
流量管理(Traffic Management) 基本的第 4/7 層流量路由。 高級流量控制、負載均衡、故障注入。
安全性(Security) 細粒度的網路策略,支援基本的 mTLS。 提供完整的 mTLS 加密、RBAC(基於角色的存取控制)和身份驗證。
可觀察性(Observability) 透過 Hubble 提供深度網路流量可視化。 進階的追蹤、日誌和指標監控,支援多種可視化工具。
易用性(Ease of Use) 簡單易上手,適合網路需求。 設定較為複雜,適用於需要高級功能的場景。


  1. 選擇 Cilium 的時機:
  2. 需要 Kubernetes 原生 CNI,提供高級網路與安全功能。
  3. 需要高效能並希望減少 Sidecar 的額外負擔。
  4. 服務網格需求較輕量,僅需基本的加密和流量管理。

  5. 選擇 Istio 的時機:

  6. 應用架構涉及複雜的服務間通訊。
  7. 需要高級的流量管理、韌性(Resiliency)和安全功能。
  8. 已經在使用基於 Sidecar 代理的服務網格生態系統。

Cilium 與 Istio 可以一起使用嗎?

可以!Cilium 和 Istio 其實可以互補,例如: - Cilium 作為 Kubernetes 的 CNI,提供高效的網路和安全策略。 - Istio 負責進階的服務網格功能,例如可觀察性和流量管理。


Cilium 和 Istio 各自解決 Kubernetes 網路中的關鍵需求,但應用場景不同。Cilium 以高效能、輕量級的網路解決方案見長,而 Istio 則適合用於提供強大的服務網格功能。了解它們的優勢和取捨,能夠幫助您根據自身 Kubernetes 環境做出最佳決策。

無論是剛開始使用 Kubernetes,還是管理大規模的部署,選擇合適的工具對於最佳化應用的效能與安全至關重要。

A Weekend Getaway to Phu Quoc, Vietnam

Phu Quoc, a stunning island in Vietnam, is a hidden gem perfect for a weekend escape. With pristine beaches, lush forests, and a vibrant cultural scene, it’s no wonder this island is gaining popularity among travelers. I recently spent a short but memorable weekend at Wyndham Grand Phu Quoc, and here’s my recommended itinerary to make the most of your trip!

Day 1: Exploring the North Side of Phu Quoc

Kick off your adventure with the vibrant attractions in the northern part of the island.

Phu Quoc United Center This vibrant complex is a hub for entertainment and culture. It features Grand World, an area inspired by Venice with gondola rides, colorful facades, and a romantic atmosphere. At night, enjoy the Bamboo Legend, a stunning bamboo-made architectural masterpiece, and the Tinh Hoa Vietnam Show, a dazzling cultural performance showcasing Vietnamese traditions​

Vinpearl Safari Phú Quốc Spanning over 380 hectares, this is Vietnam's largest wildlife conservation park. Visitors can embark on a safari ride to see giraffes, zebras, lions, and rare white Bengal tigers. Interactive feeding zones and educational talks make it a perfect family-friendly activity

VinWonders Phú Quốc Southeast Asia’s largest theme park offers thrilling rides, a water park, and unique attractions like the Mayan Legend, a dark slide adventure, and the Greek Civilization, featuring one of the fastest roller coasters in the world. The park also hosts the Sea Shell Aquarium, one of the largest in the world, with over 18,000 marine creatures​

Cung điện Hải Vương (The Sea Shell) This iconic turtle-shaped aquarium is the crown jewel of VinWonders. Visitors can explore five oceanic zones, enjoy virtual reality exhibits, and admire rare sea life, including vibrant coral reefs and endangered species

Sunset at the Beach As the day winds down, relax on a pristine beach and take in the breathtaking sunset. Phu Quoc is famous for its golden-hour views.

Dương Đông Night Market A lively spot to shop for local crafts and enjoy fresh seafood. Try Phu Quoc specialties like grilled sea urchins and black pepper crab. The market is also an ideal place to purchase authentic pearls​

Phu Quoc Centre & Dinner at Pho Sai Gon Wrap up your day with a visit to Phu Quoc Centre, then savor authentic Vietnamese dishes at Pho Sai Gon for dinner.

