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個人層面: 公眾演講可以提升你的個人品牌和可見度。雖然我是一個內向的人,但我理解在課堂或會議上發言的力量。在亞洲的教室裡,學生們不願意發問,並不是因為他們缺乏好奇心,而是他們害怕看起來愚蠢。俗話說得好,"問一個問題你可能會傻五分鐘,但如果你不問,你可能一輩子都是傻子。"主動發言可以增強自信,並在他人心中留下良好的印象,這在學校和生活中都是一種優勢。

專業層面: 在我作為工程經理的角色中,溝通是我的主要職責,而不是編程。一個經理需要有效地與團隊溝通,激勵他們,撰寫報告,向高級主管報告,並給客戶留下深刻的印象。最近,我成功地向一家數字銀行的CEO和70人的觀眾展示了我的公司的產品。熟練掌握公共演說對我的專業成長至關重要。

社會層面: 公眾演講可以是推動變革的強大工具。無論你是紅十字會,童子軍,還是任何其他組織的一員,你都需要傳達清晰的信息和共享的願景。像比爾·蓋茨,格蕾塔·桑伯格,或者甚至是萊昂納多·狄卡皮奧這樣的氣候變化倡導者,他們有效的溝通有助於動員公眾意見。有說服力的演說讓你能夠分享關鍵的信息,並在社會層面上產生變革。


How to Tell Your Colleague About a Body Odor Issue

One of the most challenging conversations involves informing a coworker that his body odor is affecting the entire department. I, along with several of my coworkers, have been enduring this issue, but someone has to address it, even though it's an uncomfortable subject. So, how should you approach it? I advocate a mix of initiating and supportive communication methods.

This situation began a few months ago when our company hired a new employee named K.K. After an online interview, K.K. seemed to be a friendly individual who always wore a smile. He came across as personable and had a range of engaging hobbies, such as basketball.

However, upon our first in-person meeting, I noticed that something was amiss. K.K.'s scent was unpleasant, to say the least. I had organized a welcome meal for him so that everyone in the department could get acquainted. As soon as he arrived, a foul, fish-like odor became evident. Initially, I attributed it to the air conditioning and we proceeded with our team lunch.

As time passed, the smell seemed to intensify. My colleague Cherry, who was seated next to me, texted me discreetly via WhatsApp, asking, "Hey Victor, do you smell that too?" I read her message, glanced back at her, and we both chuckled.

Then K.K. joined our table and asked, "What's so funny? Can you share the joke with me?" Cherry replied, "No, it's nothing," effectively killing the conversation. Others began to laugh as well, further isolating K.K., who appeared puzzled. "Can someone share the humor with me?" he queried. His question elicited more laughter. At that moment, I knew I had to act.

So what would you do in this scenario? There are four types of communication styles: direct, initiating, supportive, and analytical. Let's say you prefer straightforward communication. You might directly tell K.K., "Hey, you have a noticeable body odor. Could you shower more often?" While this approach may be efficient and effective, it could also offend K.K.

I prefer to avoid confrontation. I'm concerned about the repercussions for K.K. He might misinterpret our laughter and think we're making fun of him. Worst-case scenario, this could lead to a complaint to Human Resources. Using an analytical communication style might not offend K.K., but he could miss the point entirely. In that case, the problem remains unresolved.

Instead, I opt for a proactive and supportive approach. First, I schedule a convenient time for a one-on-one conversation with K.K. The goal is to create a comfortable space for open dialogue.

Second, regardless of your communication style, it's crucial to frame the conversation with sincerity. I need to be clear, saying, "K.K., I'm bringing this up to find a solution, not to criticize you." My intention is to help him out of genuine concern.

Third, I politely outline the issue and ask for his perspective. "K.K., are you aware of this? Is there a medical reason for the body odor? Is there anything we can do to help you improve your hygiene?" This allows him to express his concerns and make his own choices.

