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The Art of Negotiation and Leadership in Software Architecture

Harnessing Negotiation and Leadership as a Software Architect

In the complex world of software architecture, possessing strong negotiation and leadership skills is crucial. These are not innate traits but are cultivated through years of learning and real-world experiences. This blog post delves into these vital skills, offering foundational techniques for aspiring architects to embark on their journey towards mastery.

Understanding Negotiation and Facilitation in Architecture

A software architect's role involves navigating the political landscape of an enterprise, a task that requires keen negotiation skills. Every decision is subject to challenge, be it from developers, fellow architects, or stakeholders. Effective negotiation helps in balancing varied viewpoints and arriving at decisions that align with the organization's goals.

Real-World Negotiation: Balancing Cost and Availability

Take, for instance, the decision to use database clustering and federation for enhancing system availability. While technically sound, it's a costly choice. Here, the architect's negotiation skills come into play, striking a balance between availability and cost with business stakeholders.

Negotiating with Business Stakeholders

Scenario 1: Balancing Technical Realities and Stakeholder Expectations

Consider a scenario where a lead architect must negotiate with a senior vice president insisting on unrealistic system availability. The challenge lies in respectfully aligning the sponsor's expectations with technical feasibility, without coming off as condescending or dismissive.

Key Techniques in Stakeholder Negotiation
  1. Leverage Grammar and Buzzwords: Understand underlying concerns behind phrases like “zero downtime”. It reveals stakeholders' priorities.
  2. Gather Information: Before negotiating, research to understand the implications of terms like “five nines” of availability.
  3. State Things in Terms of Cost and Time: Use this as a last resort, presenting the financial and temporal implications of decisions.

Negotiating with Other Architects

In disagreements, like the choice between asynchronous messaging and REST, the key lies in demonstration over argumentation. Showcasing the effectiveness of a solution in the specific environment often resolves conflicts more efficiently than theoretical debates.

Collaborating with Developers

A successful architect collaborates with the development team, justifying decisions rather than dictating them. This approach fosters mutual respect and a collaborative spirit, essential for effective team dynamics.

The Software Architect as a Leader

Leadership in software architecture is about 50% people skills. It's not just about technical prowess but also about guiding teams with clarity, communication, and collaborative spirit.

The 4 C’s of Architecture
  1. Communication: Clear and concise communication is fundamental.
  2. Collaboration: Work alongside teams and stakeholders for joint solution crafting.
  3. Clarity and Conciseness: Avoid accidental complexity; simplicity is key.

Being Pragmatic and Visionary

Balancing pragmatic solutions with visionary thinking is vital. It's about making realistic decisions while considering future implications and technological advancements.

Leading by Example

Good architects lead not by title, but by example. They earn respect through their actions, demonstrating their commitment and expertise in real-world scenarios.

Integrating with Development Teams

An effective architect integrates with their team, balancing meeting obligations with hands-on team interaction. This involvement is crucial for mentoring, guiding, and resolving issues as they arise.

Conclusion: The Path to Effective Software Architecture Leadership

As Theodore Roosevelt aptly put it, the key to success is knowing how to get along with people. For software architects, this translates to a blend of negotiation prowess, leadership skills, and the ability to foster collaborative environments. These are the cornerstones of not just surviving but thriving in the complex landscape of software architecture.











  1. 利用語法和流行詞:理解像是“零停機時間”這種語句背後的潛在關注點。這顯示了持分者的優先事項。
  2. 收集信息:在進行談判之前,蒐集研究結論以理解像是“五個九”這種包含在可用性條款中的概念的影響。
  3. 以成本和時間來說明事情:將這個方法作為最後的手段,提出決策的財務和時間影響。







  1. 溝通:清晰和簡潔的溝通是基本的。
  2. 合作:與團隊和持分者一起工作,共同提出解決方案。
  3. 清晰和簡潔:避免意外的複雜性;簡單是關鍵。









Mastering Cloud-Native Applications - A Comprehensive Guide to the 12 Factor App Manifesto

The 12 Factor App manifesto is a methodology for building software-as-a-service (SaaS) apps that are scalable, maintainable, and deployable on modern cloud platforms. Developed by engineers at Heroku, it's a set of best practices designed to enable applications to be built with portability and resiliency when deployed to the web.