Day 2: Adventures in the South Side

The southern side of Phu Quoc offers a mix of history, nature, and iconic landmarks.

Hon Thom Departure Terminal - Sun World Hon Thom Nature Park Enjoy breathtaking views during the world’s longest overwater cable car ride (nearly 8 kilometers), connecting Phu Quoc to Hon Thom Island. Activities on Hon Thom include snorkeling, kayaking, and ziplining. Check the cable car’s operational schedule to avoid delays​

Kiss Bridge A romantic and iconic landmark shaped like two hands, the bridge provides an idyllic setting for photos with the ocean as a backdrop. It symbolizes unity and love

Quầy vé SUN WORLD HÒN THƠM NATURE PARK Enjoy the many attractions here, from water sports to tropical scenery.

Phu Quoc Prison History Museum Also known as Coconut Tree Prison, this museum provides a poignant glimpse into the island's wartime history. Exhibits include life-size models and artifacts depicting the conditions faced by prisoners during Vietnam's wars

Sunset at Sunset Sanato Beach Club Famous for its photogenic art installations on the beach, this club offers a relaxing environment with drinks, music, and mesmerizing sunset views.

Back to Wyndham Grand for a Massage & Dinner After a long day, treat yourself to a rejuvenating massage at the hotel spa and enjoy a delicious dinner at the Wyndham Grand.

Day 3: Departure

On your final morning, take the free shuttle service back to Ho Chi Minh City. While it’s hard to say goodbye, you’ll leave with wonderful memories of this tropical paradise.

Final Thoughts

Phu Quoc has so much to offer, from natural beauty to cultural attractions, and this short weekend itinerary barely scratches the surface. I wish I had more time to explore this beautiful island, but these three days were nothing short of magical. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or adventure, Phu Quoc is a destination worth adding to your travel list.

Pack your bags and prepare to be enchanted! 🌴✨


富國島(Phu Quoc)是越南的一顆迷人明珠,非常適合來一場週末小旅行。這裡擁有潔白的沙灘、茂密的森林,以及充滿活力的文化氛圍,難怪越來越多旅客將這裡列為目的地。我最近在 Wyndham Grand Phu Quoc 渡過了一個短暫但難忘的週末,以下是我推薦的行程,讓你充分利用這次旅程!



富國聯合中心(Phu Quoc United Center)

這個熱鬧的綜合體是娛樂與文化的匯聚地。其中特色景點 Grand World 是以威尼斯為靈感設計的區域,提供貢多拉船遊覽、色彩繽紛的建築,以及浪漫的氛圍。夜晚則有竹傳奇(Bamboo Legend),一個壯觀的竹建築傑作,以及越南精華秀(Tinh Hoa Vietnam Show),展現越南傳統的燦爛文化表演。

富國島野生動物園(Vinpearl Safari Phú Quốc)

這座占地超過 380 公頃的野生動物保護公園是越南最大的野生動物園。遊客可以乘坐遊園車觀賞長頸鹿、斑馬、獅子和稀有的白孟加拉虎。此外,互動餵食區和教育講座也是非常適合家庭的活動。

VinWonders 富國島樂園

東南亞最大的主題樂園擁有刺激的遊樂設施、水上樂園,以及獨特景點如瑪雅傳奇(Mayan Legend)的黑暗滑道冒險和希臘文明區(Greek Civilization)內世界上最快的過山車之一。樂園內還有海龜型水族館(Sea Shell Aquarium),是全球最大的水族館之一,擁有超過 18,000 種海洋生物。

海王宮殿(Cung điện Hải Vương)

這座標誌性的海龜形水族館是 VinWonders 的亮點之一。遊客可以探索五大海洋區域,體驗虛擬實境展覽,並欣賞包括絢麗珊瑚礁和瀕危物種在內的珍稀海洋生物。



東東夜市(Dương Đông Night Market)


富國中心與晚餐:Pho Sai Gon

結束一天行程前,可以造訪富國中心(Phu Quoc Centre),隨後在 Pho Sai Gon 品嚐正宗越南菜。



Hon Thom 離島纜車站 - Sun World Hon Thom Nature Park

乘坐全世界最長的跨海纜車(近 8 公里),欣賞壯麗景觀,連接富國島與 Hon Thom 島。在 Hon Thom 島可以參加浮潛、皮划艇、滑索等活動。記得查看纜車的運行時間,避免等待!

