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Centralized TLS Certificate Management with HashiCorp Vault PKI and Cert Manager

Embracing Zero Trust Security with HTTPS

In the era of zero-trust security, HTTPS has become a non-negotiable requirement for securing web traffic. It ensures that data transferred between users and websites is encrypted and authenticated, protecting against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Understanding Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

PKI is a framework that manages digital certificates and public-key encryption, enabling secure communication over the internet. It involves the creation, distribution, and management of digital certificates, which are used to verify the identity of entities and encrypt data.

Challenges with Traditional PKI Management

Managing PKI manually can be cumbersome and error-prone. The process typically involves:

  1. Generating a key pair and Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
  2. Submitting a support request for certificate issuance, which can take 1-10 days.
  3. Receiving and configuring the service with the returned certificate.
  4. Regularly rotating certificates to maintain security.

This manual approach is not only time-consuming but also increases the risk of misconfigurations and security breaches.

Simplifying PKI with HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault offers a solution to these challenges by automating the certificate management process. With Vault's PKI Secret Engine, certificates can be automatically requested and updated, streamlining the management of TLS certificates.

Vault PKI Secret Engine Configuration

To set up centralized TLS certificate management using HashiCorp Vault PKI and Cert Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Mount the PKI Secret Engine: Enable the PKI secret engine in Vault to start issuing certificates.

shell vault secrets enable pki

  1. Configure the Root CA: Set up a root Certificate Authority (CA) or an intermediate CA to sign certificates.

shell vault write pki/root/generate/internal \ common_name="" \ ttl=87600h

  1. Enable Kubernetes Authentication: Configure Vault to authenticate Kubernetes service accounts, allowing Cert Manager to interact with Vault.

shell vault auth enable kubernetes

  1. Configure Cert Manager: Set up Cert Manager in your Kubernetes cluster to automatically request and renew certificates from Vault.

yaml apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: vault-issuer spec: vault: path: pki/sign/example-dot-com server: auth: kubernetes: role: cert-manager secretRef: name: vault-auth key: token

By integrating HashiCorp Vault PKI with Cert Manager, you can achieve automated and centralized management of TLS certificates, reducing manual effort and enhancing security. This setup ensures that your services are always secured with up-to-date certificates, aligning with zero-trust security principles.

使用HashiCorp Vault PKI和Cert Manager進行集中式TLS證書管理



理解公鑰基礎建設 (PKI)




  1. 產生一對鍵和證書簽名請求 (CSR)。
  2. 提交支援請求以進行證書發行,這可能需要1到10天。
  3. 接收並配置返回的證書到服務。
  4. 定期旋轉證書以維護安全性。


使用HashiCorp Vault簡化PKI

HashiCorp Vault通過自動化證書管理過程,為這些挑戰提供了解決方案。有了Vault的PKI Secret Engine,可以自動請求並更新證書,簡化了TLS證書的管理。

Vault PKI Secret Engine配置

要使用HashiCorp Vault PKI和Cert Manager設置集中式TLS證書管理,請按照以下步驟操作:

  1. 安裝PKI Secret Engine:在Vault中啟用PKI secret engine以開始發行證書。

shell vault secrets enable pki

  1. 配置Root CA:設置一個根證書授權(CA)或一個中間CA來簽證書。

shell vault write pki/root/generate/internal \ common_name="" \ ttl=87600h

  1. 啟用Kubernetes身分驗證:配置Vault以驗證Kubernetes服務帳戶,允許Cert Manager與Vault互動。

shell vault auth enable kubernetes

  1. 配置Cert Manager:在您的Kubernetes集群中設置Cert Manager,以自動請求並更新來自Vault的證書。

yaml apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: vault-issuer spec: vault: path: pki/sign/example-dot-com server: auth: kubernetes: role: cert-manager secretRef: name: vault-auth key: token

通過整合HashiCorp Vault PKI和Cert Manager,您可以實現TLS證書的自動和集中管理,減少手工作業並提高安全性。此配置確保您的服務始終使用最新的證書進行保護,符合零信任安全原則。

Securing Your Applications Anywhere with F5 and Hashicorp Vault

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the deployment and security of applications have become more crucial than ever. Traditional application deployment methods, which can take weeks or even months, are no longer sufficient. Modern applications require modern solutions that provide consistent security controls and policies regardless of where they are deployed.

