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Always Learning New Things

During my university enrollment, I faced the dilemma of choosing between academic and practical studies. As a teenager, I believed that a university should serve as an educational institution rather than a vocational training center. This somewhat idealistic viewpoint led me to avoid practical majors like accounting.

However, while I was interested in subjects like philosophy and history, I concluded that self-study during my free time would be more cost-effective than earning a degree in those areas. Consequently, I chose chemistry as my major, believing that the hands-on lab experiences justified the tuition costs.

As I matured, my career took an unexpected turn. Though my first job in a kitchen utensil testing laboratory was related to my studies, I found it uninspiring and limited in terms of career growth. Eventually, I pivoted to a career in information technology, teaching myself programming skills to survive in this challenging new field. I've learned a lot, from basic data structures to complex cloud architectures, but I've also come to appreciate how much I still have to learn.

Imposter syndrome is common in the tech industry, and I'm no exception. Working as a consultant requires rapidly acquiring new skills and appearing expert, even when I don't feel like one. I've had to adapt quickly to keep up with the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Looking back, I realize that my academic focus didn't prepare me well for lifelong learning. Instead of merely transmitting knowledge, schools should teach students how to learn. This skill would not only have made my academic journey easier but would also have equipped me for self-directed learning post-graduation.

Interestingly, I've found that my theoretical knowledge, such as understanding second-order differential equations, hasn't been particularly useful in my day-to-day work. What provides a competitive edge today is quality thinking—new ideas, problem-solving techniques, and insights that tie everything together. To excel, I need to diversify my learning focus from purely academic to skill-based, following the example of the greatest minds in the field.

One of the best things I can do for my cognitive health is to continue learning. By embracing ongoing education, I can continue to develop my cognitive capabilities, even as I age. Setting challenges in my learning journey stimulates my brain, fostering flexibility and adaptability.

Exercise also enhances cognitive function, particularly in areas related to memory and learning. Hence, incorporating physical activity into my routine is beneficial for my brain's overall health.

To maximize the benefits of continuous learning, it's crucial to cultivate a culture that permits failure as a learning opportunity. Being curious should be encouraged, not frowned upon. After all, humans are social creatures who learn most effectively from and with others.

Additionally, practice is essential to perfecting any skill, including the ability to learn. Continual learning improves not just domain-specific knowledge but also enhances my overall ability to acquire new skills. Learning how to learn is, in itself, an invaluable skill.

Remaining in my comfort zone may offer temporary security, but it won't prepare me for the uncertainties of the future. Embracing learning agility allows me to adapt to new circumstances and let go of outdated ideas or techniques. Being open to new experiences and systematically reflecting on them is the way forward.

In conclusion, developing a learning culture involves adapting to change. In today's fast-paced world, recognizing that change is inevitable and advantageous is crucial for long-term success. We should see change not as a threat, but as a continuous opportunity for growth.














On Self-Actualization

Self-actualization is crucial because it enhances our well-being and makes our lives meaningful. We possess immense untapped potential, and I am thrilled to see what we can accomplish.

I would feel humiliated if I did not grow, as stagnation would signify a wasted opportunity to explore life's offerings, not just for me but for others as well. Self-actualization benefits us individually, but its implications are broader. It requires invoking the best in others, as well as in myself. A purely personal goal that disregards societal circumstances and other people is inadequate.

My pursuit of self-actualization is fueled by my fear of death. Without realizing my full potential, I would be unhappy. I believe we all have incredible creative, humanitarian, and spiritual capabilities. Sometimes we feel alienated because we focus too narrowly on ourselves.

Pursuing our greatest potential, even in the face of adversity, is a rewarding journey. This quest is driven by a spirit of exploration, a fundamental biological impulse that serves as the foundation for all growth. Exploration involves seeking out and making sense of new, challenging, and unpredictable situations, propelled by curiosity, discovery, and openness.

