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瞭解 Kubernetes 自動擴展 - 速度與流量容量

Kubernetes 的自動擴展功能是非常強大的,它確保了應用程序可以根據流量的增減動態擴展。然而,一個常見的問題是:Kubernetes 的擴展速度有多快,能處理多大的流量?


在 Kubernetes 中,自動擴展分為兩個層次:Pod 層級的自動擴展節點層級的自動擴展

1. Pod 層級的自動擴展 (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler - HPA)

水平 Pod 自動擴展器 (HPA) 會監控 Pods 的資源使用情況(例如 CPU 或記憶體),並根據需求自動調整副本的數量。以下是一些重要資訊:

  • 擴展速度:Pod 層級的自動擴展通常非常快速,一般在 不到一分鐘 內完成,具體取決於集群的配置。不過,某些配置可以使擴展更快:
  • PriorityClass:Pods 可以根據其重要性設置不同的優先級。具有較高優先級的關鍵 Pods 在擴展事件中可以更快被調度,確保重要的工作負載在資源受限時被優先處理。
  • 固定和預擴展 HPA:如果預計流量會激增,可以將 HPA 配置為預先擴展 Pods,這樣系統可以更快響應流量高峰,而不需要等待資源閾值被觸發。

  • 流量容量:Pods 能夠處理的流量取決於每個 Pod 的資源分配(例如 CPU、記憶體)。如果每個 Pod 可以處理固定數量的每秒請求,通過擴展 Pods 的數量可以確保整體系統能處理更大的流量負載。通過精心配置 Pod 的資源限制和 HPA 閾值,可以優化系統以平衡資源效率與流量容量。

2. 節點層級的自動擴展 (Cluster Autoscaler 或 Karpenter)

當擴展 Pods 不足以應對需求時,Kubernetes 還可以擴展集群中的節點(虛擬機器)來容納更多的 Pods。

  • 擴展速度:節點的擴展比 Pods 擴展耗時更久,因為它需要從雲服務商(AWS、GCP 等)調用新實例。通常,節點擴展需要 幾分鐘 時間,具體取決於雲服務商的基礎設施和實例的大小。為了優化節點層級的擴展,可以採取以下措施:
  • Karpenter:作為 Cluster Autoscaler 的新替代方案,Karpenter 通過高效地配置所需資源來優化節點擴展。它通常比傳統的自動擴展器更快,能在幾秒內啟動節點。
  • 過量配置:為了減少擴展節點所需的時間,可以採取「過量配置」的方式,即保持一小部分閒置節點,以隨時應對流量激增。這種方式確保系統可以立即擴展,而無需等待新節點啟動。

  • 流量容量:在節點層級,流量處理能力與可安排 Pods 的節點數量有關。通過擴展節點,可以增加整個集群的資源池總量,從而容納更多的 Pods,並提升流量處理能力。


Kubernetes 的自動擴展非常動態,兩個層次協同工作以確保應用程序按需擴展。

  • Pod 層級的擴展 速度快,通常在不到一分鐘內完成,尤其是在預先擴展或使用適當 PriorityClass 設置時。
  • 節點層級的擴展 可能需要幾分鐘,但工具如 Karpenter 和過量配置可以幫助加速這一過程。

通過有效地管理 Pod 和節點的自動擴展,您可以確保應用程序在處理大流量高峰時仍能保持高效運行。

Engage in Energizing Activities - The Power of Exercise

Our energy and mood play a significant role in how we present ourselves in everyday interactions. Whether it’s a casual coffee meeting, an important networking event, or a high-stakes job interview, the way we feel mentally and physically influences how others perceive us. One way to sustain that energy and radiate positivity is through energizing activities—and at the top of that list is exercise.

Exercise isn’t just about physical fitness. It enhances every aspect of your well-being—mental, emotional, and cognitive. Here’s how exercise helps you operate at your best: it boosts mood by releasing endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, instantly lifting your spirits. It increases self-esteem with each workout, giving you a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Feeling good about yourself improves sociability, making networking and interviews feel less daunting. Regular exercise also builds discipline, enhancing motivation to pursue personal and professional goals. Additionally, it sharpens focus and memory, helping you perform better in conversations, presentations, and problem-solving scenarios.

