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My Love of Chinese Philosophy in High School

During my high school years, I spent considerable time contemplating life and shaping my character. Even as a science student, I was drawn to the arts because they allowed me to expand my horizons without the pressure of exams. Chinese literature, in particular, had a profound impact on me due to its enduring wisdom encapsulated in ancient poetry and essays.

One story that left an impression on me was about Su Qin, a strategic advisor during ancient China's Warring States period. Despite facing disgrace and disrespect from his family after failing to win over the Emperor of Qin, Su Qin locked himself away to study his teacher's books. Through sheer willpower and sacrifice, he eventually convinced six kingdoms to unite against Qin, thereby turning his life around. His story emphasized the inescapable role of money and status in society and motivated me to strive for success.

Du Fu, a poet from the Tang dynasty, was another influence. His compassion for others, despite his personal hardships, inspired me to be more selfless and altruistic. Du Fu's dream was to build a sanctuary for scholars, a dream so compelling that he would gladly give his life to see it fulfilled. His philosophy continually fuels my desire to contribute to the greater good.

Confucian philosophy has also had a significant impact on me. The work of Tang Junyi, a renowned Chinese philosopher who founded my university, resonated with me. He focused on human-centered ethics, asserting that the core of Chinese culture is humanity rather than divinity. He outlined four essential human virtues—compassion, justice, respect, and moral discernment—which guide us in living dignified lives. This philosophy has shaped my belief in the importance of moral integrity.

Taoism, too, has been influential, providing balance and perspective, especially during my low moments. It encourages me to see things holistically and to value my unique contributions to the world. Sun Zi's "The Art of War," a text shaped by Taoist principles, has been a source of strategic wisdom for me.

However, Chinese philosophy also serves as a cautionary tale. Legalism, a philosophy emphasizing strict governance, triumphed over others during the unification of China, leading to a short-lived but oppressive regime. This example underscores the importance of balance and the perils of overlooking human values, a lesson particularly relevant in the context of current global tensions.

While I majored in science, the teachings from Chinese literature, philosophy, and history have been a vital part of my education. Science and democracy, identified by intellectuals of the late Qing dynasty as the two pillars that could save China, resonate with me as essential forces for good. Through the scientific method and the democratic process, I believe we can work toward a more enlightened and harmonious world.

These lessons from Chinese philosophy have significantly shaped my worldview, influencing not only how I understand life but also how I strive to live it.





儒家哲學也對我產生了重大影響。唐君毅,我的大學的創辦人,也是一位著名的中國哲學家,他的著作與我產生了共鳴。他專注於以人為本的倫理學,並主張中國文化的核心是人道而不是神道。他概述了四種基本的人本美德 - 慈悲,公正,尊重和道德辨別力,這些指導我們過著有尊嚴的生活。這種哲學塑造了我認為道德正直的重要性的信念。





My memory of the time in secondary school

In high school, I spent the majority of my time dating girls. I wished I had spent more time and effort studying, but hormones damage a boy's brain during puberty. Unfortunately, there was no course at school that taught me about love and how to love. My family would not discuss this matter openly at home, so I learned the hard way through trial and error, which was unfortunate. I was too shy as an introvert to tell the girl I liked her. I was attracted to a gorgeous girl, and that was my first love. It was so innocent and naïve. Cupid shot the arrow at me, and I fell for her. Jessie was her name. She was a classmate who appeared to be a nice sweet girl. I stared at her occasionally and fantasized about all the love stories that may happen to us. But it never happened because I was too embarrassed to ask if she felt the same way about me. Life is funny; instead, other girls fell for me. I had an ordinary, quiet, composed appearance.

To make matters worse, one of the class's worst girls was aggressive to ask me out, and I accepted her offer because I didn't know how to decline her pursue. Ultimately, this ugly girl became my first girlfriend. Meanwhile, I found out that the pretty girl I liked had discreetly reciprocated my feelings. When she discovered that I was going out with that ugly girl, her heart broke. Yes, I shattered her heart. This puppy love came to my attention a little late in the game, and it's a straightforward love story laced with remorse. As a young introvert, I learned the lesson of the first love.

