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Deploying a Python Web Server to Production with Kubernetes

Deploying a Python web server into production using Kubernetes can seem daunting at first, but by breaking down the process into manageable steps, it becomes much more approachable. In this blog post, we'll walk through the steps to deploy a Flask web server, from setting up dependencies to deploying on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Step 1: Create a requirements.txt for Dependencies

Start by creating a requirements.txt file to list all the dependencies needed for your Python web server. For a Flask application, this might look something like:


Install the dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: Refactor Source Code and Configuration

Move all configurations to a separate config file or use Kubernetes ConfigMaps for managing environment-specific settings. This approach helps in maintaining different configurations for development, staging, and production environments.

Step 3: Refactor Data Logic

Separate data logic from the application code, and use Kubernetes Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) for data storage. This setup ensures that your data persists even if the pod is restarted or moved to a different node.

Step 4: Identify the Command to Start the Flask Web Server

Determine the command to start your Flask web server. Typically, it would be something like:

flask run --host=

Step 5: Create a Dockerfile and Build the Image

Create a Dockerfile to containerize your Flask application. Choose a lightweight base image such as Alpine Linux, Ubuntu, or Distroless for security and performance:

FROM python:3.9-alpine
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host="]

Build the Docker image and tag it:

docker build -t my-flask-app:latest .

Step 6: Upload the Image to a Registry

Push the Docker image to a container registry such as Docker Hub or Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR):

docker push my-flask-app:latest

Ensure you have authentication set up for pulling the image from the registry in your Kubernetes cluster.

Step 7: Create Kubernetes Resource Files

Create the necessary Kubernetes resource files, including:

  • Deployment.yaml: Defines the desired state of your application, including the Docker image to use and the number of replicas.
  • Service.yaml: Exposes your application to the network, allowing traffic to reach the pods.
  • Ingress.yaml: Manages external access to your services, typically through an HTTP or HTTPS route.
  • Ingress Controller: Handles the routing of external traffic to the appropriate internal services.

Step 8: Run the Pods in Minikube

Before deploying to a production environment, test your setup locally using Minikube. Start Minikube and apply your Kubernetes configurations:

minikube start
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Step 9: Deploy to AWS EKS

Once you've tested your application locally, deploy it to AWS EKS for production use. Set up your EKS cluster and apply your Kubernetes configurations:

aws eks --region region-name update-kubeconfig --name cluster-name
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Step 10: Configure DNS with Route 53

Finally, map a subdomain in AWS Route 53 to your application's ingress to make it accessible via a user-friendly URL.

By following these steps, you can successfully deploy a Python web server to production using Kubernetes and AWS EKS. This setup provides scalability, reliability, and ease of management for your application.


使用Kubernetes將Python網頁服務器部署到生產環境,初次接觸可能會覺得困難重重,但是如果將整個過程分解為可管理的步驟,它將變得更容易被理解。在這篇網誌文章中,我們將帶你完成部署一個Flask網頁服務器的步驟流程,從建立依賴環境到在AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)上部署。





pip install -r requirements.txt







flask run --host=


創建一個Dockerfile來容器化你的Flask應用程式。請選擇一個輕量級的基底映像例如 Alpine Linux、Ubuntu 或 Distroless,這對提高安全性和效能表現有所幫助:

FROM python:3.9-alpine
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host="]

建立並標記 Docker 映像:

docker build -t my-flask-app:latest .


將Docker映像推送到容器Registry,例如Docker Hub或Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR):

docker push my-flask-app:latest




  • Deployment.yaml:定義應用程式的期望狀態,包括要使用的Docker映像以及副本的數量。
  • Service.yaml:將應用程式公開到網路,允許流量到達pods。
  • Ingress.yaml:管理到服務的外部訪問,通常通過HTTP或HTTPS路由。
  • Ingress Controller:處理將外部流量路由到適當的內部服務。



minikube start
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

第九步:部署到AWS EKS

在本地測試完應用程式後,將它部署到AWS EKS以進行生產使用。建立你的EKS集群並應用你的Kubernetes配置:

aws eks --region region-name update-kubeconfig --name cluster-name
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