These benefits become even more evident when exercise becomes a consistent part of your routine. However, exercise is not one-size-fits-all. What works for one person might not suit another. The key is to engage in activities that energize and uplift you. Walking or jogging is a simple way to clear your mind while enjoying the outdoors. Listening to music while exercising can amplify motivation and enjoyment. Group classes or team sports build sociability while keeping you active. Yoga or Pilates are great for mental clarity and reducing stress. Strength training boosts both physical strength and self-confidence. It doesn’t matter what activity you choose—what’s important is that it fits your lifestyle and energizes you.

How you feel internally reflects externally. When you exercise regularly, you’ll notice your energy levels soar, impacting every aspect of your life—from casual conversations to professional encounters. Whether you’re prepping for a job interview or attending a networking event, having the physical and mental strength to engage meaningfully can make a lasting impression.

The benefits of making exercise a part of your routine go beyond the gym. It’s about showing up for yourself, building resilience, and radiating confidence. So, lace up your sneakers, put on your favorite playlist, and get moving. When you energize your body, you also recharge your mind, and the positive results will follow—one step, one workout at a time.

從活力活動中獲得能量 - 運動的力量






Embrace Career Growth - Exploring Possibilities, Navigating Change, and Building a Meaningful Future

The path to a fulfilling career is rarely straightforward. In today’s world, it’s important to explore different possibilities instead of focusing on just one. Life can bring unexpected changes, and the career path you once thought was clear may take surprising turns. A good way to handle this uncertainty is by developing many possible versions of yourself. These are ideas of who you might become, ranging from realistic and well-planned to imaginative and uncertain. Some of these possibilities will appeal more to you than others, but they are all worth exploring because they give you flexibility to adapt as your life changes.

Transitions in your career often bring a sense of uncertainty. During this time, you may feel lost, caught between the end of your old job and the unknown future. This in-between stage, called liminality, can feel uncomfortable, but it plays an important role in your growth. It allows you to process your emotions, reflect on your past, and consider new opportunities without rushing into decisions. Taking time to reflect during these transitions can lead to better choices, helping you avoid missing out on paths you hadn’t considered before.

In moments of change or crisis, like during the COVID-19 pandemic, people often find unexpected opportunities. With fewer traditional options available, many shift their focus to personal projects, new skills, or ideas that had been put on hold. These moments of downtime aren’t wasted—they allow your mind to recharge and spark new ideas. Rest is just as valuable as hard work because it helps shape who you are becoming.

Another key to building a meaningful career is to engage in activities outside of your main job. While it’s important to focus on doing well at work, relying only on your current role can limit your long-term growth. Side projects, advisory roles, or joining boards are great ways to gain new experiences, develop new skills, and expand your network. These activities expose you to different ideas, industries, and people, making you more adaptable and creative. They also bring personal satisfaction and open doors to future opportunities that you might not find in your day job alone.

Trying out different roles or stretch assignments can also help you grow. They let you explore new fields without leaving your current job and build experience step by step. You might take part in consulting projects, teach a class, or contribute to a startup. These smaller commitments allow you to compare different paths, understand what suits you best, and gradually build new strengths.

In the end, a career is not a single journey with a clear destination. It’s an ongoing process of learning, experimenting, and adjusting. Life rarely moves in a straight line, and that’s okay. By embracing change, exploring multiple possibilities, and engaging in meaningful side activities, you create a flexible and rewarding career. Growth comes from trying, learning, and imagining new futures, not just from achieving specific goals. The key is to stay curious, open to new opportunities, and willing to explore who you might become next.




在變化或危機的時刻,例如 COVID-19 疫情期間,人們往往會發現意想不到的機會。當傳統選項減少時,許多人將重心轉向個人項目、新技能,或之前被擱置的想法。這些停歇的時刻並非浪費——它們讓您的大腦得以重新充電並激發新的靈感。休息與努力工作同樣重要,因為它幫助塑造了您未來的樣子。




The Pitfalls of Philosopher King - Why Morality Alone Isn’t Enough for Effective Leadership

The idea of the philosopher king, a leader who governs with wisdom and morality, has long captured the imagination. During a recent coffee chat, my friend and I debated whether the most moral person should lead an organization. My friend argued that if a moral leader were at the top, they would always make the right decisions for the benefit of everyone. While I understand the appeal of this idea, I believe it overlooks a key problem: even good people can make mistakes, and the path to power often requires qualities that are far from virtuous.