吻橋(Kiss Bridge)




富國島監獄歷史博物館(Phu Quoc Prison History Museum)



Conway’s Law - How Organizational Communication Shapes System Design

In the realm of software development and system architecture, a principle often discussed, yet sometimes misunderstood, is Conway's Law. Coined by Melvin Conway in 1968, the law states:

“Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.”

At its core, Conway’s Law highlights the intrinsic relationship between an organization’s communication patterns and the systems it creates. This concept has profound implications for how teams are structured, how software is designed, and how businesses operate.

The Basis of Conway's Law

Conway’s Law suggests that the design of any system reflects the way the organization communicates. For example, if a company has siloed departments, each working on separate components, the resulting system might lack cohesion or have integration challenges. Conversely, a company with collaborative, cross-functional teams is more likely to design systems with seamless interoperability.

A Real-World Example

Imagine a company with three distinct development teams:

  1. Frontend Development Team
  2. Backend Development Team
  3. Database Team

Each team communicates primarily within their group. When tasked with building a system, the final architecture will likely have three separate modules: a frontend, a backend, and a database. The interactions between these components may mirror the limited communication between the teams.

Why Conway’s Law Matters

Conway’s Law is more than just an observation—it has real-world implications for product design, team collaboration, and organizational success.

1. System Modularity Reflects Team Silos

When teams work in isolation, the systems they build often reflect this division, resulting in rigid, modular designs that may struggle to scale or adapt.

2. Communication Drives Integration

Strong communication across teams fosters better integration in the systems they design. Teams that collaborate effectively are more likely to build cohesive, user-friendly systems.

3. Impact on Product Development

Organizations aiming for agile, adaptive systems must ensure that their communication structures support collaboration and knowledge sharing. Misaligned communication can lead to misaligned systems.

Leveraging Conway’s Law

Understanding Conway’s Law empowers organizations to design not only their systems but also their teams for success. Here are some strategies to leverage this principle:

1. Align Team Structure with System Goals

If your system requires a microservices architecture, consider organizing teams around individual services. Each team should have ownership of one service, from development to deployment.

2. Encourage Cross-Functional Collaboration

Breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional communication ensures better integration across system components. Agile methodologies, for example, advocate for small, diverse teams working on end-to-end features.

3. Evolve with the System

As systems grow and evolve, so should team structures. Regularly assess whether your current organizational design supports your system’s goals and adapt as needed.

4. Invest in Communication Tools and Practices

Facilitate seamless communication across teams through modern collaboration tools and practices. Whether it’s Slack channels, virtual stand-ups, or shared documentation, effective communication is a cornerstone of good system design.

Breaking Conway’s Law?

Is it possible to escape the constraints of Conway’s Law? While the principle itself is not a rule to be broken, organizations can mitigate its downsides through Conway’s Law Inversion—designing communication structures to intentionally shape the desired system architecture. By proactively aligning team organization with the desired system outcome, businesses can use Conway’s Law as a strategic tool.


Conway’s Law serves as a reminder that the systems we create are reflections of the teams and organizations that build them. By understanding and embracing this principle, organizations can align their communication structures with their system design goals, leading to better products and happier teams.

Conway’s Law is not just about the limitations it imposes; it’s a powerful lens through which we can design systems, teams, and even organizations for success.