There were five classes in the same cohort in high school, and I was in the weakest class in the school, but I was the best student there. Something went wrong in my class culture: pupils were bad in puberty, and there was a lack of drive to learn. Because the females were so open, touching each other's sex organs out of curiosity with a high level of sex hormones, I began to have complicated love relationships with other girls in the class. I used ICQ (an ancient online messaging app) to meet a girl from the next-door school. We met and dated in the dark cinema to watch movies, and then she put my hand on her breast. She drove me home after the show; it was my first sex education. After school, I learned more than I did throughout the school day. Students were always cheating on tests using past test papers from repeat students. I was in the worst class, and even teachers had lost interest in teaching us. Thus, I lost interest in studying.

I've had a lot of influence from the girls I've dated. I stayed outside the home longer and returned home late after midnight when I dated a bad girl. After more than ten chaotic short relationships, I became interested in dating the best student in the best class. Her name is Doris. She was the top student receiving straight A's in all courses. Doris outperformed the rest of us, and the school named her the M.C. for all of the school's events. She talked confidently in front of the students. I was looking up at her on stage as a dirty boy, admiring her. I set out on a mission to turn this best student into my girlfriend. Out of everyone's envy, she miraculously became my girlfriend. Because my academic scores needed to catch up, I began to feel under pressure. On every subject, she beat me. However, by taking her as my girlfriend, my self-esteem improved. I began to work harder in class and eventually received top grades in chemistry, winning her just in one subject. I was more motivated to learn and improve as a student. The change in my behaviour was due to her credit. We had a stable and steady relationship, and this lasted till we went to different universities.

We must take one public exam before beginning high school. The competition became fierce when the school reduced five classes to only one science and one art class. I knew I should concentrate on the exam, but I prefered extracurricular activities over academics. To meet girls, I joined various societies, such as a dancing club. I eventually rose to the position of president of the graduation dinner committee, planning the event. I enjoyed being a leader in the association, and Doris, of course, was the night's emcee. It was stressful to talk about budgets and shoot videos, and no matter how hard I tried, some disgruntled pupils refused to go through with the idea. That encounter taught me a lot. Although I did not devote 100% of my attention to the public exam, I received 24/30 points with 6 Bs in all areas, placing me in high school.

The first round of public examination was entering high school. For A-level students who wanted to go to university, there was a second general exam. It was one of the most difficult tests I had ever taken, and the competition was keen. Once again, I did not solely concentrate on academics and stood for president of the student union. Because it was difficult, it was the most unforgettable period. I only got 3 hours of sleep per night because I dealt with my studies and the student union. I had confidence in my ability to balance both at the same time. However, when the midterm exam results were announced, I was totally at a loss. Dismal and distressed, I had to decide whether to continue with the works of the organizations and studied for the final examination whenever I had the time. I bit the bullet and continued with the status quo. There was a volume of works to do at the students' organisation. I organised charity activities to support the 2008 China’s earthquake. I raised funds for the refugees and planned a fashion show. Most of the events went on well, and the fashion show was a huge success. At least, my hard work paid off, and people began applauding my efforts. It felt nice to give back to society, and my public examination results were strong enough to get me into the Chinese University of Hong Kong to study chemistry.

Chinese language and culture became my favourite subjects in the A-level test. I adored it and, as a scientific student, I even outperformed my art peers in terms of grades. The subject led me to ponder the meaning of life as well as Confucius' principles. I was attracted by any intellectual conversation about the ideal political system and what to do with my future life as a young man growing up and maturing. I was influenced by Li Tiamming's book, which is written by a famous philosopher, about his art of thinking. I don't need to look for the ultimate explanation of life's meaning. I just need to come up with a good enough answer, such as:

  1. Expand my knowledge
  2. Broaden my experience
  3. Take pleasure in life
  4. Contribute to society
  5. Develop interpersonal relationships

These are my motivations for living a meaningful life, and serving as President of the Students Union is a step ahead in my education and service.










  1. 扩大我的知识
  2. 扩大我的体验
  3. 享受生活
  4. 对社会做出贡献
  5. 发展人际关系


Reasons to Write My Self-Help Blog

What if you had the power to write your own fate? We can't predict the future, but we can articulate our goals and dreams for it. We can't change the past, but we can interpret it through the lens of our own experience. While we can't control the present, writing about our current thoughts can serve as a form of meditation and mental therapy.

What if the most effective self-help book is the one you write for yourself? I've read numerous self-help books and find them momentarily invigorating, yet they rarely inspire lasting behavioral change. If these books truly worked, I'd be wildly successful by now. Instead, I find myself discouraged, always seeking the next self-help book. Journaling, on the other hand, is backed by scientific evidence as a method for self-reflection and personal growth.