第十步:使用Route 53配置DNS

最後,在AWS Route 53中將一個子域名映射到應用程式的入口點,使其可以通過使用者友好的URL進行訪問。

按照這些步驟,你可以成功地使用Kubernetes和AWS EKS將Python網頁服務器部署到生產環境。這種設定提供了應用程式的可擴展性、可靠性和易於管理性。

Managing Digitalization Complexity in Scaling for Complex Products

Scaling complex digital products is a challenging task that requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. When dealing with products that require more than one team, it's essential to manage digitalization complexity effectively to ensure smooth scaling and product development. Here's how to approach this challenge:

Starting with the Right Number of Teams

When beginning the scaling process, start with a single team to establish a burndown chart. This team should comprise the best solution architect, developers, and business analysts to work through the initial 'fog' and evolve and figure out key requirements. The goal is to lay a solid foundation with the required architecture, which can then be split into modules and their respective teams. As the architecture emerges, it will be monitored and evolved further, dividing the product into three or more sub-product teams.

Key Tasks of the Initial Team(s)

The initial team or teams have several critical tasks to accomplish:

  • Set up the system architecture and structure the team to minimize the coordination required.
  • Set up the product backlog and clarify user requirements.
  • Divide and conquer by aligning user stories with Objective Key Results (OKRs).
  • Decide on the number of product owners required, define the product tactics, strategy, and vision.
  • Select the right tools for the Kanban/Scrum board.
  • Set up the development environment, such as the Git source code repository.
  • Establish a common framework, design patterns, programming languages used, and quality control measures, such as a regression testing framework.
  • Set up a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.
  • Automate deployment to de-risk via A/B testing and avoid large batch releases.

Synchronizing Teams in the Steady State

Once the product development is in a steady state, synchronizing teams to ensure their work output is compatible with each other is crucial. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Use "Just Talk" for direct communication to sync only the required parties when needed.
  • Assuming the solution architect has split the work well according to the software engineering principle of "Tight Cohesion & Loose Coupling," the time spent on communication and coordination should be minimized.
  • All teams should use a common framework in the same way to get things done for data, logic, and presentation.
  • The solution architect should also establish a Common Organizational Business (Data/Process) Dictionary & Clean Code to ensure consistency and clarity across teams.

By following these guidelines, managing digitalization complexity in scaling for complex products can be more structured and effective, leading to successful product development and growth.







  • 建立系統架構並結構化團隊以減少所需的協調。
  • 建立產品待辦事項清單並澄清用戶需求。
  • 適當分工進行適當拼湊, 透過對準用戶故事和目標關鍵成果 (OKRs)。
  • 確定所需要的產品擁有者數量,定義產品戰術,策略和願景。
  • 選擇合適的工具用於看板/Scrum面板。
  • 建立開發環境,例如 Git源代碼庫。
  • 建立一個一致的框架、設計模式、使用的編程語言和質量控制措施,例如回歸測試框架。
  • 建立持續集成和持續交付 (CI/CD) 管道
  • 自動化部署以通過A/B測試降低風險,避免大批量發布。



  • 使用“直接對話”進行直接溝通,僅在需要時同步相關方。
  • 假設方案架構師根據"嚴格內聚與鬆散耦合"的軟件工程原則將工作進行了良好的劃分,那麼在溝通和協調上花費的時間應該最少。
  • 所有團隊都應使用一致的框架以同樣的方式完成數據、邏輯和呈現的工作。
  • 解決方案應該弁字應也建立一個組織業務 (數據/流程) 共享辭典&清潔碼以確保團隊之間的一致性和清晰度。


Enhancing Negotiation and Presentation Skills for Enterprise Architects

In the evolving landscape of information technology, the role of an enterprise architect (EA) has become increasingly pivotal. An EA is not just a technical expert but also a strategist, a change agent, and a communicator. They bridge the gap between an organization's IT capabilities and its business goals. Given this multidimensional role, strong negotiation and presentation skills are vital. Here's how enterprise architects can sharpen these essential skills.

Improving Negotiation Skills
  1. Understand Your Stakeholders: Before entering any negotiation, it's crucial to understand the perspectives, needs, and constraints of the other parties involved. This understanding enables you to frame your proposals in a way that addresses their concerns and highlights mutual benefits.

  2. Develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Negotiation is not just about logical arguments; it's also about managing emotions—yours and others'. High EQ helps you read the room, pick up on non-verbal cues, and respond to emotions effectively. This empathy can build rapport and facilitate smoother negotiations.

