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Develop Essential Skills for the Future of Work

I love learning, and I value both informal and formal training. On my spare time, I'm taking a part time master degree at National University of Singapore as well as studying for a few certificates in AWS and kuberenets. Learning new things empowers me to unlock my full potential. It is important to get training, resources, and materials that will enable you to excel in your roles.

The most important skills for me to develop are:

  • Communication skills: This includes skills like being clear and concise, providing understandable explanations, and using appropriate communication channels.
  • Leadership and management skills: This includes skills like project management, coaching, team leadership, stakeholder management, and leadership influence.
  • Technical proficiency: This includes skills like coding, data analysis, and various technical tools (e.g., Golang, SQL, Kubernetes).
  • Soft skills for collaboration: This includes skills like teamwork, stakeholder management, and influencing skills.
  • Problem-solving and decision-making skills: This includes the ability to be proactive in finding solutions and making informed choices.
  • Adaptability: This includes the ability to context switch, multitask, and understand new tools and technologies.
  • Client interaction and facing skills: This includes skills related to client interaction, negotiation, and client relationship management.

I am interested in receiving training in specific technical areas, such as Golang Application Design, Kubernetes Training, and understanding new tools and technologies (AWS, GCP, Kubernetes).

My goal is to equip myself with the necessary tools for now and in the future. By continuing to learn, I aim to foster a culture of knowledge and skill sharing, empowering myself to unlock my full potential.

How to develop essential skills

There are many ways to develop essential skills. Here are a few tips:

  • Take online courses or workshops.
  • Read books and articles about the skills you want to develop.
  • Shadow someone who is good at the skills you want to develop.
  • Practice the skills you want to develop in your everyday work and life.
  • Find a mentor or coach who can help you develop your skills.


Essential skills are need to be successful in your career and in life. By developing your essential skills, you can increase your employability, earn more money, and have a more fulfilling career. If there is anything you want to learn, let me know and we could become study buddy.




  • 溝通技巧:包括明確簡潔的表達,提供易於理解的解釋,並使用適當的溝通渠道等技巧。
  • 領導和管理技能:包含像專案管理,教練,團隊領導,利害關係者管理,和領導影響力等技能。
  • 技術熟練度:包含像編程,數據分析,和各種技術工具(例如,Golang,SQL,Kubernetes)等技能。
  • 用於協作的軟技能:包含像團隊協作,利益相關者管理,和影響技巧等技能。
  • 問題解決和決策能力:包含主動尋找解決方案和做出知情選擇的能力。
  • 適應力:包含切換上下文,多任務處理,和理解新工具和技術的能力。
  • 客戶互動和面對技巧:包含與客戶互動,談判,和客戶關係管理相關的技能。





  • 參加線上課程或工作坊。
  • 閱讀有關你想要發展的技能的書籍和文章。
  • 直接向擅長你想要發展的技能的人學習。
  • 在你每天的工作和生活中實踐你想要發展的技能。
  • 找到一位能幫助你發展技能的導師或教練。



A comparison of CI/CD tools - Jenkins vs AWS CodePipeline

Yesterday, I was doing some research on pipeline setup. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are two important practices in software development that help teams automate the building, testing, and deployment of their code. There are a number of different CI/CD tools available, two of the most popular are Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline.

Jenkins is an open-source CI/CD tool that has been around for over a decade. It is known for its flexibility and extensibility, with over 1,800 plugins available to add new features and integrations. Jenkins can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, and it can be used to build and deploy applications to a wide range of platforms.

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed CI/CD service from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to be easy to use and scalable, and it integrates seamlessly with other AWS services such as CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Here is a comparison of Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline:

Feature Jenkins AWS CodePipeline
Deployment: Can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud Fully managed cloud service
Pricing: Open source and free to use Pay-as-you-go pricing
Flexibility: Highly flexible and extensible with over 1,800 plugins available Less flexible than Jenkins, but still offers a wide range of features
Ease of use: Can be complex to set up and configure, especially for first-time users Easier to use than Jenkins, especially for users with limited CI/CD experience
Integrations: Integrates with a wide range of third-party tools and services Integrates seamlessly with other AWS services

Which one is right for you?