Conway 定律 - 組織溝通如何影響系統設計

在軟體開發和系統架構領域,一個經常被討論但有時會被誤解的原則是 Conway 定律。這個定律由 Melvin Conway 在 1968 年提出,內容如下:


Conway 定律的核心強調了組織溝通模式與其創建的系統之間的內在關係。這一概念對於團隊如何組建、軟體如何設計以及企業如何運作都有深遠的影響。

Conway 定律的基礎

Conway 定律指出,任何系統的設計都反映了組織的溝通方式。例如,如果一家公司有分隔明顯的部門,各自負責不同的組件,最終的系統可能會缺乏一致性,或面臨整合困難。反之,擁有協作性強的跨功能團隊的公司,更可能設計出無縫銜接的系統。



  1. 前端開發團隊
  2. 後端開發團隊
  3. 資料庫團隊


為什麼 Conway 定律重要

Conway 定律不僅僅是一個觀察結論,它對產品設計、團隊協作和組織成功都有實際意義。

1. 系統模組化反映團隊隔離


2. 溝通促進整合


3. 對產品開發的影響


利用 Conway 定律

理解 Conway 定律能讓組織不僅設計出成功的系統,也能打造成功的團隊。以下是一些策略:

1. 將團隊結構與系統目標對齊


2. 鼓勵跨功能協作


3. 隨著系統演進調整團隊結構


4. 投資於溝通工具與實踐

通過現代化的協作工具與實踐促進團隊間無縫溝通。例如,Slack 頻道、虛擬站會或共享文檔,都是良好溝通的基石。

打破 Conway 定律?

能否逃脫 Conway 定律的限制?雖然這一原則本身不是可以打破的規則,但組織可以通過 Conway 定律反轉 減輕其負面影響——即設計溝通結構以刻意塑造期望的系統架構。通過主動調整團隊組織以達成期望的系統結果,企業可以將 Conway 定律作為戰略工具。


Conway 定律提醒我們,所構建的系統是構建它們的團隊和組織的反映。通過理解並接受這一原則,組織可以調整其溝通結構以符合系統設計目標,從而創造更好的產品和更快樂的團隊。

Conway 定律不僅僅是它施加的限制,它更是一種有力的視角,幫助我們為成功設計系統、團隊,甚至整個組織。

The C4 Model for Visualising Software Architecture

Software architecture forms the backbone of any successful system, defining the structure and interactions among its components. However, effectively communicating architecture to various stakeholders—developers, business analysts, or executives—can often be challenging. The C4 Model, created by Simon Brown, provides a lightweight yet powerful framework for visualising software architecture in a structured and scalable way. This model offers a systematic approach across four levels of abstraction: Context, Container, Component, and Code.

The Context level captures the big picture, answering what the system does, its purpose, and how it interacts with external entities. This high-level overview is perfect for executives or non-technical stakeholders to understand the system’s scope and key interactions. For example, an e-commerce platform’s Context diagram might highlight interactions with customers, payment gateways, and shipping providers, offering a clear, broad understanding of the system's environment.

The Container level dives into the system’s building blocks, such as applications, services, and databases, and focuses on their communication mechanisms. This level is aimed at technical stakeholders who need to understand how the system is structured and how its components interact. Using the same e-commerce example, the Container diagram might showcase a web application, an order management backend service, and a database, along with their communication protocols.

At the Component level, the focus shifts to the internal workings of individual containers. This deeper level of abstraction highlights the key components, their responsibilities, and their interactions within a container. For instance, the order management service might have components like an Order Processor, Payment Integration Module, and Notification Service, detailing how they work together to process orders and notify customers.

The Code level offers the most granular view, delving into implementation details. While optional, this level can be useful for development teams requiring detailed insights into the source code structure, such as class diagrams or methods used within a specific module. Using UML or similar tools, this level can visualize the finer details, such as how an Order Processor class interacts with a database repository.

The C4 Model stands out because it provides clarity across stakeholders, ensuring that everyone, from executives to developers, can understand the architecture at the appropriate level of detail. It scales well for projects of varying sizes, maintains consistent communication through structured diagrams, and emphasizes abstractions that evolve logically from high-level context to low-level details. These characteristics make it an invaluable tool for teams aiming to align on architectural decisions.

