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Leadership Styles

What prompted you to leave your job? One of the most common reasons for resigning is dissatisfaction with one's supervisor. This led me to become interested in the study of leadership.

Many years ago, I was thrilled to start my role as a junior software engineer at an international IT consulting firm. My team's director was Mr. Lau. He had an impressive resume, boasting years of professional experience and an EMBA degree. I was eager to join a team led by someone who seemed so capable and kind.

Here's what happened on my first day at work: "Hello, my name is Victor; today is my first day here," I said upon meeting my colleagues. "Welcome aboard, Victor, and good luck in your new role," my colleague replied, albeit with a strange smile. "You should know, three managers recently resigned before you came on board. Everyone here is wary of Mr. Lau. You might want to tread carefully." This warning immediately put me on edge.

In my leadership studies, I've learned that there are six different types of leadership styles. I covered these in an earlier chapter, drawing from a book by Daniel Goleman, a well-known behavioral science journalist. The six styles are:

  1. Coercive
  2. Authoritative
  3. Affiliative
  4. Democratic
  5. Pacesetting
  6. Coaching

Mr. Lau's management style was a blend of the first two: coercive and authoritative.

One day, while I was quietly doing my work, I heard someone shouting from the pantry. It was Mr. Lau. "WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?" he yelled, berating my colleague Johnny. "The client had to postpone the project because of your utterly incorrect proposal!" A litany of expletives followed, which was both unprofessional and disrespectful.

Mr. Lau exemplified the first type of leadership: coercive leaders who demand immediate compliance. While this top-down approach can be effective in some situations, it was largely ineffective here. Whenever Mr. Lau was angry, issues did get resolved swiftly—mainly because everyone was too afraid not to act.

He also fit into the second type: authoritative leaders who guide their team members. While this style is generally effective as it provides a clear direction, it backfired here because the team viewed Mr. Lau as arrogant.

Many team members ended up resigning due to his leadership methods. Despite raising concerns to senior management, nothing changed. It turned out that Mr. Lau's supervisor was equally abrasive and treated him the same way.

Fortunately, the company's CEO intervened and replaced Mr. Lau with Mr. So, who led in an affiliative and democratic fashion. Affiliative leaders focus on building emotional bonds and harmony. This positively impacted team communication. Mr. So consistently provided positive feedback to his employees.

As for his democratic leadership style, he sought to build consensus through collaboration. He instilled a sense of trust, respect, and commitment in the team, and was always willing to listen to our concerns. The shift in leadership styles brought about a much happier work environment.

In addition to my day job, I have encountered leaders who fall under other styles, such as pacesetters who demand high performance and autonomy. I've also met coaching leaders, who focus on the long-term development of their team members by helping them align their strengths with personal and professional goals.

In summary, the six leadership styles I have identified through my research are Coercive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coaching. My study of these styles facilitated my promotion from a junior software engineer to an engineering manager. I hope that you all can grow as leaders so that no one has to lose their job because of poor management.



許多年前,我興奮地開始在一家國際 IT 諮詢公司擔任初級軟件工程師的職務。我的團隊主管是劉先生。他有一份令人印象深刻的履歷,擁有多年的專業經驗和 EMBA 學位。我渴望加入由這麼能幹和善良的人領導的團隊。


在我的領導研究中,我了解到有六種不同的領導風格。我在之前的一章中講述了這些風格,引用了知名行為科學記者 Daniel Goleman 的一本書。這六種風格是:

  1. 強迫
  2. 權威
  3. 領導關係
  4. 民主
  5. 領頭羊
  6. 教練


有一天,當我安靜地做著我的工作時,我聽到有人從茶水間大吼。那是劉先生。"你怎麼可以這麼笨?"他大罵我同事 Johnny。"因為你完全錯誤的提案,客戶不得不把計劃延後!"一連串的謾罵接踵而來,這既不專業又不尊重。




幸運的是,公司的 CEO 介入,以苏先生取代了劉先生,他用的是親和民主風格的領導方法。親和型領導者專注於建立情感連結和和諧。這對團隊溝通產生了積極的影響。蘇先生始終給予員工積極的反饋。




Take Charge and Lead

I am now a manager, responsible for directing a small team. To perform well in our roles, we need a blend of talents, including technical knowledge, emotional intelligence, and negotiation skills. Both within my organization and among clients, we interact with employees from diverse cultures and time zones. Striking a balance between work and relationships is critical.