The Evolving Security Landscape

The security landscape has been changing dramatically, with the number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) found in the last four years surpassing the total of the previous decade. This surge in vulnerabilities has led to increased investments in addressing CVEs, with a significant focus on protecting applications from these threats.

CVEs can have a profound impact on organizations, leading to an increase in alerts, risk analysis, and the need for standby resources. Additionally, they often result in unplanned or out-of-band patches, further straining IT resources and budgets.

Addressing the Challenge with F5 and Hashicorp

To stay ahead of the curve in this evolving landscape, organizations need a robust framework for patch management, golden images, and hardening. This is where F5 and Hashicorp come into play, offering solutions that can address these challenges effectively.

Centralized Management with BIG-IP Next

F5's BIG-IP Next provides centralized management of instances, acting as a Single Source of Truth and enabling control access from anywhere. This simplifies the management of application delivery and security, ensuring consistent policies across all environments.

Enhancing Workflows with Terraform

F5 BIG-IP Solutions for Terraform support customers in their digital transformation journey. However, one challenge is the high domain knowledge required for BIG-IP. By leveraging Terraform, organizations can improve their workflows through automation, using it as a layer of abstraction to simplify the management of BIG-IP configurations.

Dynamic Certificate Management with Vault

Hashicorp Vault plays a crucial role in dynamic certificate management, offering a cloud-agnostic solution that is fully automated. This ensures that there are no downtime or outages caused by expiring certificates. Additionally, Vault enhances security by enabling the use of short-lived certificates, reducing the risk of exposure.


In summary, securing applications in today's ever-changing landscape requires a modern approach. By leveraging the combined strengths of F5 and Hashicorp Vault, organizations can ensure consistent security controls and policies, streamline their workflows, and stay ahead of emerging threats. This not only protects their applications but also supports their digital transformation initiatives.

使用F5和Hashicorp Vault在任何地方保護您的應用程序







使用BIG-IP Next進行中心化管理

F5的BIG-IP Next 提供實例的中心化管理,充當唯一真理來源(Single Source of Truth),並能從任何地方控制訪問。這簡化了應用程序交付和安全的管理,確保所有環境的政策一致。


F5 BIG-IP解決方案支援Terraform為客戶的數字化轉型之旅。然而,一個挑戰是 BIG-IP所需的高領域知識。通過利用Terraform,組織可以通過自動化改善其工作流程,將其作為一種抽象層來簡化BIG-IP配置的管理。


Hashicorp Vault在動態證書管理中發揮了關鍵作用,提供了一種完全自動化的,不受雲依賴的解決方案。 這確保了由證書到期引起的停機或損壞都不會發生。此外,Vault通過實現短期證書的使用,增強了安全性,降低了暴露的風險。


總的來說,保護今天不斷變化的環境中的應用程序需要一種現代化的方法。 通過利用F5和Hashicorp Vault的組合優勢,組織可以確保一致的安全性控制和政策,簡化他們的工作流程,並在新的威脅面前保持領先地位。這不僅可以保護他們的應用程序,而且還可以支援他們的數字化轉型計劃。

Observability in GraphQL - Navigating the Complexities of Modern APIs

GraphQL has revolutionized the way we build and interact with APIs, offering a more flexible and efficient approach to data retrieval. However, with its advantages come new challenges in ensuring the reliability and performance of our systems. In this blog post, we'll explore the critical role of observability in managing and troubleshooting GraphQL-based architectures, focusing on three common issues: N+1 problems, cyclic queries, and the limitations of API gateways.

The Three Big Challenges of GraphQL

  1. N+1 Problem: This occurs when a single GraphQL query leads to multiple, sequential requests to a database or other data sources, resulting in inefficient data fetching and potential performance bottlenecks.
  2. Cyclic Queries: GraphQL's flexibility allows for complex queries, including those that unintentionally create cycles, leading to infinite loops and server crashes if not properly handled.
  3. API Gateways: While API gateways can provide a layer of security and abstraction, they can also obscure the underlying issues in GraphQL queries. They often return a generic 200 OK status, making it difficult to debug and troubleshoot specific problems.