  3. Master the Art of Listening: Effective negotiators are also attentive listeners. Listen more than you speak to understand the other party's position fully. This approach not only helps in gathering valuable information but also makes the other party feel respected and heard, which can make them more receptive to your proposals.

  4. Prepare and Practice: Preparation is key in negotiation. Understand your objectives, the minimum outcomes you are willing to accept, and your alternatives. Role-playing negotiation scenarios with a colleague can also be an invaluable practice to anticipate challenges and refine your approach.

  5. Embrace Flexibility: While it's important to have clear goals, being too rigid can derail negotiations. Be open to creative solutions that satisfy both parties. Flexibility demonstrates your commitment to a win-win outcome, which can strengthen your relationships with stakeholders.

Enhancing Presentation Skills
  1. Know Your Audience: Tailor your presentation to the interests, knowledge level, and concerns of your audience. A presentation that resonates with the audience is more likely to inspire action and support for your architectural visions and plans.

  2. Structure Your Content: A well-structured presentation is easy to follow and remember. Start with an engaging introduction, followed by the body where you discuss the problem, propose solutions, and showcase benefits, ending with a strong conclusion that reinforces the key message and calls to action.

  3. Use Visual Aids Wisely: Visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and slides, can enhance understanding and retention. Ensure they are clear, relevant, and professional. Remember, visual aids should support your message, not distract from it.

  4. Practice Effective Delivery: Your delivery can make or break a presentation. Practice your speech to manage its pace, tone, and clarity. Make eye contact, use gestures for emphasis, and engage with your audience to keep them interested and involved.

  5. Handle Questions Confidently: Prepare for potential questions and practice responding to them. Handling questions confidently shows your expertise and ability to think on your feet. It also provides an opportunity to clarify and elaborate on your points.


For enterprise architects, mastering negotiation and presentation skills is not optional; it's essential. These skills enable EAs to effectively advocate for architectural changes, align stakeholders with strategic goals, and drive organizational transformation. By understanding and addressing stakeholder needs, communicating clearly and persuasively, and being adaptable in your approach, you can significantly enhance your impact as an enterprise architect. Continuous learning and practice in these areas will equip you to navigate the complexities of your role with greater ease and success.



  1. 理解您的利益相關者:在進入任何談判之前,理解其他參與方的觀點、需求和限制至關重要。這種理解使您能夠按照他們的關注點和突出互利的方式提出您的提議。

  2. 發展情緒智力 (EQ):談判不僅僅是關於邏輯論證,更是關於管理情緒 - 您自己和他人的。高EQ幫助你讀懂房間,捕捉到非語言線索,並有效應對情緒。這種同理心可以建立人際關係並促進更順暢的談判。

  3. 掌握聆聽的藝術:有效的談判者也是專注的聽眾。比起說話,多聆聽可以讓你全面理解對方的立場。這種方法不僅有助於收集寶貴的信息,還使對方感到被尊重和聽到,這可能使他們更接受您的提議。

  4. 準備和練習:談判中的準備是關鍵。了解您的目標,您願意接受的最小結果和您的選擇。與同事進行角色扮演談判情境,也可以作為一種無價的練習,以預測挑戰並完善您的方法。

  5. 接受靈活性:雖然明確的目標很重要,但過於僵化可能會使談判脫軌。對滿足各方的創意解決方案保持開放。靈活性顯示了您對雙贏結果的承諾,這可以與利益相關者的關係強化。

  1. 了解您的聽眾:根據您的觀眾的興趣、知識水平和擔憂來調整您的演示內容。與觀眾產生共鳴的演示內容更可能激发行動並獲得對您的架構願景和計劃的支持。

  2. 結構化您的內容:結構良好的演示容易被理解和記住。首先是引人入勝的介紹,隨後是您闡述問題、提出解決方案並展示利益的主體,最後以強調主要訊息並呼籲採取行動的結論來結束。

  3. 明智地使用視覺輔助工具:視覺輔助工具,如圖表、圖表和幻燈片,可以增強理解和記憶力。確保他們清晰、相關且專業。請記住,視覺輔助工具應該支持您的訊息,而非讓人分心。