The best CI/CD tool for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. If you are looking for a highly flexible and extensible tool, Jenkins is a good option. However, if you are looking for a fully managed CI/CD service that is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, AWS CodePipeline is a good choice.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing between Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline:

  • Team size and experience: If you have a small team with limited CI/CD experience, AWS CodePipeline may be a better choice because it is easier to use and set up. If you have a larger team with more CI/CD experience, Jenkins may be a better choice because it offers more flexibility and control.
  • Existing infrastructure: If you already have a lot of existing infrastructure on-premises, Jenkins may be a better choice because it can be deployed on-premises. If you are already using AWS for your cloud infrastructure, AWS CodePipeline may be a better choice because it integrates seamlessly with other AWS services.
  • Budget: Jenkins is open source and free to use, while AWS CodePipeline is a pay-as-you-go service. If you are on a tight budget, Jenkins may be a better choice. However, if you are willing to pay for a fully managed CI/CD service, AWS CodePipeline may be a better choice.


Both Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline are powerful CI/CD tools. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Consider the factors listed above when making your decision.

對CI/CD工具的比較 - Jenkins對AWS CodePipeline

昨天,我對pipeline設置進行了一些研究。連續整合和連續交付(CI/CD)是軟體開發中兩種重要的實踐,能幫助團隊自動化他們的代碼建立,測試,和部署。當前市場有很多不同的CI/CD工具,最受歡迎的兩種就是Jenkins和AWS CodePipeline。


AWS CodePipeline是來自Amazon Web Services (AWS)的全球管理CI/CD服務。它的設計使得它易於使用和擴展,且能和其他AWS服務如CodeBuild,CodeDeploy和Elastic Container Service (ECS)等無縫整合。

以下是Jenkins和AWS CodePipeline的對比:

功能 Jenkins AWS CodePipeline
部署方式: 可在本地或雲端部署 全球管理的雲服務
價格: 開源,無需付費 按量付費
靈活性: 擁有超過1800個插件,高度靈活擴展且富有彈性 雖然比Jenkins不那麼具靈活性,但仍提供很多功能
使用便利性: 對於初次使用者,設置和配置可能比較複雜 相比Jenkins更方便使用,尤其對於CI/CD經驗有限的用戶
整合: 適用範圍廣泛,可與許多第三方工具和服務作整合 能與其他AWS服務無縫整合


最好的CI/CD工具取決於你的具體需要和要求。如果你尋找的是高度靈活且擴展性強的工具,Jenkins是一個好選擇。然而,如果你尋找的是全球管理,易於使用且能無縫整合其他AWS服務的CI/CD服務,AWS CodePipeline則是好選擇。

以下是在選擇Jenkins和AWS CodePipeline時,應考慮的一些額外因素:

  • 團隊大小與經驗: 如果你有一個小型團隊且CI/CD経驗有限,AWS CodePipeline可能是更好的選擇,因為它使用和設置比較方便。如果你有一個大型團隊且CI/CD経驗豐富,Jenkins可能是更好的選擇,因為它提供更多的靈活性和控制權。
  • 現有設施: 如果你已經有很多的現有設施在本地,Jenkins可能是更好的選擇,因為它能在本地部署。如果你已在使用AWS雲端服務,AWS CodePipeline則是更好的選擇,因為它能與其他AWS服務無縫整合。
  • 預算: Jenkins是開源且不需付費,而AWS CodePipeline則是按量付費。如果你的預算有限,Jenkins可能是更好的選擇。然而,如果你願意支付明確範疇管理的CI/CD服務,AWS CodePipeline可能是更好的選擇。


Jenkins和AWS CodePipeline兩者都是強大的CI/CD工具。最適合你的選擇將取決於你的具體需求和條件。在作決定時,應考慮上述列出的因素。

A Comparison of AWS Cognito vs. AWS IAM Identity Center

Today, I got a question from a consultant, who is really confused about AWS Cognito and AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On). They are both identity and access management (IAM) services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Both services can be used to manage user identities and access to AWS resources. However, there are some key differences between the two services.

AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito is a service that helps you manage user identities for your web and mobile applications. It provides a variety of features, including:

  • User authentication and authorization
  • User sign-in and sign-up
  • Social media integration
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Identity federation
  • User profiling
  • Analytics

AWS Cognito is a good choice for applications that need to manage user identities and authentication independently of other AWS services. It is also a good choice for applications that need to integrate with social media or other identity providers.

AWS IAM Identity Center

AWS IAM Identity Center is a service that helps you manage sign-in security for your workforce identities. It provides a single place where you can create or connect workforce users and centrally manage their access across all their AWS accounts and applications. You can use AWS IAM Identity Center to:

  • Create and manage workforce identities
  • Connect to external identity providers
  • Centrally manage access to AWS accounts and applications
  • Implement MFA and other security features
  • Monitor user activity and audit access

AWS IAM Identity Center is a good choice for organizations that need to manage a large number of workforce identities and access to multiple AWS accounts and applications. It is also a good choice for organizations that need to implement strict security controls.