The Evolution from Monitoring to Observability

Monitoring has traditionally been about answering the "what" - what's happening in our system? However, as our systems grow in complexity, simply knowing what's happening is no longer enough. We need to understand the "why" behind the issues. This is where observability comes in. It's an evolution of monitoring that provides deeper insights into the internal state of our systems, allowing us to diagnose and address problems that we might not have anticipated beforehand.

Leveraging Observability with Telemetry

One of the key components of observability is telemetry, which involves collecting and analyzing data about the operation of a system. OpenTelemetry has emerged as the new open-source standard for exposing observability data, offering a unified approach to collecting traces, metrics, and logs.

Traces in GraphQL

Traces are particularly useful in the context of GraphQL. They allow us to follow a request as it travels through a distributed system, providing a detailed view of how data is fetched and processed. This visibility is crucial for identifying and resolving issues like the N+1 problem or cyclic queries.

The Magic of Context Propagation and Instrumentation

The real magic of observability in GraphQL lies in two concepts: context propagation and instrumentation.

  • Context Propagation: This ensures that the metadata associated with a request is carried throughout the entire processing pipeline, allowing us to maintain a continuous trace of the request's journey.
  • Instrumentation: This involves adding monitoring capabilities to our codebase, enabling us to capture detailed information about the execution of GraphQL queries, including errors and performance metrics.

Instrumenting GraphQL for Error Capture

By instrumenting our GraphQL servers, we can capture errors and log them in a structured format. This data can then be fed into monitoring tools like Prometheus, allowing us to set up alerts and dashboards to track the health of our API.

Leveraging Open Source Tools for Observability

There are several open-source tools available that can enhance the observability of GraphQL systems. Jaeger, for example, is a popular tool for tracing distributed systems. It provides a visual representation of how requests flow through the system, making it easier to diagnose issues and understand the "why" behind the problems.


Observability is crucial for managing the complexities of modern GraphQL-based APIs. By leveraging telemetry, context propagation, and instrumentation, we can gain deeper insights into our systems, allowing us to proactively address issues and ensure the reliability and performance of our APIs. Open-source tools like OpenTelemetry and Jaeger play a vital role in this process, providing the necessary infrastructure to monitor and troubleshoot our systems effectively.

在GraphQL中的可觀察性 - 瀏覽現代API的複雜性



  1. N+1問題:當一個GraphQL查詢導致對資料庫或其他數據源的多個連續請求時,就會發生這種問題,導致數據獲取效率低下並可能產生性能瓶頸。
  2. 循環查詢:GraphQL的靈活性允許複雜的查詢,包括那些無意間創建的循環,如果沒有適當處理,可能會導致無窮迴圈和伺服器崩潰。
  3. API閘道:雖然API閘道可以提供一層安全和抽象的層次,但它們也可能掩蓋GraphQL查詢中的原始問題。它們通常返回一個通用的200 OK狀態,使得難以調試和排出具體的問題。


監視傳統上是關於回答"什麼"的問題 - 我們的系統發生了什麼?然而,隨著我們的系統變得越來越複雜,僅僅知道發生了什麼已經不再足夠。我們需要理解問題背後的"為什麼"。這就是可觀察性的用途。它是監控的進化,提供了對我們系統內部狀態的深入理解,使我們能夠診斷和解決我們可能事先未能預見的問題。







  • 上下文傳播:確保與請求相關的元數據在整個處理流程中被攜帶,使我們能維護對請求旅程的連續追蹤。
  • 儀器化:這涉及向我們的代碼庫添加監控功能,使我們能夠捕獲GraphQL查詢執行的詳細信息,包括錯誤和性能指標。







Neo4j and the Power of Graph Databases in Data Science

Graph databases have become an essential tool in the data science toolbox, and Neo4j is at the forefront of this revolution. In this blog post, we'll explore how Neo4j leverages graph theory to provide a powerful platform for understanding complex relationships in data and how it can be used in data science applications.

Graph Theory and Neo4j

At its core, Neo4j is a database that utilizes graph theory to store and query data. Unlike traditional relational databases, which rely on tables and intermediate join operations, Neo4j uses nodes and relationships to represent and store data. This graph-based approach provides a more natural and intuitive way to model real-world entities and their connections.