Introduction to the 12 Factor App

In the early days of web development, applications were often built in a monolithic style, tightly coupled to their execution environment. This approach led to numerous issues, especially when apps needed to scale or move to different environments. The 12 Factor App methodology was created to address these challenges, emphasizing a declarative format for setup automation, clean contract with the operating system, and minimizing divergence between development and production.

The Twelve Factors

  1. Codebase: One codebase tracked in version control, many deploys. This principle advocates for a single codebase for each service which can be deployed in any environment.

  2. Dependencies: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies. Applications should explicitly declare all dependencies, not relying on the implicit existence of system-wide packages.

  3. Config: Store configuration in the environment. This factor pushes for the separation of config from code, as configurations vary substantially across deploys while code does not.

  4. Backing Services: Treat backing services as attached resources. This means that a deploy of the app should be able to swap out a local MySQL database for a third-party service without changing the app’s code.

  5. Build, Release, Run: Strictly separate build and run stages. This factor emphasizes the need for strictly separating the build stage (where the code is converted into an executable bundle), the release stage (where the executable is combined with the config), and the run stage (where the app is actually run).

  6. Processes: Execute the app as one or more stateless processes. This principle states that the app should be executed in the stateless fashion, and any data that needs to persist should be stored in a stateful backing service, like a database.

  7. Port Binding: Export services via port binding. Apps should be completely self-contained and should not rely on runtime injection of a webserver into the execution environment to create a web-facing service.

  8. Concurrency: Scale out via the process model. This factor implies that apps should be able to scale horizontally by adding more concurrent processes.

  9. Disposability: Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown. This principle advocates for short startup times and graceful shutdowns to maximize robustness.

  10. Dev/Prod Parity: Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible. This factor aims to reduce the gaps between development and production to ensure continuous deployment for maximum agility.

  11. Logs: Treat logs as event streams. Applications should not concern themselves with routing or storage of their output stream. Instead, each running process writes its event stream, unbuffered, to stdout.

  12. Admin Processes: Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes. This principle states that management tasks should be run in an environment identical to the regular long-running processes of the app.


The 12 Factor App methodology provides a framework for building software that demonstrates key characteristics necessary for modern cloud platforms. It addresses issues of scalability, reliability, and portability, making it easier for development teams to build and manage applications effectively. As the world of web development evolves, the principles of the 12 Factor App continue to be a vital reference for building robust, scalable cloud-native applications.

掌握雲原生應用程式 - 12因子應用程式宣言的全面指南





  1. 程式碼庫:一個在版本控制中追蹤的程式碼庫,許多部署。這條原則主張每個服務都應有一個程式碼庫,該程式碼庫可以在任何環境中部署。

  2. 依賴性:明確宣告並隔離依賴性。應用程式應明確宣告所有依賴性,不依賴於系統範疇內包的隱含存在。

  3. 配置:在環境中儲存配置。這個因子推動將配置與程式碼分離,因為配置在部署間變化很大,而程式碼則不是。

  4. 支援服務:將支援服務視為附加資源。這意味著應用程式的部署應能夠換出本地 MySQL 資料庫為第三方服務,而不用修改應用程式的程式碼。

  5. 建立,發佈,運行:嚴格分離建立和運行階段。這個因子強調需要嚴格分離建立階段(將程式碼轉換成可執行包的階段),發佈階段(將可執行文件與配置結合的階段)和運行階段(實際運行應用程式的階段)。

  6. 進程:作為一個或多個無狀態進程來執行應用程式。這個原則認為,應用程式應該以無狀態的方式執行,並且任何需要保留的資料都應該儲存在有狀態的支援服務,如資料庫。

  7. 端口綁定:通過端口綁定導出服務。應用程式應完全自包含,不應依賴於服務器在運行環境中的注入來創建面向web的服務。

  8. 併發:通過進程模型進行擴展。該因子意味著應用程式應能通過增加更多並發進程來實現水平擴展。

  9. 廢棄:通過快速啟動和優雅關閉來最大化魯棒性。這個原則主張縮短啟動時間並優雅地關機,以最大程度地提高魯棒性。

  10. 開發/生產同態:保持開發,暫存和生產盡可能相似。這個因子的目標是減少開發與生產之間的差距,確保連續部署以達到最大的敏捷性。

  11. 日誌:將日誌視為事件流。應用程式不應對其輸出流的路由或儲存感到憂慮。相反,每個正在運行的進程都將其事件流無緩存地寫入stdout。

  12. 管理流程:作為一次性流程運行管理/管理任務。這個原則認為,應該在與應用程式的常規長期運行進程相同的環境中運行管理任務。



Nudges - A Gentle Push Towards Better Choices

In the world of behavioral economics, the term "nudge" has become a powerful concept in influencing the decision-making processes of individuals. Coined by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in their influential book "Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness," a nudge is defined as any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.