I've experienced impostor syndrome, especially when I consider the many talented individuals on my team. However, I recognize the value of a growth mindset and understand that improvement is possible. The strength of our team lies in our collective ability to enhance our skills over time.

For instance, public speaking terrifies me. When speaking before a large audience, articulating my concerns becomes even more challenging. After consulting a colleague, I found that I am not alone; many share my apprehension despite our culture of open feedback.

Though giving feedback can be difficult, I have started practicing and learning how to do it effectively. This effort requires both willpower and skill, but it's vital for the team and me to communicate effectively to improve our work quality.

To facilitate this, I might use the Situation, Behavior, and Impact (SBI) framework to offer constructive feedback. Instead of accusing or personally attacking team members, we should build trust and make space for problem-solving.

One significant managerial challenge is that we cannot change people who are unwilling to change. Our approach, instead, is to listen carefully and understand their feelings. We employ leading questions to encourage different perspectives and offer personal anecdotes as examples. As a result, we become better managers with a more positive impact.

Coaching and support can motivate the team to overcome problems and barriers, thereby improving management. By offering mutual support and timely feedback, we can create a synergistic culture. This involves a balance between motivational and developmental feedback, allowing us to identify each team member's strengths and weaknesses.

Coaching is about maximizing performance by unlocking potential. It involves helping people learn rather than directly instructing them. Through empathetic listening and open questions, we can support our team members' long-term growth.

I find the GROW framework useful for coaching. It stands for:

  • Goal: What you want to achieve
  • Reality: The current situation
  • Action: Steps to take
  • Options: Available alternatives

For example, I have a coach helping me improve my public speaking skills by setting objective, quantifiable goals. As managers, we often have to make difficult decisions affecting both the company and its people. We must consider various perspectives and continually test our understanding of others' issues.

Our decision-making framework is as follows:

  • What: What are you trying to achieve? Are the goals clear to everyone?
  • Why: Why is this important to everyone involved?
  • Who: Who makes the decisions?
  • When: When will the decision be made?
  • How: How is the decision reached? For instance, is it by consensus?

All leaders face additional decision-making obstacles, like unconscious biases and emotional triggers. However, such biases can adversely affect the quality of our decisions. To mitigate these biases, we need to be aware of them.

It's also vital to recognize emotional states that may lead to stress reactions, such as defensiveness or posturing. Viewing ourselves as team players can help mitigate these challenges.

To further refine our managerial skills, we can use the RACI framework, which defines who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. This helps articulate the decision-making process early on and provides a structure that balances the need for quick action with the need for team buy-in.

In summary, a good manager is an effective coach who empowers their team, avoids micromanagement, and fosters a positive team culture. Poor management can be demotivating and damaging, especially since employees are often a company's most valuable asset.

As a manager, it's essential to avoid negative behaviors and instead adopt a positive mindset for self-improvement. This benefits not just me but also my team and the broader organization. After all, we spend most of our lives working, so fostering a positive work environment is crucial.











  • 目標:你想要實現什麼
  • 現實:目前的情況
  • 行動:需要採取的步驟
  • 選擇:可用的替代方案



  • 什麼:你想實現什麼?目標是否對所有人清晰?
  • 為什麼:這對參與的每個人來說為什麼重要?
  • 誰:誰來做決策?
  • 何時:何時做出決定?
  • 如何:如何達成決定?例如,是通過共識嗎?






On Sympathizing with Others' Feelings

Dear Hong Kong friends,

Your anguish is palpable. My heart bled seeing the blood flow from your wounds inflicted by brutal beatings. I empathize with your actions and understand the feelings and suffering of others. We used to enjoy freedom of speech, expressing diverse viewpoints through media, but now we live in the darkest era of Hong Kong's history due to sweeping restrictions.

The government recently shut down Apple Daily because it could not tolerate differing viewpoints. Key opinion leaders who disagree with the government are increasingly silencing themselves, feeling powerless. Their analyses and proposals prove ineffective as the situation worsens daily.