The following table provides a comparison of AWS Cognito and AWS IAM Identity Center:

Feature AWS Cognito AWS IAM Identity Center
User authentication and authorization Yes Yes
User sign-in and sign-up Yes Yes
Social media integration Yes No
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) Yes Yes
Identity federation Yes Yes
User profiling Yes Yes
Analytics Yes Yes
Centralized access management No Yes
Workforce identity management No Yes
Support for external identity providers Yes Yes

AWS Cognito Security features: MFA, social login, identity federation AWS IAM Identity Center Security features: MFA, centralized access management, user activity monitoring, audit logging

Which service is right for you?

The best service for you will depend on your specific needs. If you need to manage user identities for your web and mobile applications, then AWS Cognito is a good choice. If you need to manage workforce identities and access to multiple AWS accounts and applications, then AWS IAM Identity Center is a good choice.

Here are some additional considerations:

  • AWS Cognito is a good choice for:
  • Applications that need to manage user identities and authentication independently of other AWS services
  • Applications that need to integrate with social media or other identity providers
  • Applications that need to support user profiling and analytics
  • AWS IAM Identity Center is a good choice for:
  • Organizations that need to manage a large number of workforce identities and access to multiple AWS accounts and applications
  • Organizations that need to implement strict security controls
  • Organizations that need to centralize access management

In short, Amazon Cognito is identity management solution for developers building B2C or B2B apps for their customers, which makes it a customer-targeted IAM and user directory solution. Whereas AWS SSO is focused on SSO for employees accessing AWS and business apps, initially with Microsoft AD as the underlying employee directory.

比較 AWS Cognito 與 AWS IAM Identity Center

今天,我收到一位顧問的問題,他對 AWS Cognito 和 AWS IAM Identity Center(AWS 單一登入的後繼者)感到非常困惑。它們都是亞馬遜網路服務(AWS)提供的身份和訪問管理(IAM)服務。兩種服務都可以用來管理用戶身份和訪問AWS資源。然而,这两种服务之间有一些关键的差异。

AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito 是一種幫助您管理網絡和移動應用程序的用戶身份的服務。它提供了各種功能,包括:

  • 用戶認證和授權
  • 用戶登入和註冊
  • 社交媒體整合
  • 多因素認證(MFA)
  • 身份聯邦
  • 用戶分類
  • 分析

AWS Cognito 是需要獨立於其他 AWS 服務管理用戶身份和認證的應用程序的好選擇。也是需要與社交媒體或其他身份提供者整合的應用程序的好選擇。


AWS IAM 身份中心是一種幫助您管理工作力身份的登入安全的服務。 它提供了一個地方,您可以在其中創建或連接工作力用戶,並集中管理他們在所有 AWS 帳戶和應用程序中的訪問權限。 您可以使用 AWS IAM 身份中心來:

  • 創建和管理工作力身份
  • 連接到外部身份提供者
  • 集中管理對 AWS 帳戶和應用程序的訪問權限
  • 實施多因素認證和其他安全功能
  • 監控用戶活動並審核訪問

AWS IAM 身份中心對於需要管理大量工作力身份和訪問多個 AWS 帳戶和應用程序的組織來說是一個好選擇。 對於需要實施嚴格安全控制的組織也是一個不錯的選擇。


以下表格提供了 AWS Cognito 和 AWS IAM 身份中心的比較:

功能 AWS Cognito AWS IAM身份中心
用戶認證與授權 Yes Yes
用戶登入與註冊 Yes Yes
社交媒體整合 Yes No
多因素認證(MFA) Yes Yes
身份聯邦 Yes Yes
用戶分類 Yes Yes
分析 Yes Yes
集中訪問管理 No Yes
工作力身份管理 No Yes
支持外部身份提供商 Yes Yes

AWS Cognito 安全特性: 多因素認證,社交登入,身份聯邦。 AWS IAM 身份中心安全特性: 多因素認證,集中訪問管理,用戶活動監視,審計記錄。


最適合您的服務將取決於您的具體需求。如果您需要管理您的網絡和移動應用程序的用戶身份,那麼 AWS Cognito 是一個好選擇。如果您需要管理工作力身份和對多個 AWS 帳戶和應用程序的訪問,那麼 AWS IAM 身份中心是一個好選擇。