Neo4j supports both binary and HTTP protocols and ensures ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance for transactions. It also offers high availability (HA) features for enterprise-level deployments.

Graph Fundamentals: Relational vs. Graph Databases

In a relational database, data is stored in tables with no inherent memory of relationships between entities. Relationships are established through joins, which can be computationally expensive. In contrast, graph databases like Neo4j store relationships directly as edges between nodes, allowing for faster and more efficient querying of connected data.

Conceptual Mapping from Relational to Graph

When transitioning from a relational to a graph database, the following mappings can be helpful:

  • Rows in a relational table become nodes in a graph.
  • Joins in relational databases are represented as relationships in a graph.
  • Table names in relational databases map to labels in a graph.
  • Columns in a relational table translate to properties in a graph.

Neo4j: A Graph-Native Database

Neo4j is designed as a graph-native database, meaning it's optimized for storing and querying graph data. This optimization provides significant performance advantages, especially as the number of joins increases. Queries that might take minutes in a relational database can often be executed in milliseconds with Neo4j.

Business Agility through Flexible Schema

One of the key advantages of Neo4j is its flexible schema, which allows for rapid iteration and adaptation to changing business requirements. This flexibility enables organizations to achieve greater business agility and quickly respond to new opportunities or challenges.

Neo4j's ACID Transactions

Neo4j ensures transactional consistency by adhering to ACID principles. This means that all updates within a transaction are either fully successful or fully rolled back, ensuring data integrity.

Use Cases for Graph Databases

Graph databases are particularly well-suited for scenarios where understanding relationships between entities is crucial. This includes problems involving self-referencing entities, exploring relationships of varying or unknown depth, and analyzing different routes or paths.

Neo4j Graph Database Platform

Neo4j offers a comprehensive graph database platform, including drivers and APIs for various programming languages, a free desktop version for discovery and validation, and tools for data analysis and graph algorithms. It also supports Java extensions for custom functionality.

User Interaction with Neo4j

Neo4j provides several tools for interacting with the database:

  • Neo4j Browser: A web-based tool for exploring the database and crafting Cypher queries.
  • Neo4j Bloom: A low-code/no-code graph visualization tool.
  • Developer tools integration: Neo4j integrates with popular tools like Spark and Databricks for seamless development workflows.

Graphs and Data Science

In data science, graph databases like Neo4j are used for building knowledge graphs, executing graph algorithms, and implementing graph machine learning (Graph ML). Graph ML leverages embeddings to learn important features within the graph, enabling in-graph supervised machine learning.

Neo4j offers over 70 graph data science algorithms, covering areas such as search, community detection, supervised machine learning, predictions, similarity, graph embeddings, and centrality detection.


Neo4j's graph database platform offers a powerful and flexible solution for managing and analyzing complex data relationships. Its graph-native approach, ACID transactions, and extensive toolset make it an invaluable resource for data scientists looking to unlock the full potential of their data. Whether you're building knowledge graphs, exploring graph algorithms, or implementing graph machine learning, Neo4j provides the foundation you need to succeed in the world of data science.










  • 關聯表中的行變為圖中的節點。
  • 關聯數據庫中的連接作為圖中的關係來表示。
  • 關聯數據庫中的表名對應到圖中的標籤。
  • 關聯表中的列翻譯為圖中的屬性。













  • Neo4j瀏覽器:一個用於探索數據庫和製作Cypher查詢的網頁工具。
  • Neo4j Bloom:一款低代碼/無代碼的圖形可視化工具。
  • 開發工具集成:Neo4j與Spark和Databricks等流行工具相集成,以實現無縫的開發工作流程。


在數據科學中,像Neo4j這樣的圖形數據庫被用於建立知識圖,執行圖形算法,和實現圖形機器學習(Graph ML)。圖形ML利用嵌入來學習圖中的重要特徵,從而實現圖中的監督機器學習。




Business Capabilities - The Building Blocks of Business Architecture

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, understanding and managing the abilities that enable an organization to achieve its objectives is crucial. This is where the concept of business capabilities comes into play. These capabilities serve as the foundational elements of business architecture, providing a clear and stable view of what a business does, independent of how it is organized or the processes and technologies it employs.

What is a Business Capability?