Most concerning is the paralyzing fear we experience because anyone could face legal consequences under the national security law. The burden of proof is minimal; police only need to demonstrate that you intend to jeopardize national security. With the law on their side, they can incarcerate you without trial. Exercise caution, as authorities may scan your WhatsApp and other social media to find reasons to escalate charges.

Do we desire a Hong Kong under dictatorship, without an opposition presence in the Legislative Council? The authorities aim to instill fear, suppressing your opinions. Yet, do you know what truly terrifies dictators? Your dissent. Your ideas, public speeches, and even the color of your T-shirt—preferably black—terrify them.

Your ideas have more potential to influence the world than any weapon. While I may lack the physical means to fight, we must stand against this emergent police state to protect our principles. We feel terror in the face of dictatorship but find solace in fellow Hong Kongers willing to endure imprisonment.

We sympathize with imprisoned Hong Kongers, yet there are no easy or quick solutions to our problems. Articles and speeches can offer temporary relief and spur collective awakening.

Information and enlightenment come from many sources, including books and YouTube videos. We should assess our situation from a global and historical perspective, fully understanding the unchanging nature of the Communist Party. Its desire for power, bad decisions leading to famine, and dismantling of cultural and moral systems remain constant despite political spin.

Reading is not just an intellectual exercise; it provides therapeutic value. The lessons of history and the teachings of philosophers help us navigate uncertain futures and looming political turmoil.

Hong Kong's survival hinges on the free exchange of ideas. Our reactions to news and government policies that contradict our beliefs underline the critical importance of freedom of expression. Though the dictator can silence us, he cannot change our minds. Our core values of democracy, freedom, and justice remain inviolable. The more he suppresses, the more we resist.

Compassion requires no degree, and ethical choices need not be supported by extensive reading. We must question the morality of events like police violence against protesters and collaborations with gangsters.

Your words, however small, can influence others. They resonate with human empathy, urging people to listen, understand, and act. Never underestimate the power of words; they are our last line of defense.

We have a duty to document our thoughts and experiences, offering future generations a chance to understand the misdeeds of tyrants. Your well-structured articles, filled with clear messages and motivational tones, can empower those who feel powerless. Words are not just a means of gaining knowledge; they help us understand the currents shaping our society.

Even as many writers face threats under national security laws, your ideas can ignite the spark that encourages others to overcome fear. Words are our last line of defense in this struggle.
















Live in the Moment

Last month, I was planning my speech for a public speaking conference. The process was stressful, and sleep eluded me as I agonized over what could go wrong during my presentation.

To alleviate my anxiety, I needed to focus on the present moment. Worrying about things that might never happen was a waste of both time and energy. While preparation for tomorrow is important, the best way to prepare is to be fully engaged in today's tasks. That is the only way to effectively plan for the future.

In prayer, we ask only for "today's bread," without dwelling on yesterday's stale loaf or tomorrow's uncertainties. The idea is to live for today—you can only consume what is available to you now.

Preparing for my presentation is largely a mental exercise. I like to think of life as an hourglass. Thousands of grains of sand rest at the top, slowly and evenly passing through the narrow neck in the middle. Attempting to rush more than one grain through this bottleneck would clog the hourglass.

Each morning when I wake up, it feels like I have a multitude of tasks ahead. However, tackling them one by one and allowing them to pass through my day gently and evenly—like the grains of sand—is essential for maintaining both my physical and mental well-being.

Rather than fretting over yesterday's burdens or tomorrow's presentation, I can live a more fulfilling life by focusing on today, a compartment of time separate from past and future.

I stand at the crossroads of two eternities: a past I can't change and a future I can't predict. I can exist only in the present moment. I can endure whatever today brings until the sun sets, knowing tomorrow will be a new day.

Life passes by quickly. We journey through space at an incredible speed. Today is the most valuable asset I possess. I live only in the current moment. No one ever loses any life except the one they are presently living, and no one ever lives any life except the one they are about to lose.

The distinction between the longest and shortest lives is negligible. We cannot lose the past or the future; our only guaranteed possession is now. Therefore, to minimize worry, I should focus on living in the present moment.

Of all the resources—focus, time, and money—time is the most crucial for my success and well-being. Anxiety about tomorrow's speech will not improve my performance; rather, it will likely hinder it, causing poor sleep and diminishing my focus.