  4. 練習有效的交付:您的交付可以成就或破壞一個演示。練習您的演講以管理其節奏、語調和清晰度。保持眼神接觸,用手勢強調,與觀眾互動,以保持他們的興趣和參與。

  5. 自信地應對問題:準備可能的問題並練習回答它們。自信地處理問題,顯示您的專業知識和靈活思維。它還為澄清和闡述您的觀點提供了機會。



Enhancing Digital Security with Certification Pinning

In an era where digital security is paramount, one technique stands out for its ability to fortify the defenses of online communications against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks: certification pinning. This method, although not new, continues to be a critical component in the security protocols of applications and websites. In this blog post, we'll dive into what certification pinning is, how it works, and why it's a vital strategy in securing online data transmission.

What is Certification Pinning?

Certification pinning, also known as SSL pinning, is a security measure that allows applications to specify which certificate authorities (CAs) have issued valid certificates for their services, rather than accepting any certificate signed by a trusted CA. This process involves hardcoding the certificate or the public key of the certificate directly into the application. By doing so, the application can reject any certificates not matching the pinned certificate, even if they are signed by a trusted CA.

How Does Certification Pinning Work?

The essence of certification pinning lies in its ability to create a direct trust relationship between an application and its server. Here's a simplified step-by-step on how it works:

  1. Initialization: The developer embeds the expected server certificate or its public key hash into the application code.
  2. Connection: When the application makes a secure connection to the server, it retrieves the server's SSL certificate.
  3. Verification: The application then compares the public key in the received certificate against the pre-pinned public key or certificate.
  4. Validation: If the keys match, the connection is considered secure, and data transmission proceeds. If there's a mismatch, the connection is terminated, preventing potential MITM attacks.

Why is Certification Pinning Important?

Certification pinning plays a crucial role in enhancing digital security for several reasons:

  • Mitigating MITM Attacks: By ensuring that only the specified certificate or public key is accepted, certification pinning can effectively prevent attackers from intercepting and tampering with data by using fraudulently issued certificates.
  • Enhancing Trust: It increases the trustworthiness of an application's communication, ensuring that data is sent and received as intended without any unauthorized alterations.
  • Complementing Existing Security Measures: While not a standalone security solution, certification pinning complements existing protocols like HTTPS, adding an extra layer of security.

Challenges and Considerations

While certification pinning significantly enhances security, it's not without its challenges:

  • Maintenance Overhead: Updating the certificate in the application requires an update to the application itself, which can be cumbersome.
  • Flexibility: Pinning can reduce the flexibility of changing certificate authorities or certificates without updating the application.
  • Potential for Blocking: If not implemented correctly, pinning can block legitimate connections, affecting the application's functionality.


Certification pinning is a powerful technique for securing online communications, offering a robust defense against certain types of cyber attacks. By understanding and implementing this strategy, developers and organizations can significantly enhance the security posture of their applications. However, it's important to weigh the benefits against the potential challenges and to implement pinning as part of a comprehensive security strategy.

As the digital landscape evolves, so too do the methods by which we must protect it. Certification pinning represents just one of many tools in the cybersecurity toolkit designed to keep online communications safe and secure. Whether you're a developer looking to safeguard your application or a user aiming to understand more about the security measures protecting your data, recognizing the role of certification pinning is a step toward a more secure digital world.







  1. 初始化: 開發者將預期的伺服器證書或其公開密鑰雜湊編碼到應用程式碼中。
  2. 連線: 當應用程式與伺服器建立安全連線時,它會取回伺服器的SSL證書。
  3. 驗證: 然後,應用程式將收到的證書中的公開密鑰與預先固定的公開密鑰或證書進行比較。
  4. 確認: 如果密鑰匹配,則視為連線安全,且數據傳輸可以繼續進行。如果發生不匹配,則連線將被終止,防止可能的"中間人"攻擊。



  • 減輕"中間人"攻擊:通過確保只接受指定的證書或公開密鑰,證書固定可以有效預防攻擊者使用偽造的證書攔截和篡改數據。
  • 提升信任:它提高了應用程式通信的可信度,確保數據按照預期傳輸,並且沒有任何未經授權的變更。
  • 補充現有的安全措施:雖然證書固定不是獨立的安全解決方案,但它可以補充像HTTPS這樣的現有協議,增加一層額外的安全性。