Good intentions alone are not enough to guarantee good leadership. Even the most well-meaning person is capable of poor decisions. This is why strong processes and governance structures are essential. They not only protect organizations from bad actors but also guide well-intentioned leaders away from making serious mistakes. Good governance creates safeguards, ensuring decisions are thought through, discussed, and refined by others. It prevents both malicious actions and misguided ones, helping even moral leaders stay on the right path. In reality, morality needs to be supported by structure and accountability.

Leadership also comes with the risk of corruption, even for those who start with noble intentions. The story of Anakin Skywalker, who becomes Darth Vader in Star Wars, shows how power can corrupt a person over time. Anakin begins with a desire to do good, but fear, ambition, and temptation lead him down a dark path. This reflects a very real phenomenon in leadership: power changes people, often in ways they don’t expect. Even the best leaders can be tempted by ego, fear, and personal ambition, leading them away from their moral values.

Lord Acton’s famous saying, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” reminds us that giving too much power to one person is dangerous. The philosopher king assumes that a wise and moral leader can remain untouched by the temptations of power, but history tells a different story. Concentrating too much authority in one person often leads to arrogance and poor judgment. This is why modern organizations spread responsibility across teams and put checks in place to prevent abuse. When decisions are shared and leaders are accountable to others, it becomes harder for power to corrupt.

While the idea of the philosopher king is appealing, it overlooks the complexities of human nature. No leader is perfect, and no one is immune to the pressures and temptations that come with power. Instead of hoping for a perfect leader, organizations should focus on building systems that encourage ethical behavior at all levels. Good leadership requires a combination of personal virtue, strong processes, and shared responsibility. Governance systems help guide decisions, prevent mistakes, and hold people accountable, whether they are morally good or not.

In the end, it is not enough to place all hope in the hands of one moral leader. Instead, organizations need structures that support good decision-making and prevent bad behavior. A wise and moral leader is important, but even the best leaders need help from strong governance and teamwork. The path to ethical leadership lies not in the search for a philosopher king but in creating systems where leaders and teams can work together to make thoughtful, responsible choices every day.








Understanding Data Governance in the Digital Age

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, data has emerged as a critical asset for organizations. However, managing this asset effectively requires a structured approach, which is where data governance plays a crucial role. Data governance is the process by which organizations define the authority, control, and accountability over the management of data assets. As businesses increasingly rely on data to drive decision-making, ensuring proper governance becomes essential for achieving operational excellence and regulatory compliance.

What is Data Governance?

At its core, data governance is about defining decision rights and accountability frameworks to ensure that data is valued, created, consumed, and controlled appropriately. According to Gartner, data governance specifies decision rights and accountability to ensure proper data behavior, while DAMA defines it as the exercise of authority and control over data management through shared decision-making processes.

Informatica highlights that data governance also involves defining organizational structures, policies, and metrics that govern the entire data lifecycle. This end-to-end approach ensures data integrity, consistency, and availability, enabling businesses to leverage their data assets fully.

Key Principles of Data Governance

To implement an effective data governance strategy, organizations must adhere to several guiding principles:

  1. Data as an Asset: Data is a critical business asset, and organizations must treat it with the same care and consideration as any other valuable resource. This requires clear strategies, decision-making processes, and innovation to maximize its value.

  2. Data Stewardship: Everyone within the organization has a responsibility toward data governance. Effective stewardship ensures data is handled with care and is available where needed.

  3. Data Quality: Data must be accurate, consistent, and relevant to business needs. The principle of "Right the First Time, Every Time" emphasizes the importance of maintaining data quality throughout its lifecycle.

  4. Data Compliance: Organizations must ensure that data handling practices comply with relevant laws and regulations, including data privacy, security, and retention policies.

  5. Data Security: Protecting data from unauthorized access, breaches, and other security risks is a fundamental aspect of data governance. This requires robust security protocols and continuous monitoring to safeguard data 24/7.

  6. Data Sharing and Accessibility: Data governance encourages the sharing of data across departments to maximize its value. However, data sharing should be governed by strict access controls to ensure only authorized users can access sensitive information.