By optimizing my time and concentrating on the present, I can achieve better outcomes in life. This is the only moment in which I have the power to effect change.

Generally speaking, living in the moment contributes to a happier life, personal growth, improved social interactions, and greater self-acceptance. Trusting my instincts and feelings as they occur helps me combat feelings of impostor syndrome.

Lowering my expectations and knowing that I've given my all in a specific situation helps alleviate embarrassment in case of failure. I must take responsibility for my present circumstances, rather than hiding behind unrealistic fantasies or blaming others.

By caring less about what others may think of me in the future, I can take risks and discover my capabilities. Stretching my self-beliefs could reveal that people are more accepting of my flaws than I thought. Being vulnerable and genuine could lead to stronger social connections.

Currently, I avoid overreacting to societal judgments. I value the present moment with the candid opinions of those who truly appreciate and respect me. I worry less about past perceptions and focus more on how specific people will see me in the future.

Living in the present moment is a powerful tool for moderating overwhelming feelings of rejection and humiliation. It makes me more aware of the irrational negative thoughts that occasionally cloud my mind.


上個月,我在為一場公開演講會議計劃我的演講。這個過程帶給我很大的壓力,當我 agonized over 我的演講可能出錯的情況時,我無法入睡。
















Think Before I Act

When my girlfriend, Joanne, broke up with me, I lost control. Consumed by depression, I acted on raw emotion rather than rational thought. Had I taken a moment to think before acting impulsively, things might have turned out differently for us.

Instead, my erratic actions only worsened the situation. I almost begged Joanne for her forgiveness, hoping my sincerity would make her reconsider. Unfortunately, this approach backfired, exposing my neediness and insecurity.

Joanne proceeded to block all forms of communication with me—WhatsApp, phone calls, and social media. I responded by doing the exact opposite of what I should have done: giving her space and taking time to calm down. The more I attempted to fix the problem, the further away I pushed her.

My irrational behavior yielded disastrous results. Despite my frantic efforts, everything unraveled. Joanne remained unyielding, and I conceded defeat in the relationship.

When a new girlfriend, Jessica, broke up with me, I found myself back in the same dire situation. Despite my attempts to apologize for what seemed like minor issues, she became distant and unforgiving. This time, however, I knew better than to repeat my previous mistakes. I needed to adopt a cool, calm, and collected approach, to sit down and assess what had gone wrong before taking any drastic measures. Not doing so would have been a grave mistake.

Love is a complex emotional experience, and while my efforts to mend a broken relationship may have moved me, they failed to connect with my partner. Acting out of fear and insecurity only exacerbated the situation.

Had I taken the time to think before acting impulsively, I could have avoided a lot of emotional turmoil. Instead of succumbing to depression, I should have sought support from family, friends, or professional counseling.

Books became my closest advisors, teaching me to view relationships from a woman’s perspective. I learned to ask critical questions like, what does a woman think during a breakup? What does she prioritize? What does she truly need and want?

To apply this newfound wisdom, I had to control my instincts and weigh them against rational thought. This entailed considering the other side of the story, examining multiple perspectives, and identifying when my emotional reactions were becoming unreasonable.

Over time, I managed to recover from these failed relationships. Life is never perfect, and Murphy’s Law often rears its head at the most inconvenient times. At one point, I thought business strategies could solve personal problems, but I was sorely mistaken. A relationship involves two individuals, each with their own unique perspectives and expectations. The key is to find a way for these two persons to live harmoniously despite their differences.

In relationships, it’s easy to focus inward, generating unnecessary worries. Instead, shift the focus from "me" to "us," and identify viable solutions. It's crucial to think before acting, especially when emotions run high.

I’ve learned that thinking and acting are distinct yet interconnected processes. Each has its merit but cannot replace the other. Thus, balance is crucial. Overthinking without taking action is counterproductive, just as acting without thinking is reckless.

In the grand scheme of things, the only element I can control is my thought process. Before taking any action, it’s essential to assess whether my thinking is aligned with my objectives.

It's easy to have a plan until things go wrong. True character and strategy are tested when facing consistent setbacks. Before diving into advanced strategies and tactics, it's fundamental to ask: am I thinking correctly before acting? This serves as the foundation for all future decisions and actions.