A business capability is defined as a particular ability or capacity that a business possesses or can develop to achieve a specific purpose or outcome. It represents what a business does without delving into how, why, or where it performs these activities. This distinction is vital in business architecture, where the focus is on separating the concern of what is done from who does it and how it is achieved.

Defining a Business Capability

Naming Convention

Defining a business capability starts with a clear naming convention, typically in a noun-verb format, such as "Project Management" or "Strategy Planning." The noun represents a unique business object, while the verb describes the activity associated with it. This approach helps in identifying the information objects tied to the business capability and ensures clarity and distinction from other capabilities.


A concise and precise description of the business capability is essential, typically phrased as "the ability to…" This description should provide more insight than the name alone and avoid repetition.

Elements to Implement Business Capabilities

Implementing business capabilities involves a combination of roles, processes, information, and tools:


People represent the individual actors or business units involved in delivering a capability. It's important to avoid describing people in organizationally specific terms, as roles may be components of other capabilities or require further elaboration.


Business capabilities may be enabled or delivered through various processes. Identifying and analyzing these processes helps optimize the capability's effectiveness.


Information encompasses the business data and knowledge required by the capability, distinct from IT-related data entities.


Capabilities rely on resources such as IT systems, physical assets, and intangible assets for successful execution.

Business Capability Mapping

A business capability map represents the complete set of capabilities an enterprise has to run its business. It provides a visual depiction of these capabilities, logically grouped to enable effective analysis and planning. This map is independent of the current organizational structure, processes, and IT systems, offering a stable view of the business.


There are two approaches to creating a business capability map: top-down and bottom-up. The top-down approach starts by identifying the highest-level capabilities, while the bottom-up approach builds from within different parts of the business. A combination of both approaches is often used for refinement.

Structuring the Business Capability Map

Structuring the map involves stratification and leveling:

  • Stratification: Classifying and aligning capabilities within categories or layers to break down the map for easier understanding.
  • Leveling: Decomposing each top-level capability into lower levels to communicate more detail appropriate to the audience or stakeholder group.

Impact and Benefits of Business Capability Mapping

The business capability map provides several benefits:

  • Provides a common vocabulary around what the business does.
  • Allows understanding of business relationships in terms of shared capabilities.
  • Focuses investments and cost savings by mapping to the same capabilities.
  • Relates projects to each other through a common view of capabilities.
  • Ensures stakeholders agree on the capabilities to be delivered before proposing solutions.
  • Determines which capabilities deliver value for the stages of a value stream.

Mapping Business Capabilities to Other Business Architecture Perspectives

Mapping business capabilities to other domains helps strengthen alignment across the business and ensures that strategic and operational plans are supported by appropriate systems, processes, and organizational structures. This includes heat mapping to identify opportunities for improvement and relationship mapping to understand the connections between capabilities and other business and IT architecture domains.


Business capabilities are essential for developing and optimizing a Business or Enterprise Architecture. They provide a stable view of what a business does, helping leaders manage complexity and make better decisions. By linking capabilities to their underlying components and mapping them to different business perspectives, organizations can effectively plan and execute their strategies, ensuring alignment and optimization across all domains.

業務能力 - 業務架構的基石






定義業務能力開始於清晰的命名規則,通常以名詞-動詞的格式,例如 "Project Management"(專案管理) 或 "Strategy Planning"(策略規劃)。名詞代表一個獨特的商業對象,而動詞描述與此相關的活動。這種方法有助於識別與業務能力相關的訊息對象,確保清晰性並與其他能力區別開來。


對業務能力的簡潔而準確的描述非常重要,通常表述為 "the ability to…" (具有......的能力)。此描述應比名字本身提供更多信息,避免重複。
















  • 分層:將能力分類並依照類別或層次分解地圖以便更容易理解。
  • 分級:將每個頂級能力分解為更低級別,以便向觀眾或利益相關者傳達更多細節。



  • 提供圍繞業務所做的事情的共享詞彙。
  • 允許以共享能力的方式理解業務關係。
  • 通過映射到相同的能力來集中投資和節省成本。
  • 透過對能力的共通觀看來將項目與彼此關聯。
  • 確保利益相關者在提議解決方案之前先同意交付的能力。
  • 確定哪些能力對價值流的各個階段提供價值。