Types of Nudges

  1. Default Nudges: These are based on setting a default choice which is more likely to be chosen because of inertia. For example, automatically enrolling employees in a retirement savings plan but giving them the option to opt out.

  2. Social Norm Nudges: These nudges use the power of social influence. By showing that a particular behavior is the norm, individuals are more likely to conform. An instance of this is hotels indicating that most guests reuse their towels, encouraging others to do the same.

  3. Simplification Nudges: These are based on the principle that if a choice is easier to understand, it's more likely to be chosen. For instance, simplifying the paperwork for financial aid can increase college enrollment.

  4. Salience Nudges: These nudges make certain options more prominent or visible. An example is placing healthier foods at eye level in a cafeteria to promote better eating habits.

  5. Feedback Nudges: Providing feedback about behavior can influence future decisions. For example, a monthly report on electricity usage compared to neighbors nudges people to reduce their consumption.

Examples of Nudges in Action

  1. Organ Donation: In countries where organ donation is an 'opt-out' system (default nudge), there's a higher rate of organ donors compared to countries where you have to 'opt-in'.

  2. Healthy Eating: In school cafeterias, placing fruits and vegetables at the beginning of the serving line (salience nudge) has been shown to increase their consumption among students.

  3. Financial Decisions: Apps that round up purchases to the nearest dollar and save the difference (simplification nudge) make it easier for people to save money without feeling a significant impact on their finances.

  4. Environmental Conservation: Showing a building’s energy consumption in real-time compared to other similar buildings (feedback nudge) can motivate reductions in energy use.

  5. Public Health: During the COVID-19 pandemic, social norm nudges were used by displaying signs about mask-wearing being a common practice, thereby encouraging more people to wear masks.


Nudges represent a subtle yet powerful way to influence human behavior positively. By understanding how different types of nudges work, policymakers, businesses, and even individuals can create an environment where making the best choice becomes the easiest option. It's a testament to the power of gentle persuasion over forceful compulsion.

引導 - 朝著更好的選擇輕輕推進

在行為經濟學的世界中,"引導"一詞已成為影響個體決策過程的一種有力概念。這一詞由Richard Thaler和Cass Sunstein在他們的影響力極大的書籍"引導:Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness"The book"提出,引導被定義為改變人們行為的任何選擇架構的方面,這種改變是可預見的,而不讓人們禁止任何選項或大幅改變他們的經濟激勵。


  1. 預設引導: 這些基於設置一個預設選擇的引導,由於慣性,這個選擇更有可能被選擇。例如,將員工自動納入退休儲蓄計劃,但給予他們退出的選擇。

  2. 社會規範引導: 這些引導利用社會影響的力量。通過顯示某種行為是常規,個人更有可能遵從。一個例子是,酒店指出大多數客人重複使用他們的毛巾,鼓勵其他人也這樣做。

  3. 簡化引導: 這些基於一個原則,即如果一個選擇更易於理解,則更有可能被選擇。例如,簡化資助金的申請表格可以增加大學報名率。

  4. 顯著引導: 這些引導使某些選項更為突出或可見。一個例子是在飯堂將更健康的食物放在視線高度以鼓勵更好的飲食習慣。

  5. 反饋引導: 提供有關行為的反饋可以影響未來的決策。例如,與鄰居相比,每月對電力使用量的報告引導人們減少他們的消耗。


  1. 器官捐贈: 在將器官捐贈設定為'退出系統' (預設引導)的國家,與需要'選擇加入'的國家相比,有更高的器官捐贈者比例。

  2. 健康飲食: 在學校飯堂,將水果和蔬菜放在供應線的開頭 (顯著引導)被證實可以增加學生的消耗。

  3. 財務決策: 將消費額進位到最接近的整數並儲存差額 (簡化引導)的應用軟件,讓人們在不感到財務壓力的情況下更容易儲蓄。

  4. 環境保護: 將一個建築物的能源消耗與其他類似建築物的實時比較顯示出來 (反饋引導)可以激勵減少能源使用。

  5. 公眾衛生: 在COVID-19大流行期間,社會規範引導被用來展示佩戴口罩是一種常見的做法的標示,從而鼓勵更多的人佩戴口罩。



Unraveling the Mind - A Deep Dive into Cognitive Biases and How They Shape Our Decisions

Cognitive biases are fascinating and often misunderstood aspects of human psychology. In this blog post, we'll explore what cognitive biases are, why they occur, and some common examples that impact our daily lives.