Creating new growth opportunities is energizing. Our fundamental urge for exploration can serve as the bedrock upon which we build other objectives, progressing to higher levels and making meaningful contributions to the world. The desire for continual learning is central to self-actualization and extends beyond personal growth. Realizing our full potential enables us to attain greater internal unity and a stronger connection with humanity.

Achieving self-actualization will change our perception of loneliness. Despite our inherent desire for deep and complete connections with others, we must also accept the existential reality of our inherent isolation. By contributing to something greater than ourselves, we foster a sense of community.

Because of this newfound meaning, other aspects of our personal lives will also transform. We're caught between an indifferent cosmos devoid of intrinsic meaning and our innate desire to find purpose during our limited time on Earth. Overcoming these obstacles will make life feel more meaningful.

Though I may be alone in my boat, the sight of other boats and distant lighthouses is comforting. Such a perspective affects how others see me, as it demonstrates my willingness to navigate the vast, perilous ocean of life. It's reassuring to know that we're all in this together, facing similar existential challenges.

Self-actualization influences how we view life, making us realize that a good life is not a destination but a journey. The process won't always bring happiness; it may even lead to suffering and heartbreak. But as we unlock more of our potential and plunge into life's stream, we must continually step out of our comfort zones to become the best versions of ourselves. In doing so, we prove to the universe that we existed and made a positive impact on others.

One practical approach to self-actualization is experimentation. Start by listing life's challenges and your assumptions about them. Testing these hypotheses will help you overcome life's obstacles, allowing you to learn from mistakes and continue improving.

In complex organizations, collaboration is key. Individual efforts accomplish little; everything is highly interconnected. Self-reflection and an openness to change enhance our effectiveness. Productivity is not magic; it's a skill set that can be learned and applied.

To realize collective potential, we need bold, heartfelt leadership across all sectors—from corporations to governments, activist groups, schools, and faith communities. Leading from a place of self-awareness rather than fear is essential.

Maintaining a writing habit helps me organize my thoughts and actions, particularly because I enjoy reading self-help books. Writing fosters continuous improvement and personal growth, serving as a proactive method for exploring all avenues to realize one's full potential.

Insecurity can hinder self-actualization. People may act out, like cornered animals, when they experience real or anticipated pain. However, humans are inherently kind when their basic needs for love and security are met. Any behavior that deviates from this kindness is an overcompensatory attempt to meet these basic needs.

Psychological anxieties often signal underlying insecurities that impede our ability to realize our full potential. In an increasingly unpredictable world, even basic needs like housing can become a crisis. A foundational need for safety and stability is essential for meeting all other needs, including self-actualization.

We will never have complete control over our environment, making stress and uncertainty inevitable barriers to self-actualization. The only true security lies in learning how to cope with insecurity.

To track self-actualization progress, consider real-world possibilities. Aiming for a 10% improvement means doing what everyone else is doing; to truly excel, aim for a 1000% improvement. This requires rethinking challenges, exploring what's technically possible, and enjoying the process.

Self-actualization isn't just about discovering innate abilities; it's about evolving into the person who can serve and lead effectively. Instead of asking who I am and what I'm good at, I ask what's needed of me and how I can grow into that role or lead others to do so.

Achieving self-actualization involves completing high-impact tasks that align with your core interests, rather than merely completing low-value work. Understanding that what we value may differ from what others value is important. In other words, our path to happiness is unique.

Engaging in a flurry of unrelated activities rarely contributes to self-actualization. Discovering your potential and life's purpose is akin to finding true love; it takes time and effort. Like building a relationship, self-actualization requires consistent effort to identify what genuinely resonates with us. It's the process that brings our inner selves to life and helps us evolve into more complete individuals.






















On Building and Contributing to the Community

Building and contributing to the community are crucial for a meaningful life. While humans may not be the fastest or strongest animals, we dominate the Earth thanks to our social abilities. Our collective endeavors often yield better outcomes than individual efforts.