  • AWS Cognito 是適合:
  • 需要獨立於其他 AWS 服務管理用戶身份和認證的應用程序
  • 需要與社交媒體或其他身份提供者整合的應用程序
  • 需要支援用戶分類和分析的應用程序
  • AWS IAM 身份中心是適合:
  • 需要管理大量工作力身份和訪問多個 AWS 帳戶和應用程序的組織
  • 需要實施嚴格安全控制的組織
  • 需要集中訪問管理的組織。

總的來說,Amazon Cognito 是為開發 B2C 或 B2B 應用程序的開發人員提供的身份管理解決方案,使其成為一種面向客戶的 IAM 和用戶目錄解決方案。 而 AWS SSO 專注於為訪問 AWS 和商業應用程序的員工提供 SSO,而底層員工目錄最初源自 Microsoft AD。

AWS Control Tower - A Secure and Governed Multi-Account Environment

Last weekend, I was taking the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional exam. One feature that I seldom got opportunity to practice is AWS Control Tower, which is a service that helps you set up and govern a secure, multi-account AWS environment. It provides a landing zone that is compliant with AWS best practices, and it includes a set of guardrails that help you prevent deviations from those best practices.

Control Tower is built on top of AWS Organizations, which provides a central place to manage your AWS accounts and resources. Control Tower extends Organizations by providing a number of additional features, including:

  • A landing zone template that you can use to create a new AWS environment that is compliant with AWS best practices.
  • A set of guardrails that help you prevent deviations from AWS best practices.
  • A centralized console for managing your landing zone and guardrails.
  • Integration with other AWS services, such as AWS Security Hub and AWS Systems Manager.

Control Tower is a good choice for organizations of all sizes, but it is especially well-suited for large organizations with complex AWS environments. It can help you to:

  • Improve your security posture by enforcing AWS best practices.
  • Reduce your risk of compliance violations by providing a landing zone that is compliant with AWS best practices.
  • Simplify the management of your multi-account AWS environment by providing a centralized console and a set of guardrails.

Benefits of using AWS Control Tower

There are a number of benefits to using AWS Control Tower, including:

  • Improved security posture: Control Tower helps you to improve your security posture by enforcing AWS best practices. For example, Control Tower can prevent you from creating IAM users with excessive permissions, or from launching EC2 instances in an unsecured manner.
  • Reduced risk of compliance violations: Control Tower provides a landing zone that is compliant with AWS best practices, which can help you to reduce your risk of compliance violations. For example, the Control Tower landing zone includes a number of security features that are required for PCI DSS compliance.
  • Simplified management of multi-account AWS environments: Control Tower provides a centralized console for managing your landing zone and guardrails. This can simplify the management of your multi-account AWS environment and help you to avoid errors.
  • Reduced costs: Control Tower can help you to reduce costs by preventing you from provisioning resources that you do not need. For example, Control Tower can prevent you from creating EC2 instances that are too large for your needs, or from launching unused EC2 instances.

Use cases for AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower can be used by organizations of all sizes, but it is especially well-suited for large organizations with complex AWS environments. Some common use cases for AWS Control Tower include:

  • Setting up a new AWS environment: Control Tower can be used to set up a new AWS environment that is compliant with AWS best practices. This can help organizations to avoid security risks and compliance violations.
  • Managing a multi-account AWS environment: Control Tower can be used to manage a multi-account AWS environment. This can help organizations to simplify the management of their AWS environment and avoid errors.
  • Improving security posture: Control Tower can be used to improve security posture by enforcing AWS best practices. This can help organizations to protect their AWS environment from security threats.
  • Reducing risk of compliance violations: Control Tower can be used to reduce the risk of compliance violations by providing a landing zone that is compliant with AWS best practices. This can help organizations to meet their compliance requirements.

Getting started with AWS Control Tower

To get started with AWS Control Tower, you will need to create an AWS account and sign in to the AWS Console. Once you are signed in, you can go to the AWS Control Tower console to create a new landing zone.

The process of creating a landing zone is relatively simple. You will need to choose a region for your landing zone and select a landing zone template. Control Tower provides a number of landing zone templates to choose from, including templates for specific industries and compliance requirements.

Once you have chosen a landing zone template, Control Tower will create the landing zone and deploy the necessary resources. (Be aware of the cost associated if you're just practicing.) This process can take some time to complete.

Once the landing zone has been created, you can start using it to provision and manage your AWS resources. You can use the AWS Control Tower console to manage your landing zone and guardrails, and you can use the other AWS services to provision and manage your AWS resources.