On my thirty-first birthday, I pondered what the best gift for myself might be. While an iPad is tempting, material gifts offer only fleeting joy. I opted instead for a physical notebook for my writing. What if you began this experiment by jotting down your thoughts as well?

When starting to write a book, the hardest part is the first sentence. This is something my mentor, Ernest Chen, taught me. Don't overthink it; just write. Once the first sentence is down, the rest flows much more easily. Often, the writing process is influenced by my mood and can be a bit chaotic. However, it helps me recognize flaws in my thinking, ultimately enhancing my critical thinking skills.

Secondly, writing about a subject is one of the most effective ways to understand it. After identifying problems, I seek solutions through books and articles. I then rephrase these insights in my own words. If I struggle to simplify a concept, it's a sign that I need to revisit the material. Writing also helps to solidify memories and perspectives.

Thirdly, writing preserves memories that might otherwise fade away. When reflecting on my childhood, I realized how much I had forgotten. The thought that these years could slip away from me is frightening.

Political regimes often try to rewrite history. How can we trust a narrative controlled by the victors, while the losers' side is lost to time? While I don't intend to write solely from a "loser's perspective," I feel a responsibility to record what has transpired in Hong Kong and its implications.

In summary, it would be remarkable if this writing experiment helped me define my destiny. I've always wanted to be a good person, but what does that actually mean? By specifying the behaviors a good person should exhibit, I can hold myself accountable. Similarly, what does happiness mean for me? Different people might define it in various ways.

Do I enjoy my birthday? I'm not certain, but I see no reason to be sad. I'm grateful for the birthday wishes from family, mentors, and friends from around the globe. Material gifts have become less important to me over time, while lasting relationships have gained value. Wealth can't buy companionship; a fact underscored by the loneliness I felt during the COVID lockdown.

Isn't true happiness measured not just by what we receive, but also by what we give? How can I make a positive impact on society? How can I remain committed to my goals and overcome life's challenges? These are the topics I plan to explore in my writing. Even if this experiment fails, writing remains a vital life skill that I should continue to hone.





開始寫書時,最困難的部分是第一句話。這是我的導師Ernest Chen教我的。不要想太多,只需寫下去。一旦有了第一句,接下來的部分就能更輕松地寫出來。寫作過程經常受到我的心情影響,可能會有些混亂。然而,它幫助我認識到自己思考上的缺陷,從而增強我的批判性思維能力。







A Brief History of My Childhood

My life story naturally begins with my mother, without whom I wouldn't exist or be writing this post. Before my birth, I had no awareness of the world around me. According to my mother, I was more of an accident than a planned child—a claim likely supported by the fact that I'm an only child and none of my aunts have children either. My mother could have chosen to abort me, but she decided against it, valuing life as a miracle. Born on July 31st, I was lucky enough to survive infancy. My early memories are vague, but some of my mother's sayings, like "money isn't everything, but everything needs money," have stuck with me. As an accountant, she values her education and problem-solving skills. She attributes my intelligence to her genetic contribution, discounting my father's role. While she doesn't hold a formal university degree, I regard her as a smart person.

When I was just a few years old, my maternal grandfather passed away from lung cancer. He was a great cook and had a vibrant personality, but he was also a heavy smoker. Despite health warnings, he chose to continue smoking, stating that he'd rather die young than give up the habit. Although I wish he had made different choices, I respect his approach to life: valuing personal happiness, even at the risk of one's health.

I owe much to my parents. While my intelligence might come from my mother, my father likely contributed to my physical appearance. I consider myself fortunate to have a blend of both. My mother disciplined me more strictly, often using a clothes hanger, while my father was generally more lenient. His only strict rule was regarding internet usage: he'd turn off the router at midnight to discourage my late-night browsing. My father's interests in computer games and electrical engineering shaped my own passion for technology, contributing to my current career as a software engineer.

During my primary school years, Pokémon was all the rage. Ironically, I never watched a single episode, making it difficult for me to socialize with peers who were fans of the show. Instead of joining conversations about Pokémon, I volunteered as a librarian and spent my free time reading. Chinese history fascinated me, especially the tales of ancient heroes. Sometimes, I'd daydream about being a wise advisor to an emperor, leading the nation to prosperity.