Creating C4 diagrams can be facilitated by tools like Structurizr, PlantUML, or general diagramming platforms such as Lucidchart or Best practices for adopting the C4 Model include starting at the Context level before moving to deeper levels, keeping diagrams simple, using consistent notation, iterating with feedback, and documenting assumptions alongside the diagrams.

The C4 Model is a practical and effective way to communicate software architecture, ensuring alignment across technical and non-technical stakeholders. By layering abstraction and focusing on the essentials, it bridges the gap between complexity and clarity. Whether you’re a developer, architect, or technical leader, adopting the C4 Model can significantly improve how software systems are visualized and understood. Start using it in your projects to experience its benefits firsthand.

C4 模型:可視化軟體架構

軟體架構是任何成功系統的核心,定義了其組件的結構及其互動方式。然而,向不同的利害關係人(如開發人員、業務分析師或高層管理人員)有效傳達架構信息往往是具有挑戰性的。由 Simon Brown 創建的 C4 模型,提供了一種輕量級但強大的框架,用於以結構化且可擴展的方式可視化軟體架構。該模型在四個抽象層次上提供系統化的方法:環境層(Context)容器層(Container)組件層(Component)程式碼層(Code)








程式碼層提供了最細緻的視圖,深入探討實現細節。雖然此層是可選的,但對於需要詳細了解源代碼結構(如類圖或特定模組中使用的方法)的開發團隊來說,它可能非常有用。使用 UML 或類似工具,可以可視化如“訂單處理器”類如何與數據庫倉儲進行交互等細節。

C4 模型的優勢在於,它在不同利害關係人之間提供了清晰的溝通,確保從高管到開發人員的所有人都能在適當的詳細程度上理解架構。它對不同規模的項目有良好的適應性,通過結構化圖表保持一致的溝通,並強調從高層次環境到低層次細節的抽象邏輯演進。這些特性使其成為團隊在架構決策上對齊的一個重要工具。

創建 C4 圖表的工具與最佳實踐

創建 C4 圖表可以使用 Structurizr、PlantUML 或通用圖表平台如 Lucidchart 或 等工具。採用 C4 模型的最佳實踐包括: - 從環境層開始,然後逐步深入。 - 保持圖表簡潔。 - 使用一致的符號。 - 結合反饋進行迭代。 - 與圖表一起記錄假設。

C4 模型是一種實用且有效的軟體架構溝通方式,能確保技術和非技術利害關係人之間的對齊。通過分層抽象並專注於要點,它在複雜性和清晰度之間建立了橋樑。無論您是開發人員、架構師,還是技術領導者,採用 C4 模型都可以顯著改善軟體系統的可視化和理解。開始在您的項目中使用它,親身體驗其帶來的好處吧!

Mastering Digital Leadership - Lessons on Lean Innovation and Continuous Learning from NUS-ISS

Last week, I completed the final presentation for the Master of Technology in Digital Leadership course at NUS-ISS, marking the end of an incredible two-year journey. This milestone reflects not only academic achievement but also a personal transformation. The lessons and insights gained during this program have been invaluable in shaping my understanding of leadership and innovation in a rapidly changing world.

One of the key takeaways from this journey is the importance of continuous learning and adapting to change. In today’s fast-moving technological landscape, innovation is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Lean and experimentation principles have proven to be powerful tools for fostering innovation in any organization. These principles emphasize the need to test ideas quickly, learn from failures, and continuously improve. Organizations that embrace this approach can create long-term growth by unlocking the creativity and talent of their teams.

To drive meaningful innovation, it is essential to validate ideas early by engaging directly with customers. Asking simple but important questions—such as whether the problem is real, how it is being solved today, and whether a proposed solution is better—ensures efforts are focused on delivering real value. This approach minimizes wasted resources and increases the likelihood of success.

The program also highlighted that successful transformation begins with leadership. Leaders must inspire action, create space for experimentation, and encourage learning. Companies like GE and Airbnb have shown how fostering a culture of innovation and agility can lead to remarkable growth and resilience. Leadership drives change, but it also requires building systems and processes that make innovation a continuous and reliable effort.