AWS Control Tower is a powerful service that can help you to set up and govern a secure, multi-account AWS environment. It is a good choice for organizations of all sizes, but it is especially well-suited for large organizations with complex AWS environments. By the way, I’m happy to share that I’ve obtained a new certification: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional from Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS Control Tower - 一個安全且受監管的多帳戶環境

上週末,我正在參加AWS認證的DevOps工程師 - 專業考試。我很少有機會實習的一個功能是AWS Control Tower,這是一項幫助您設置並管理安全的多帳戶AWS環境的服務。它提供了一個符合AWS最佳實踐的登陸區,並包括一套護欄,可以幫助您防止偏離這些最佳實踐。

Control Tower建立在AWS Organizations之上,它提供一個集中式的位置來管理您的AWS帳戶和資源。Control Tower通過提供一些額外的功能來擴展Organizations,包括:

  • 您可以用來創建符合AWS最佳實踐的新AWS環境的登陸區模板。
  • 一組護欄,可以幫助您防止偏離AWS的最佳實踐。
  • 一個集中化的控制台,用於管理您的登陸區和護欄。
  • 與其他AWS服務的集成,如AWS Security Hub和AWS Systems Manager。

對於各種規模的組織來說,Control Tower都是一個不錯的選擇,但對於具有複雜AWS環境的大型組織來說,它尤其適合,它可以幫助您:

  • 通過強制執行AWS的最佳實踐來提高您的安全狀態。
  • 通過提供符合AWS最佳實踐的登陸區,來降低違反合規性的風險。
  • 通過提供一個集中的控制台和一套護欄,簡化管理您的多帳戶AWS環境。

使用AWS Control Tower的好處

使用AWS Control Tower有一些好處,包括:

  • 改善的安全態度:Control Tower可以通過強制執行AWS的最佳實踐來幫助您改善安全態度。例如,Control Tower可以防止您創建具有過多權限的IAM用戶,或以不安全的方式啟動EC2實例。
  • 降低合規性違規的風險:Control Tower提供一個符合AWS最佳實踐的登陸區,可以幫助您降低合規性違規的風險。例如,Control Tower登陸區包括一些用於PCI DSS合規性的安全功能。
  • 簡化多帳戶AWS環境的管理:Control Tower提供一個用於管理登陸區和護欄的集中控制台。這可以簡化您的多帳戶AWS環境的管理,並幫助您避免錯誤。
  • 降低成本:Control Tower可以通過防止您提供不需要的資源來幫助您降低成本。例如,Control Tower可以防止您創建過大的EC2實例,或者啟動未使用的EC2實例。

AWS Control Tower的使用場景

AWS Control Tower可以由各種規模的組織使用,但對於具有複雜AWS環境的大型組織來說,它尤其適合。AWS Control Tower的一些常見使用場景包括:

  • 設置新的AWS環境:Control Tower可以用來設置符合AWS最佳實踐的新AWS環境。這可以幫助組織避免安全風險和合規性違規。
  • 管理多帳戶AWS環境:Control Tower可以用來管理多帳戶AWS環境。這可以幫助組織簡化他們的AWS環境管理並避免錯誤。
  • 改善安全態度:Control Tower可以用來通過強制執行AWS的最佳實踐來提高安全態度。這可以幫助組織保護他們的AWS環境免受安全威脅。
  • 降低違反合規性的風險:Control Tower可以用來通過提供符合AWS最佳實踐的登陸區來降低合規性違規的風險。這可以幫助組織滿足他們的合規性要求。

開始使用AWS Control Tower

要開始使用AWS Control Tower,您需要創建一個AWS帳戶並登錄到AWS控制台。一旦您登錄,您可以去AWS Control Tower控制台創建新的登陸區。

創建登陸區的過程相對簡單。你需要為登陸區選擇一個地區,並選擇一個登陸區模板。Control Tower提供多個登陸區模板供您選擇,包括針對特定行業和合規性要求的模板。

一旦您選擇了登陸區模板,Control Tower就會創建登陸區並部署必要的資源。(如果你只是在練習,要注意相關的成本。) 這個過程可能需要一些時間來完成。

創建登陸區後,您就可以開始使用它來分配和管理您的AWS資源。您可以使用AWS Control Tower控制台來管理您的登陸區和護欄,您可以使用其他AWS服務來分配和管理您的AWS資源。


AWS Control Tower是一項強大的服務,可以幫助您設置並管理安全的多帳戶AWS環境。它適用於各種規模的組織,但尤其適合具有複雜AWS環境的大型組織。順便說一句,我很高興地分享我已獲得了新的認證:來自Amazon Web Services(AWS)的AWS認證DevOps工程師 - 專業。

A Comparative Overview of Imperative vs. Declarative API

When diving into software development, especially in the realm of building applications, we often come across the terms "imperative" and "declarative" programming. As we evolve our design paradigms and strive for more maintainable and intuitive code, the distinction between these two approaches becomes increasingly relevant. Particularly, this dichotomy is noticeable in the context of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

In this post, we’ll delve into the differences between imperative and declarative APIs, their strengths, weaknesses, and some use cases for both.