Data Governance Frameworks

To formalize data governance practices, organizations can adopt established frameworks, such as:

  • DGI Data Governance Framework
  • CMMI (Capability Maturity Assessment Model)
  • DAMA/DMBOK (Data Management Body of Knowledge)
  • EDM Council-DCAM (Data Capability Assessment Model)

These frameworks provide structured approaches to assess and improve data management practices. By following these frameworks, organizations can align their data governance efforts with industry best practices and ensure continuous improvement.

The Data Lifecycle

Data governance is not just about setting policies; it extends to managing data throughout its entire lifecycle. From creation and collection to storage, usage, and eventual disposal, data must be handled with care at each stage.

  1. Data Creation: This includes data entry, acquisition, and capture through various processes.

  2. Data Storage: Data must be cleansed, classified, and stored securely to ensure its availability and integrity.

  3. Data Usage: Organizations must ensure that data is used ethically and legally, with proper audit trails to track modifications and access.

  4. Data Archival and Disposal: When data is no longer needed, it should be archived or disposed of in a manner that complies with organizational policies and regulatory requirements.

Challenges and Pitfalls in Data Governance

Implementing a successful data governance strategy is not without challenges. Common pitfalls include:

  • Lack of Leadership Commitment: Data governance requires support from top-level executives to succeed.
  • Failure to Link Governance to Business Goals: Governance efforts should be directly tied to business objectives to demonstrate value.
  • Overemphasis on Monitoring: While monitoring is important, organizations should also focus on data quality improvement.
  • Technology Reliance: Technology alone cannot solve governance issues—effective governance requires a balance of people, processes, and technology.


Data governance is a critical aspect of managing data in the digital age. By establishing clear policies, accountability frameworks, and stewardship responsibilities, organizations can ensure that their data assets are managed effectively, ensuring data quality, security, and compliance. With a strong governance framework in place, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data, driving innovation and growth while minimizing risks.

This comprehensive approach to data governance ensures that data is treated as a valuable asset, guiding organizations to use it responsibly and strategically for long-term success.




從核心來看,數據治理是定義決策權和問責框架的過程,以確保數據被適當地重視、創建、使用和控制。根據 Gartner 的說法,數據治理規範了決策權和問責制以確保正確的數據行為,而 DAMA 則將其定義為通過共享決策過程對數據管理行使權力和控制。

Informatica 指出,數據治理還涉及定義治理整個數據生命週期的組織結構、政策和衡量標準。這種端到端的方法確保了數據的完整性、一致性和可用性,使企業能夠充分利用其數據資產。



  1. 數據作為資產 數據是一項關鍵的業務資產,組織必須以對待其他寶貴資源的方式對其進行管理,並制定清晰的策略和創新方法來最大化其價值。

  2. 數據管理責任 組織內的每個人對數據治理都負有責任。有效的管理確保數據被妥善處理並在需要時可用。

  3. 數據質量 數據必須準確、一致且與業務需求相關。“一次到位,始終正確”的原則強調了在數據生命週期內維護數據質量的重要性。

  4. 數據合規性 組織必須確保數據處理實踐符合相關法律法規,包括數據隱私、安全性和保存政策。

  5. 數據安全性 保護數據免受未授權的訪問、洩露和其他安全風險是數據治理的基本方面。這需要健全的安全協議和24/7的持續監控。

  6. 數據共享與可訪問性 數據治理鼓勵跨部門共享數據以最大化其價值。然而,數據共享必須受到嚴格的訪問控制,以確保僅授權用戶可以訪問敏感信息。



  • DGI 數據治理框架
  • CMMI 能力成熟度評估模型
  • DAMA/DMBOK 數據管理知識體系
  • EDM Council-DCAM 數據能力評估模型




  1. 數據創建 包括數據輸入、獲取以及通過各種過程進行的數據收集。

  2. 數據存儲 數據必須被清理、分類並安全存儲,以確保其可用性和完整性。

  3. 數據使用 組織必須確保數據在合法合規的情況下被使用,並通過適當的審計追蹤進行修改和訪問。

  4. 數據歸檔與處置 當數據不再需要時,應按照組織政策和法規要求進行歸檔或處置。



  • 缺乏領導層承諾 數據治理需要高層管理者的支持才能成功。

  • 未能將治理與業務目標聯繫起來 治理工作應直接與業務目標掛鉤,以展示其價值。

  • 過度強調監控 雖然監控很重要,但組織也應專注於改善數據質量。

  • 過於依賴技術 單靠技術無法解決治理問題——有效的治理需要人員、流程和技術的平衡。




Identifying the Risks Organizations Face - Key Considerations for Risk Governance

In today’s dynamic business environment, risk management is essential for an organization's long-term success. Companies must be equipped to identify, assess, and manage risks to protect their assets, stakeholders, and reputation. A proactive approach to risk governance allows businesses to navigate uncertainties, optimize opportunities, and ensure sustainability. Below, we explore the types of risks organizations face and the reasons why identifying them is crucial.