As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded that the real challenge lies ahead. Technology and markets will keep changing, and organizations must develop the ability to adapt repeatedly. My goal is to apply these lessons to inspire teams, drive impactful changes, and build organizations that thrive on uncertainty and opportunity.

This two-year journey has been a transformative experience, but it is only the beginning. The commitment to learning, experimenting, and innovating will remain central to my approach as I embrace the challenges of the future.








Automating DNS Management in Kubernetes with ExternalDNS

ExternalDNS is a third-party, open-source tool designed to automate the management of DNS records for Kubernetes clusters. It integrates seamlessly with Kubernetes to dynamically update DNS records in response to changes in your cluster, enabling smooth automation of exposed services, APIs, and applications. Originally developed to support AWS Route53 and Google CloudDNS, it has since expanded to support a wide array of DNS providers, making it a versatile option for cloud-native environments.

Key Concepts in ExternalDNS

ExternalDNS operates by watching “source” Kubernetes resources—like Services, Ingresses, and Istio Gateways—that represent network endpoints. It reconciles these sources with DNS records through Kubernetes Controller patterns, ensuring that records are synchronized with the underlying infrastructure changes.

Types of Sources

The main types of source objects for ExternalDNS are: - Services (of type LoadBalancer): Commonly used for high-availability applications. - Ingresses: Manage access to services based on routing rules. - Custom Resources (CRDs): Extend ExternalDNS’s compatibility with other Kubernetes configurations.

Each source is associated with an ExternalDNS instance, which will reconcile these resources with a DNS provider based on specific annotations configured on the source.

- name: external-dns
  image: //third_party/docker:external_dns
    - --source=ingress
    - --source=service
Hostname Annotations

Once ExternalDNS detects a source, it requires a hostname to identify the DNS record pointing to this source. Hostname annotations facilitate this by specifying the record name.


This annotation instructs ExternalDNS to create or update a DNS record with as the hostname.

DNS Providers and Integrations

ExternalDNS supports various DNS providers, making it a flexible choice for multi-cloud setups. DNS providers, or “integrations,” allow it to update records on platforms like AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS, and Azure DNS. Configuration for providers is specified as arguments to the ExternalDNS container:

- name: external-dns
  image: //third_party/docker:external_dns
    - --provider=aws

Policy and Registry in ExternalDNS

Policy Modes

Policies in ExternalDNS define how it interacts with DNS providers. The available policies include: - Sync: Supports create, update, and delete operations. - Upsert-only: Allows only create and update, preventing accidental deletions. - Create-only: Restricts operations to only creating new records.

Using the upsert-only policy ensures that DNS records are created or updated as needed without accidental deletions:

- name: external-dns
  image: //third_party/docker:external_dns
    - --policy=upsert-only
Registry Options

To maintain ownership and control over specific records, ExternalDNS maintains a registry that records its ownership. The TXT registry is a commonly used option, which adds a TXT record alongside DNS records managed by ExternalDNS. This TXT record identifies ownership, helping differentiate records created manually or by other tools like Terraform.

- name: external-dns
  image: //third_party/docker:external_dns
    - --registry=txt

Control Loops in ExternalDNS

ExternalDNS periodically reconciles DNS records to match the desired state specified by source objects. This reconciliation follows a control loop that can be set to run at defined intervals or respond to specific events: - Interval: Runs periodically across all sources, updating DNS records to the current state of Kubernetes objects. - Events: Triggers updates in response to specific changes in source objects, allowing for faster response times.

The following configuration sets a reconciliation interval of 10 minutes, with event-based updates:

- name: external-dns
  image: //third_party/docker:external_dns
    - --interval=10m
    - --events


ExternalDNS offers a powerful way to automate DNS record management in Kubernetes environments. By integrating with multiple DNS providers and offering flexible policies and registry options, it reduces the manual burden of DNS management and ensures records are always synchronized with service endpoints. ExternalDNS is a valuable tool in cloud-native setups, automating the exposure of essential services and APIs and maintaining operational efficiency across environments.