My primary school was Catholic, and we prayed daily. Though the experience didn't convert me to Catholicism, it did teach me the value of kindness. The school was located near my home and was attended by students from a variety of backgrounds, some from lower-income households. Our teachers advised us to avoid trouble, especially given the reputation of the neighboring secondary school.

Socially, I was a shy kid, brilliant academically but reserved in person. As a result, my closest friends were often other unpopular or bullied students. One of my best friends had been born prematurely, and his physical frailty made him a target for bullies—a situation I found deeply unfair.

Among my school memories, one that stands out is my fear of Mrs. Chan, a P.E. teacher known for her excessive makeup and overpowering perfume. Her mere scent could instill fear. On one occasion, I was unfairly punished for supposedly using hair gel, when I had only used water to style my hair. Instances like these made me equate school more to a prison than a place of learning, and I often wondered if a different educational system would have served me better.

Looking back, I've come to realize that the formative years of my life were a blend of blessings and challenges. Despite the ups and downs, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into who I am today.


我的人生故事自然從我的母親開始,沒有她,我就不可能存在,也不可能寫這篇文章。在我出生之前,我對我周圍的世界一無所知。根據我的母親的說法,我更像是一個意外,而不是一個計劃中的孩子 --- 這可能由我是獨生子女,且我所有的阿姨都沒有孩子,來支持這個說法。我的母親本可以選擇墮胎,但她決定不做,將生命視為一種奇蹟。我誕生於七月三十一日,幸運地走過了嬰兒期。我早期的記憶很模糊,但我母親的一些語句,比如「金錢不是一切,但一切都需要金錢」,使我記憶深刻。作為一名會計師,她很注重教育和解決問題的能力。她認為我的聰明才智來自她的基因貢獻,而忽視了我父親的作用。雖然她沒有正式的大學學位,但我認為她是一個聰明的人。





在社交上,我是一個害羞的孩子,學業成績出眾但在人前保持矜持。因此,我最親密的朋友經常是其他不受歡迎或被欺凌的學生。我其中一位最好的朋友是早產兒,他的身體虛弱使他成為欺凌者的目標 --- 這是我覺得非常不公平的情況。



The Importance of Public Speaking

What is your greatest phobia? For some, it's a fear of dogs or spiders, but many of us are terrified of public speaking. The concern about being judged or ridiculed is constant. Recognizing its importance, I have enrolled in a course to hone my public speaking skills. This is a vital skill to master as it impacts us on three levels: personal, professional, and societal.

My fear of public speaking came into sharp focus when I saw a girl cry before she could even speak on a topic. This dedicated student, who aspires to be a diplomatic translator, was paralyzed by her fear. She is intelligent and fully capable of speaking, yet she found herself unable to do so.

Moved by empathy, I felt her fear but couldn't do anything to help. Her mother, initially proud and filming her daughter's attempted speech, eventually lost patience. The girl's eyes moistened and tears began to flow. The longer she waited, the more pressure she felt. How can we overcome such debilitating fear? Allow me to share my experience.

Personal Level: Public speaking can elevate your personal brand and visibility. Although I am an introvert, I understand the power of speaking up in class or meetings. The hesitation to ask questions, especially prevalent in Asian classrooms, isn't because students lack curiosity; it's the fear of appearing foolish. As the saying goes, "You may look foolish for five minutes for asking a question, but you'll be a fool forever if you don't." Taking the initiative to speak up builds confidence and leaves a positive impression on others, providing an advantage in both school and life.

Professional Level: In my role as an Engineering Manager, communication is my primary responsibility, not coding. A manager needs to effectively communicate with the team, inspire them, write reports, update senior executives, and impress clients. Recently, I successfully presented my company's product to the CEO of a digital bank and an audience of seventy people. Mastering public speaking is essential for my professional growth.

Societal Level: Public speaking can be a powerful tool for enacting change. Whether you're part of the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, or any other organization, you need to convey a clear message and shared vision. Take climate change advocates like Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, or even Leonardo DiCaprio; their effective communication has helped mobilize public opinion. Speaking compellingly allows you to share crucial messages and effect change on a societal level.

In conclusion, while I may not be the world's best public speaker, I am passionate about it. Though I couldn't encourage the crying girl in that moment, I hope she continues to strive for improvement. Mastering public speaking offers opportunities on personal, professional, and societal levels. Don't wait for the right moment; create it by honing your ability to speak in front of groups.