1. Categories of Risks

Organizations typically encounter several types of risks, including:

  • Strategic Risks: These arise from decisions that affect the company's ability to achieve its objectives, such as market competition, mergers and acquisitions, and business model changes.

  • Operational Risks: These include disruptions in day-to-day business activities, such as supply chain issues, equipment failures, or human resource constraints.

  • Financial Risks: Changes in financial markets, exchange rates, interest rates, and liquidity can impact an organization’s financial stability. For instance, adverse movements in currency exchange rates may reduce revenue in international markets.

  • Compliance Risks: With increasing regulations, companies face risks related to legal and regulatory compliance. Failure to adhere to industry standards or regulations can lead to penalties, fines, or reputational damage.

  • Reputational Risks: The perception of stakeholders, including customers and investors, plays a significant role in a company's success. A poor reputation can reduce market share, decrease customer loyalty, and attract negative publicity.

  • Information Technology (IT) Risks: As organizations depend more on digital systems, cyber threats, data breaches, and IT failures have become critical risks. These risks can disrupt operations, expose sensitive information, and undermine customer trust.

2. The Importance of Identifying Risks

Identifying risks is the first step in effective risk management. Understanding the potential threats and vulnerabilities facing an organization allows leaders to make informed decisions and develop mitigation strategies. Identifying risks enables companies to assess their risk tolerance and align resources with their strategic objectives. Here are some key reasons why identifying risks is critical:

  • Prevents Financial Loss: By identifying financial risks early, organizations can implement strategies to protect against market volatility, interest rate fluctuations, and liquidity issues, minimizing potential financial loss.

  • Safeguards Reputation: Identifying reputational risks, such as public relations crises or customer dissatisfaction, helps protect the organization’s brand. Companies can proactively manage these risks by improving communication strategies and maintaining high customer service standards.

  • Ensures Regulatory Compliance: In heavily regulated industries, identifying compliance risks is essential to avoid legal penalties. It allows companies to stay up-to-date with changing regulations and implement policies to ensure ongoing compliance.

  • Enhances Strategic Planning: Identifying strategic risks helps organizations anticipate market shifts, new competitors, and technological advancements, ensuring they remain agile and competitive in a rapidly changing environment.

  • Improves Operational Efficiency: Identifying operational risks enables businesses to streamline processes, enhance supply chain management, and improve human resource planning, thus reducing disruptions and inefficiencies.

3. Analysis of Risk Identification

Risk identification should be a continuous process integrated into the company’s core business activities. This involves not only identifying risks from external factors such as regulatory changes or market dynamics but also from within the organization, such as internal controls, governance structures, and cultural factors.

A key part of analyzing risks is understanding their impact and likelihood. Companies should classify risks based on their potential consequences and the likelihood of occurrence, which allows for prioritization. Risk evaluation involves assessing whether the current level of risk is acceptable or requires further treatment. Organizations need to understand the risk-reward trade-off to make informed decisions, especially when considering strategic opportunities that may carry inherent risks.

Additionally, risk management frameworks encourage boards to continuously monitor risks by incorporating mechanisms such as Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) to track risk exposure over time. These KRIs can help detect early signs of changes in risk levels, enabling quicker responses.

4. Creating a Culture of Risk Awareness

An important aspect of effective risk identification is fostering a risk-aware culture within the organization. The Board plays a crucial role in setting the right tone at the top. Leadership must emphasize transparency, encourage employees to report concerns, and instill the importance of adhering to risk management policies. A strong risk-aware culture allows for early detection of issues and ensures that risk management is seen as part of everyone’s responsibility, not just a compliance function.


Identifying risks is essential for ensuring organizational resilience and sustainability. By implementing a robust risk identification process, companies can protect themselves from financial, operational, and reputational damage. Ultimately, risk identification empowers organizations to achieve their objectives while safeguarding stakeholders’ interests.