This method proved effective. K.K. was not offended and even thanked me a few days later, mentioning that he had consulted a doctor. My coworkers were relieved, and the issue of the offensive odor was resolved. I successfully navigated the conversation using both leading and supportive communication styles.

Life demands flexibility and the use of different styles of communication for various situations. We cannot force change upon someone; it's all in how we communicate. By choosing the right tone, I was able to assist K.K. and make a positive impact on the situation.














Be Skeptical

Imagine being in North Korea. How skeptical would you be of what you witness every day? Is the Kim family's rule divine? Is South Korea evil due to American influence? Could people possibly be grateful for this dictatorship?

Understanding life in North Korea becomes easier after watching interviews with defectors like Park Yeon-mi. Her book "To Live" describes the abysmal conditions in the country. While you might already be aware that North Korea is a challenging place to live, comprehending the extent of its hardships based solely on facts and figures is difficult.

Living in the developed world provides a completely different perspective. It’s important to realize that North Korea lacks basic freedoms, such as electricity, freedom of speech, and press freedom. One needs compassion to truly grasp the plight of North Koreans.

If you were born in such a restricted environment, would you question this parallel universe? I hope not, because questioning the legitimacy of the Kim family's rule could lead to severe consequences, including imprisonment for you, your family, and future generations.

What would happen if you started wondering why China, just across the river, always seems bright while North Korea is submerged in darkness? Merely expressing such thoughts could be dangerous. You might be reported to the secret police by friends or neighbors, especially if you were caught consuming foreign media. The result could be years in prison.

Being skeptical and thinking about how to sell products at a higher price—essentially thinking like a capitalist—could be considered a violation of communist beliefs. Since all property is state-owned, even your act of selling is illegal. Shockingly, even your waste is considered state property, to be used as fertilizer.

If you found yourself in such circumstances and chose to be skeptical, escaping might cross your mind. Although a tough decision, it might be your only way to discover that much of what you've been taught is a lie. Words like "freedom," "democracy," and "bank accounts" would be entirely new concepts for you.

Even those fortunate enough to live in developed countries should remain skeptical. Question everything. Listen to multiple perspectives and change your views when the evidence warrants it. How do you know, for example, that the vaccine you’re getting is safe? Or that a piece of news you've read online is accurate? Fact-checking and evidence-seeking are essential.

Being open-minded is crucial. I’m always willing to change my beliefs in the face of new evidence. Knowledge is transient; what we knew yesterday might be proven wrong tomorrow. It’s essential to apply what we learn, not just to know it.

Let's say you go to a circus and watch a performer swallow a sword. Do you believe it’s real? While entertainment is one thing, reality is another. We need to adjust our mindset according to the situation and teach our children to do the same.

The North Korean regime wouldn't survive without assistance from the Chinese Communist Party, which indirectly contributes to the suffering of the North Korean people. Many citizens in China who subscribe to a distorted interpretation of history could benefit from skepticism. They might question their government's support for the North Korean regime or ponder alternative political structures.

The point of this article is not to debate what's right or wrong but to emphasize the importance of maintaining a skeptical mindset. We should teach future generations to think critically, to ask "why," to engage in debates, and to weigh the pros and cons of different viewpoints. Tyrannies and dictatorships don't allow such discussions; authority is never questioned, and history is rewritten by the victors.

In societies where political correctness dominates, opportunities for skepticism are limited. Open dialogue should be encouraged, even if the opinions are controversial. Ultimately, it all comes down to asking ourselves "Why?" This question equips us to face life's challenges more effectively. Being skeptical ensures that you are less likely to be deceived.





如果你出生在這樣一個受限的環境,你會質疑這個平行宇宙嗎?我希望不會,因為質疑金家族統治的合法性可能會導致嚴重的後果,包括你、你的 family和未來幾代人的軟禁。








這篇文章的目的不是辯論什麼是對的什麼是錯的,而是強調保持懷疑態度的重要性。我們應該教導下一代學會批判地思考,問 "為什麼",參與辯論,並權衡不同觀點的利弊。專制和獨裁不允許這樣的討論;權威永遠不會被質疑,歷史總是由勝利者重新寫。


Strive for Efficiency and Economy

Given that our society prioritizes efficiency and economy, you're able to read this essay. As national productivity improves, we can dedicate more time to hobbies. Otherwise, we'd be too consumed with basic survival tasks like hunting and farming.