  • 維護開銷:在應用程式中更新證書需要更新應用程式本身,這可能會有些麻煩。
  • 彈性:固定可能會降低變更證書授權或證書,而不更新應用程式的靈活性。
  • 可能阻塞:如果未正確實施,固定可能會阻塞合法連線,影響應用程式的功能性。




Embracing Data to Drive Success - A Comprehensive Guide for Data-Driven Organizations

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to harness data effectively has become a cornerstone for success. Organizations that adopt a data-driven approach are better positioned to navigate market complexities, anticipate customer needs, and drive innovation. This blog post delves into the key aspects of building a data-driven organization, focusing on developing a data vision, implementing a strategic framework through the six pillars of data strategy, cultivating a data culture, empowering data champions, and applying a data and analytics approach for long-term financial forecasting.

Data Vision: The Foundation of a Data-Driven Organization

A clear and compelling data vision is the starting point for any organization aspiring to leverage data as a strategic asset. This vision should align with the company's overall objectives, highlighting the role data will play in achieving its goals. It serves as a guiding beacon, ensuring that every data initiative undertaken contributes to the broader business strategy, ultimately driving growth and competitive advantage.

Data Strategy’s 6 Pillars: A Framework for Success

1. Alignment with Business Goals

For real estate businesses, aligning data strategy with business goals means leveraging data to gain insights into market trends, customer preferences, and operational efficiency. This strategic alignment helps in making informed decisions, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing customer satisfaction, leading to increased sales and market share.

2. People and Culture

Cultivating a data-driven culture is imperative. This involves upskilling employees across all levels to appreciate the value of data and equipping them with the skills to interpret and apply data insights in their work. By fostering an environment where data is valued and understood, organizations can unlock its full potential to drive decision-making and innovation.

3. Data and Analytics Operating Models

Developing robust data and analytics operating models entails creating the architecture for data storage, integration, and access. This foundation enables the seamless flow and analysis of data across the organization, ensuring that insights are readily available to inform strategic decisions and operational improvements.

4. Data Governance

Effective data governance is critical for ensuring data quality, security, and compliance. It involves establishing clear policies around data ownership, usage, and access, as well as implementing standards for data quality and protection. This framework supports trust in data and its analysis, which is crucial for making informed business decisions.

5. Technology and Architecture

Investing in the right technology and architecture is essential for building a scalable and flexible data infrastructure. This infrastructure should support the organization's current and future data needs, enabling the efficient collection, processing, and analysis of large volumes of data to drive insights and actions.

6. Roadmap and Investment

A strategic roadmap, backed by appropriate investment, outlines the path and financial commitment required to build and maintain a data-driven organization. This plan should prioritize initiatives based on their potential impact on business goals, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to maximize the value derived from data assets.

Creating a Data Culture: The Human Element

A data culture emphasizes the importance of data in every aspect of the organization's operations. By enhancing data literacy among employees and promoting the use of data in decision-making, organizations can ensure that data is not just collected but actively used to drive value. Recognizing and rewarding data-driven achievements encourages a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Data Champions: Leading the Way

Data champions play a pivotal role in promoting a data-driven mindset. These individuals, ranging from the Chief Data Officer to Data Analysts and Customer Experience Managers, lead by example, demonstrating the power of data in enhancing business outcomes. They are instrumental in training peers, promoting best practices, and driving the adoption of data-driven decision-making throughout the organization.

A Data and Analytics Approach for Financial Forecasting

A comprehensive data and analytics approach is essential for projecting revenue and profit over the next decade. This involves collecting and analyzing a wide range of data, including financial performance, sales trends, and customer feedback. By developing predictive models and conducting scenario planning, organizations can forecast future financial performance under various conditions, enabling strategic planning and risk management.


Becoming a data-driven organization requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses vision, culture, technology, and people. By adhering to the six pillars of data strategy, fostering a culture that values data, empowering data champions, and applying data analytics for strategic planning, organizations can unlock the transformative power of data. In doing so, they position themselves to lead in their respective markets, driven by insights, efficiency, and innovation.

擁抱數據驅動成功 - 一份全面指南,為數據驅動型組織量身訂製





1. 與業務目標對齊


2. 人員和文化


3. 數據和分析運營模型


4. 數據治理


5. 技術和架構


6. 路線圖和投資