Understanding Cognitive Biases

Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. They arise from the way our brain processes information. These biases are often a result of our brain's attempt to simplify information processing. They can be the result of heuristics or mental shortcuts that we use to make decisions quickly.

Why Do Cognitive Biases Occur?

Cognitive biases are thought to be a form of mental shortcut, often based upon social norms and generalizations. They occur because our brains are trying to be more efficient. In a world where we are bombarded with information, our brains try to streamline the processing by using past experiences and perceptions to make quick decisions.

Common Cognitive Biases

  1. Confirmation Bias: This is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. For instance, if you believe that left-handed people are more creative, you're more likely to notice and remember examples that support this belief and ignore examples that don't.

  2. Anchoring Bias: This bias occurs when individuals rely too heavily on an initial piece of information (the "anchor") when making decisions. For example, if the first car you see at a dealership is priced at $30,000, you might anchor to that price, making any car priced less than that seem like a good deal, regardless of its actual value.

  3. Availability Heuristic: This is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method, or decision. For example, fearing plane crashes more than car accidents because plane crashes are more dramatic and receive more media coverage, even though car accidents are statistically more common.

  4. Bandwagon Effect: The tendency to do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same. This is evident in various aspects of social life, like fashion trends, sports fandom, or political opinions.

  5. Dunning-Kruger Effect: This is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It’s seen in various areas of life where people believe they are more knowledgeable or competent in something than they really are.

Overcoming Cognitive Biases

Overcoming cognitive biases is not easy, but awareness is the first step. Being mindful of these biases and actively questioning our own thoughts and decisions can help reduce their impact. It's also helpful to seek out different perspectives and information that challenges our preconceptions.

In conclusion, cognitive biases are deeply ingrained in our thought processes and can significantly affect our decision-making and beliefs. Understanding them is crucial for both personal development and for making more informed and rational decisions. Remember, the first step towards change is awareness, and the journey towards unbiased thinking, while challenging, is incredibly rewarding.

揭開心智之謎 - 深入探討認知偏見以及它們如何塑造我們的決策







  1. 確認偏見:這是尋找、解釋、偏愛和回憶信息以確認一個人先前存在的信念或假設的傾向。例如,如果你相信左撇子更有創意,那麼你更可能注意到並記住支持這種信念的例子,並忽略不支援的例子。

  2. 錨定偏見:這種偏見是當人們在做決定時過於依賴最初的一個信息("錨")。例如,如果你在汽車經銷商的第一部車的價格為30,000美元,你可能會把那個價格當作錨,讓任何價格低於此的車看起來都像是一個好交易,不管它的實際價值如何。

  3. 可得性啟示:這是一種依賴於人們在評價特定主題、概念、方法或決策時能立即想到的例子的心理捷徑。例如,因為飛機失事更具戲劇性且獲得更多媒體報導,即使車禍在統計上更常見,人們對飛機失事的恐懼已超過對車禍的恐懼。

  4. 從眾效應:很多人做或相信的事情,就有傾向去做(或相信)相同的事情。這種現象在社會生活的各個方面都很明顯,比如時尚潮流、體育迷或政治觀點。

  5. 鄧寧-克魯格效應:這是一種認知偏見,即在一項任務中能力較低的人高估了自己的能力。在生活的各個領域我們都能看到這種情況,人們常常認為自己在某件事情上比實際上更知識淵博或更有能力。




Understanding the Kepner-Tregoe Technique - A Guide to Enhanced Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

In the dynamic world of business, the ability to efficiently solve problems and make decisions is crucial for success. The Kepner-Tregoe technique, developed by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe, is a structured methodology that aids in the systematic analysis and resolution of problems. This blog post delves into the essence of the Kepner-Tregoe technique, exploring its key components and benefits.

What is the Kepner-Tregoe Technique?