Our culture has transitioned from agrarian communities to modern metropolises. This transformation in economic, social, and political landscapes has made us a global powerhouse in production and product quality. Our economic growth stems from collective hard work and robust financial, legal, and capital systems.

Therefore, we should aim to increase production. As leaders, we can make meetings more efficient. By evaluating which appointments are necessary and which are not, we can cut down meeting times, making our teams more efficient.

However, focusing solely on productivity is not enough; we should also consider the market's size. Being efficient in a non-lucrative field is futile. Thus, choosing the right business sector is a crucial initial step.

Productivity growth is especially important in industrialized economies. For instance, South Korean workers clock many hours but have less GDP output per hour than their French counterparts, who work fewer hours. Hence, GDP growth may only see minor boosts even if employment rates recover.

In today's digital age, smartphone distractions are a real problem. Constant phone checks take up approximately two hours per day and can triple the number of errors in tasks. This disruption in focus may negate any gains in efficiency. I personally have decided to switch off my phone to concentrate on more meaningful work, such as writing this article.

Moreover, a leader's efficiency often has a broader impact on the team. Effective communication can significantly reduce wasted time during meetings, making them more productive. Being upfront about agenda items can further streamline the process.

Committing to tasks should be a deliberate choice. Often, we agree to projects for the wrong reasons, like obligations to superiors, thereby sacrificing productivity. Streamlining commitments can lead to a more efficient life.

Learning is another area where strategy matters. Studying without purpose can lead to knowledge loss, making the process unproductive. Measuring learning by its applicability in solving new problems is a more effective metric.

In summary, the ultimate goal of improving efficiency is to produce meaningful results. By focusing on these aspects, we can strive for both efficiency and economy.












Working Effectively with Others in Teams

Today, I received my first vaccine dose. As a foreigner in Singapore, I am grateful for the opportunity to get vaccinated without any hassle. I'm especially thankful for the efficacy of Singapore's healthcare system.

No one knew the full extent of Covid-19's seriousness in the early stages of the pandemic. I'm amazed at how quickly scientists were able to develop a vaccine. Two motivating factors come to mind: monetary gain and altruism.

Scientists who dedicate their lives to field research are reshaping the stereotypical image of the solitary researcher. In truth, modern science demands collaboration to solve complex challenges. I feel fortunate that these scientists have spent years studying mRNA, virology, and medicine.

Secondly, transitioning research into mass production involves the coordination of multiple groups. Infrastructure, significant funding, and logistical challenges all come into play, particularly when politics and government officials are involved.

I am deeply grateful to the frontline healthcare workers who operate under stressful conditions. The nurse who administered my vaccine was amazing; she greeted me warmly and calmly discussed potential side effects. This seamless experience speaks to the power of incredible teamwork.

What makes this even more remarkable is that I received the vaccine for free. Living in a region with strong policies and effective pandemic control, I recognize that my good fortune is more about luck than anything else. The devastation wrought by Covid-19 is not to be taken lightly, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to get vaccinated.

I cannot take this good fortune for granted and should contribute to society when opportunities arise. Effective collaboration in teams can make a positive impact. It starts with assembling the right team and empowering them to take on challenging tasks.

Some work cultures hinder teamwork and innovation, which makes cultural transformation difficult. I aim to foster a positive work environment by encouraging social bonds through lunches, after-work events, and team-building activities.

I don't need to be the smartest person in the room; if I am, it's time to invite smarter individuals or find another room. Whether it's professional networking, team building at work, or sustaining friendships in real life, the joy comes from meaningful connections.