Everything I have today is a product of others' contributions. For instance, the MacBook Pro before me is a marvel of generations of expertise in electricity, semiconductors, and programming. I owe my gratitude to countless individuals for their sweat and effort.

As I've matured, society has enriched me in many ways, making it my duty to give back whenever possible. I have enjoyed the fruits of community contributions in the form of clean water, quality food, and education, among other things.

Feeling enriched, I'm driven to contribute to my community. Doing so enhances my sense of purpose and strengthens social bonds.

Volunteering has offered me numerous ways to assist others. In my younger days, I joined the student union and served as a committee member, leveraging my skills for communal benefit. Interaction enriches me, opening doors to understand others' needs better. Inspirational figures like the ancient Chinese poet Du Fu motivate me to prioritize helping people, even at personal risk.

Being a community contributor transforms how I perceive myself. It demonstrates my capability for social good and makes me realize that my well-being is closely tied to the community's overall health. Moreover, it shifts my focus from fearing judgments about my abilities to considering how my actions can better the community.

This perspective adjustment doesn't only enrich my personal life; it also extends to my professional environment. In situations where office politics and resource competition may stymie contributions, I've found knowledge-sharing to be a powerful tool for good.

I'm considering tracking our collective progress by counting compliments received. Community building is a long but rewarding process. A focus on equity and fairness, rather than mere financial considerations, is key to fostering a cooperative society.

The core of my work ethic involves long hours, modest living, and maximum contribution. Adopting realistic expectations for everyone's input is crucial. Demanding equal contributions from all may lead to disappointment and reduced participation from those who could offer more. By setting the right expectations, I can make more impactful contributions.

In an era of abundant choices, we bear the responsibility to act wisely. To contribute effectively, I need a comprehensive understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, values, and the areas where I can offer the most. Operating from my strengths will enable me to reach my goals more effectively. Constant feedback and daily action tracking will help me focus on this priority and ensure I don't become complacent.



我今天所有的一切都是別人貢獻的產物。例如,我眼前的MacBook Pro是數代人在電力,半導體和編程方面專業知識的驚人成果。我要對無數為此付出汗水和努力的人表示感謝。





這種觀點的調整不僅豐富了我的個人生活; 它也擴展到我的專業環境。在辦公室政治和資源競爭可能阻撓貢獻的情況下,我發現分享知識是一種強大的做好事的工具。




On Positive Mindset

Because my thoughts shape my destiny, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. A limited perspective can narrow our horizons. I can strive to become an excellent public speaker and author, and even pass exams to become a qualified professional. The only obstacle to reaching my goals is myself.

If I adopt a growth mindset, I can achieve anything. I believe in myself and know that hard work will help me reach my goals. However, a fixed mindset can hinder progress and make goals seem unattainable. In retrospect, the real embarrassment is not in failing to achieve our objectives, but in never attempting to reach them in the first place.

I aim for personal success, not only for my benefit but also to serve as an example to others. My failures and the lessons I learn can help future generations avoid similar mistakes. Some challenges seem unique to me, but countless others have faced similar obstacles and never documented their experiences, missing the chance to help others learn from their mistakes.

I want to preserve my thoughts as they are unique to this moment. My words have the potential to change my life and inspire others to adopt a more optimistic outlook. A positive mindset is fundamental to any endeavor; otherwise, obstacles will seem insurmountable.

Having a positive mindset means interpreting the world optimistically. While many viewpoints exist, we can either focus on negative interpretations or search for positive aspects. It’s not about ignoring the world’s problems but about finding opportunities within them.

The way we perceive our reality can greatly influence our happiness and success. Every neutral event offers an opportunity for growth and learning. Embracing these opportunities not only enriches our lives but also positively impacts those around us.

Cultivating a positive outlook can make you more approachable and inspire others. By recognizing the good in others, we can build stronger communities and encourage positive behavior.

People generally fall into two categories: those who seek out positivity and those who don't. Failing to look for the good in the world can limit your opportunities and impact your social interactions negatively. Sharing positivity can uplift someone struggling with a negative self-image.