Imperative API

What is it? At the core of imperative programming lies the "how". It is all about detailing the steps needed to achieve a result. When an API is designed imperatively, it requires the user to specify how a certain task should be done.


  • Step-by-step Instructions: Like a manual, the user must specify each step.
  • State Management: Often, the developer has to manage the state and consider the order of operations.
  • Low-level Control: Provides granular control over the logic and often offers more flexibility.

Example: Consider a painting application where the API is imperative:

canvas.drawStartAt(10, 10)
canvas.drawLineTo(20, 20)

Declarative API

What is it? Declarative programming focuses on the "what". It describes the desired outcome without necessarily detailing the steps to achieve it. When an API is designed declaratively, it takes a description of the desired result and figures out the steps needed.


  • Outcome-Oriented: The user expresses the desired end state.
  • Automatic State Management: The system handles the state and order of operations.
  • Higher-level Abstraction: Can be less flexible than imperative but is often more concise.

Example: Continuing with the painting application, a declarative API might look like:

  shape: "line",
  color: "red",
  start: [10, 10],
  end: [20, 20],
  size: 5

Strengths and Weaknesses

Imperative API

  • Strengths: Fine-grained control, potentially more efficient for certain tasks, explicitness.
  • Weaknesses: Can be verbose, requires manual state management, higher cognitive load.

Declarative API

  • Strengths: Concise, automatic state management, easier to read and maintain.
  • Weaknesses: Might hide complexities, potentially less flexible, can be harder to debug due to abstraction.

When to Use Which?

  • Imperative: When you need complete control over the sequence of operations, or when performance optimizations necessitate a specific order of operations.
  • Declarative: When you want to simplify code, improve readability, or when the process is standardized enough that you don’t need to control every step.

In Conclusion

Whether you opt for an imperative or declarative approach in your API design largely depends on your specific use case, the audience of the API, and the nature of the tasks it encompasses. Remember, the goal of any API should be to offer an effective way for developers to interact with a system. Balancing simplicity with control will help ensure your API meets its intended purpose effectively.

指令式與宣告式 API 的比較概述



指令式 API

這是什麼? 在指令式程式設計的核心是"如何"。它是關於詳述獲得結果所需要的步驟。當API被指令式地設計時,它要求使用者指定如何完成某項任務。


  • 一步一步的指示:如手冊,使用者必須指定每一步。
  • 狀態管理:開發人員通常需要管理狀態並考慮操作的順序。
  • 低級別控制:對邏輯提供細質控制並經常提供更多的靈活性。

例子: 考慮一個畫面應用程式,其中API是指令式的:

canvas.drawStartAt(10, 10)
canvas.drawLineTo(20, 20)

宣告式 API

這是什麼? 宣告式程式設計專注於"什麼"。它描述了期望的結果,而不必詳述達到結果的步驟。當API被宣告式地設計時,它接收一個所期望結果的描述並計算所需的步驟。


  • 結果導向:使用者表達所期望的結束狀態。
  • 自動狀態管理:系統處理狀態和操作順序。
  • 高層抽象:可能不如指令式靈活,但通常更簡潔。

例子: 繼續用畫圖應用程式的例子,一個宣告式API可能會像這樣:

  shape: "line",
  color: "red",
  start: [10, 10],
  end: [20, 20],
  size: 5


指令式 API

  • 優點:精細的控制,特定任務可能更有效率,明確性。
  • 缺點:可能冗長,需要手動管理狀態,認知負擔較高。

宣告式 API

  • 優點:簡潔,自動管理狀態,更易於閱讀和維護。
  • 缺點:可能隱藏複雜性,可能較不靈活,由於抽象可能更難除錯。


  • 指令式:当你需要對操作序列有完全控制,或當性能優化需要特定的操作順序。
  • 宣告式:當你想要簡化程式碼,提高可讀性,或者當流程是足夠標準化的,你不需要控制每一步。