Communication skills are also vital. Effective leaders should excel in writing, reading, and public speaking. I am taking this as an opportunity to improve my writing and speaking skills, writing for both personal and professional blogs, and speaking up in various settings.

Listening is equally important. I'm working on my ability to understand what people are saying and paraphrase it back to them.

Soft skills, or "soft power," are crucial in a professional setting where I can't exert authority over everyone. To gain trust, I need to treat my job as a team sport rather than isolated compartments of work. Being inclusive in decision-making makes others feel valued and heard.

The lockdown has increased my screen time, leading to social isolation and loneliness. Virtual networking has helped offset these feelings and even improved our collective productivity.

Volunteering serves a dual purpose: acknowledging human limitations and showing gratitude. We all have much to do and too little time to do it, but collaboration can go a long way. We don't have to go it alone; pooling resources and sharing credit can make the journey worthwhile.
















The Tried-and-True Way is the Right Way

If you've ever walked a dog, you've likely observed how curious puppies can be. A simple fifteen-minute walk can turn into an hour-long adventure as the dog stops to investigate every tree, smell various objects, and even taste leaves on the road. Occasionally, the dog might get curious about other items, ranging from discarded tissue paper to rotting fruit. It seems like the dog never tires of trying new things, while I can become indifferent, especially when every tree along the path looks the same.

This dog's behavior reminds me that the tried-and-true method is often the best approach. How would the dog learn whether something is good or bad if it didn't explore? From a human perspective, attempting to eat everything it encounters seems foolish, as does chasing a passing motorcycle. Yet, for the dog, the world is a playground full of potential adventures. Even a short walk can pose challenges like confrontations with larger, aggressive dogs or, on a lucky day, an opportunity to meet and socialize with other friendly canines.

Adults, however, often lose the enthusiasm for trying new things. We get stuck in our routines, stop learning new skills, and disengage from the world around us. When confronted with questionable information or "fake news," it's crucial to remain skeptical and verify facts. Opt for the path that has been tried, tested, and proven effective.

As I grow older, I find myself increasingly focused on the end result rather than the process. Take dog-walking as an example; it might seem more efficient to finish the walk in fifteen minutes rather than an hour. However, by doing so, we miss the opportunity to slow down, smell the flowers, admire the architecture, and marvel at the natural world. There's much to learn from these slower, more exploratory experiences.

The approach calls for individuals to experiment with and discover truth for themselves. With rapid and inexpensive ways to conduct multiple tests, continuous improvement becomes viable. This principle applies not only to personal life but also in a corporate setting. Employees can be encouraged to suggest innovative ideas that could lead to improvements. Concepts that prove successful according to predetermined criteria can then be integrated into the system.

Achieving success involves continuous experimentation and making innovation a part of the workplace culture. Surprises should be valued for their potential to disrupt and improve, even if they seem problematic in the short term.

When faced with uncertainty, be patient. Invoke your innate curiosity by asking questions. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. There's no other way to grow. When we see a dog eating trash, we should remember our own moments of foolishness and acknowledge that making mistakes is part of the learning process.

One of the best ways to begin experimenting with the world is to identify something you want to learn and make a conscious effort to understand it. Listen to people, observe your surroundings, and maintain a beginner's mindset. As you start to experiment, new opportunities will present themselves.

Stretching beyond your comfort zone will encourage mental experimentation. Many people follow the same routines and stick to a narrow range of learning methods. Stepping outside these boundaries by mimicking examples, conducting tests, and pushing your limits can result in a more comprehensive learning experience tailored to your unique traits and strengths.

Learning is inherently a process of trial and error. Practical application, feedback, and problem-solving are essential for adapting your mental models to the real world. Experiment with various approaches and choose what works best for you.

To get into the right mindset for experimenting, you need to view your skills as improvable and recognize your untapped potentials. Experience is gained even when things don't go as planned.

To truly understand what you want out of life, you need to live it. Thoughtful action, rather than mere contemplation, is the key to discovering your deepest desires, purpose, and joy. Following the tried-and-true path is the best way to this discovery.