Celebrating incremental progress towards a more optimistic mindset can reinforce positive thinking. Our brain is capable of forming habits, and frequent celebrations can help establish a pattern of positive thought. This, in turn, helps us treat ourselves with kindness and respect.

At times, it may be difficult to steer our thoughts away from negativity. However, daily positive thinking, exercise, and focused efforts can significantly improve our lives. Whether at work or in our personal lives, constant improvement is the key to success.

The journey towards a positive mindset is a choice. Incremental improvement can lead to significant growth over time. Constructive feedback and a strong belief in personal development can make you unstoppable.

Negative thinking not only distracts us from our goals but also consumes valuable time. Replacing such thoughts with constructive activities can bring peace and focus. Although negative thoughts can serve as alerts, they become unproductive if they don't inspire action.

Breaking old habits and establishing new, positive ones is an ongoing process. Setting achievable goals can provide a roadmap for success, boosting self-confidence and mental well-being.

Sticking to a negative mindset has several drawbacks, affecting both personal and professional life. Bad moods influence our decision-making, hindering long-term success. While pain can be an effective teacher, technology can be a valuable tool, provided we use it wisely.

Motivation goes beyond just feeling good. Connecting positivity to our core values and beliefs compels us to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

In conclusion, positivity may not solve all problems, but it equips us to face life's challenges effectively. Transitioning from a fixed to a growth mindset, developed through experiences and challenges, helps create a fulfilling life.


















What Money Cannot Buy

"Money isn't everything, but everything needs money," my mother would often say when I was a child. How true is this adage? This principle served as the bedrock of my financial education, imparted to me by my mother. As a youngster, I didn't fully understand its depth, but as I grew older, the wisdom in her words became clear.

I graduated from university about a decade ago and landed my first job. Receiving my first paycheck was exhilarating, particularly because I had worked diligently to earn it. At that moment, I felt as though I had enough money, even if it wasn't a large sum. This was the first and last time I ever felt that way; my expenses soon escalated, and the feeling of financial sufficiency evaporated. I came to realize that receiving a paycheck was more gratifying than the daily grind of work.

Every job change brought a pay increase and naturally, I adjusted my lifestyle to match my growing income. I used to share a small, cramped room with my parents in Hong Kong. Eager for independence, I moved into a rented condo. This new lifestyle came at a cost, diminishing my ability to save money. Additionally, I splurged on a fine car—a blue Mini Cooper. Though small, it was mighty, and I loved it dearly. I cherished it as a companion in my life.

I met my partner approximately five years ago, and I was instantly smitten. She was not flawless, but she was stunning in my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about her from the moment we met. I still remember the first time I drove to her house to pick her up. "Wow, your car is really lovely," she exclaimed. Those words made all my expenditures seem worth it.

As a reasonably successful software developer, I supported my parents with a monthly stipend and lived comfortably. However, having a girlfriend doubled my expenses. Fine dining and extravagant gifts, especially designer handbags, became the norm. These luxurious items ate into several months of my salary, confirming my mother's saying: "Money isn't everything, but everything needs money."

Two years into our relationship, talk of marriage began to surface. My girlfriend's expectations began to change; she became more focused and resolute. I didn't have significant savings, but she reassured me, saying, "It doesn't matter, we can start saving for our future today." Despite her gentle demeanor, she became increasingly controlling, pressuring me to save.

Faced with the high costs of car ownership, I had to make a choice: my car or my future wife. I chose the latter and sold my beloved car to save money. It was a heart-wrenching decision, but it revealed the extent of my love for her.

Now, without my car, I've been saving by cutting down on non-essential expenses. Sadly, this also meant discontinuing the monthly financial support to my parents, a decision that weighed heavily on my conscience. Once again, my mother's words echoed in my mind: "Money isn't everything, but it's necessary for everything." Money can buy a car, designer handbags, and even an engagement ring, but it cannot buy love.