The Kepner-Tregoe technique is a problem-solving and decision-making framework that provides a systematic approach for identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues. It consists of four main processes:

  1. Problem Analysis: This process involves defining the problem, understanding its nature, and diagnosing the root cause. By distinguishing between what is known and unknown, the problem is clarified, making it easier to identify potential solutions.

  2. Decision Analysis: This step is crucial for making informed decisions. It involves evaluating alternatives against a set of objectives and identifying the risks associated with each option. This helps in selecting the most feasible and beneficial solution.

  3. Potential Problem (or Opportunity) Analysis: Here, the focus shifts to forecasting future issues or opportunities. This proactive approach helps in preparing for potential challenges and capitalizing on opportunities that may arise from the decision made.

  4. Situation Appraisal: This involves assessing the situation to prioritize issues, plan the next steps, and allocate resources effectively. It helps in managing multiple problems or decisions simultaneously.

Benefits of the Kepner-Tregoe Technique

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: The technique fosters a deep understanding of the problem, leading to more effective solutions.
  • Improved Decision-Making: By systematically evaluating alternatives, the technique ensures that decisions are well-informed and aligned with objectives.
  • Risk Management: It helps in identifying potential risks and prepares organizations to mitigate them effectively.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: By prioritizing issues, the technique ensures that resources are used optimally.
  • Fosters Team Collaboration: The structured approach encourages teamwork and clear communication, making it easier to reach a consensus.

Implementing the Kepner-Tregoe Technique

To effectively implement the Kepner-Tregoe technique, organizations should:

  1. Train Employees: Provide training to develop the necessary skills for applying the technique.
  2. Encourage a Systematic Approach: Foster a culture where problems are approached methodically, using the Kepner-Tregoe processes.
  3. Utilize in Various Scenarios: Apply the technique across different types of problems and decisions to maximize its benefits.
  4. Regularly Review and Refine: Continuously assess the effectiveness of the technique and make adjustments as needed.


The Kepner-Tregoe technique is a powerful tool for organizations seeking to enhance their problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. By providing a structured approach, it not only leads to better outcomes but also promotes a culture of strategic thinking and collaboration. Implementing this technique can be a game-changer for businesses aiming to navigate complexities with greater confidence and efficiency.

理解Kepner-Tregoe技巧 - 提升問題解決和決策的指南

在瞬息萬變的商業世界中,有效解決問題和做出決策的能力對於成功至關重要。由Charles H. Kepner和Benjamin B. Tregoe開發的Kepner-Tregoe技巧,是一種結構化的方法,可以幫助系統性地分析和解決問題。本博客文章深入探討Kepner-Tregoe技巧的本質,探索其主要組成部分和優點。



  1. 問題分析:此過程包括定義問題,理解其性質,並診斷根本原因。通過區分已知和未知的內容,問題得以釐清,使得認定潛在解決方案更為容易。

  2. 決策分析:這一步對於做出有根據的決策非常關鍵。這涉及將各種選擇方案根據一定的目標進行評估,並識別與每一個選擇方案相關的風險。這有助於選擇最可行和最有益的解決方案。

  3. 潛在問題(或機會)分析:在這裡,重點轉向預測未來的問題或機會。這種積極的方式有助於為潛在的挑戰做好準備,並充分利用由做出的決策所產生的機會。

  4. 狀況評估:這涉及評估狀況以便優先處理問題、計劃下一步行動和有效地分配資源。這有助於同時管理多個問題或決定。


  • 增強問題解決能力:該技巧培養了對問題的深入理解,從而帶來更有效的解決方案。
  • 提高決策能力:通過系統性地評估選擇,該技巧確保決策具有充分的依據並與目標一致。
  • 風險管理:此技巧有助於識別潛在風險,並為組織準備以有效地減小其影響。
  • 高效資源分配:通過將問題進行優先排列,該技巧確保資源得到最佳使用。
  • 培養團隊合作:結構化的方法鼓勵團隊合作和清晰的溝通,使達成共識更為容易。



  1. 培訓員工:提供培訓,發展應用該技巧所需的技能。
  2. 鼓勵系統性的方法:培育一種文化,讓問題可以以有方法的方式進行處理,使用Kepner-Tregoe的流程。
  3. 在各種情況下使用:應將該技巧應用於不同類型的問題和決策中,以最大程度地發揮其優點。
  4. 定期審查和調整:持續評估該技巧的效果並根據需要進行調整。

