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每次工作變動都會帶來薪資的提高,自然地,我根據我不斷增長的收入調整我的生活方式。我曾和我的父母在香港共享一個狹小的,擁擠的房間。渴望獨立,我搬進了租來的公寓。這種新的生活方式帶來了成本,削弱了我儲蓄金錢的能力。此外,我還揮霍了一輛好車 - 一輛藍色的Mini Cooper。雖然它小,但它強大,我非常喜歡。我視它為生活中的侶伴。


作為一個相當成功的軟件開發人員,我每月為我的父母提供津貼,並且舒適地生活。然而,有女朋友讓我的開銷翻了一番。精緻的晚餐和奢華的禮物, 尤其是名牌手袋, 已經成了常態。這些奢侈品消耗了我幾個月的薪水,證實了我母親的話:「錢不是所有,但所有需要錢。」




Stay Curious

Curiosity awakens our minds. Being inquisitive, I always seek to learn and understand more. The world is enormous and constantly evolving. To keep up with these changes, staying curious is essential; otherwise, I risk becoming obsolete.

It's crucial to cultivate an interest in the realm of possibilities rather than merely believing what I see in the news. Often, my intuition is incorrect, and I need to be aware of that.

A closed attitude can lead to unhappiness. We should examine our behavior objectively, much like a scientist observing a petri dish from a distance. This mindset allows us to treat life as a laboratory—a place where we feel safe to experiment and believe that anything is possible.

Following curiosity enriches my love for creativity and innovation. New experiences invigorate me, and I am eager to explore fresh ideas. As a leader, my strengths lie in leading through vision and concepts. I am determined yet open to considering better solutions.

I believe in being brave and daring but not reckless. Taking risks and making mistakes are part of the process. Over time, this approach refines our decision-making skills and helps us learn from our errors.

Curiosity not only alters our self-perception but also influences how others view us. It encourages an open-minded, innovative, and adventurous spirit. It fosters a team and family atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to contribute.

Being curious has a broader social benefit—it opens us up to various viewpoints and reduces conflict. Experimentation is essential. Without it, we'll never understand what truly works.

Innovation and failure are closely related. Curiosity does come at a cost, but the benefits in personal and professional growth make it worthwhile.

Barriers to staying curious can range from excessive insecurity to a bloated ego. Both of these hinder our growth and can be mitigated by self-awareness and an open mindset.

Lifelong curiosity is essential. One way to foster this is by continuously applying what we've learned to real-world scenarios. Negative experiences are powerful teachers but should be used sparingly.

In conclusion, to adapt and grow, we need to think like both a computer and a learning organism—actively engaging with our environment and evolving based on feedback and experimentation. Teaching is one of the most effective ways to learn. It requires not only subject matter expertise but also the skill to convey it effectively to others. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know, fueling my curiosity even further.




封閉的態度可能導致不快樂。我們應該像科學家從一定距離觀察培養皿一樣,客觀地審視自己的行為。這種思維方式讓我們把生活視為一間實驗室 —— 一個我們覺得可以進行實驗、相信一切皆有可能的地方。









Becoming a Better Leader

Becoming a better leader is critical for success. Leadership isn't just about money, strategy, or technology; teamwork remains the ultimate competitive advantage. With effective leadership, we can align our organization and outperform any industry, market, or competitor.

We all know this, but achieving it can seem daunting. Team dysfunction is common because teams are composed of fallible human beings. As leaders, it's our job to cultivate teamwork, making our team members feel valued, respected, and important. Leadership development includes rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty. We need to:

  • Face challenges courageously
  • Foster an innovative spirit
  • Understand how our values contribute to society
  • Strive for self-sufficiency

From an evolutionary standpoint, we all want to feel like a vital part of the group.

In leadership, recognizing the bigger picture and structuring solutions effectively are key. We excel when leading through vision and ideas. We're always open to better solutions and need time to weigh alternatives. New experiences energize us, and we love exploring fresh ideas. By seeking out various leaders for coaching and comparing different leadership styles, we can adapt lessons from diverse fields.

Instead of thinking of ourselves as bosses, we should aspire to be leaders. The differences are stark:

  • Boss: Motivates through authority, instills fear, uses "I," takes credit, and commands.
  • Leader: Trains others, relies on goodwill, uses "we," shares credit, and requests.

Great leadership enriches lives and helps us achieve collective goals. It involves earning credibility through transparency, inclusiveness, and a willingness to ask for help. A good leader not only thrives within a team but also positively impacts the broader community. By adapting our leadership style to different individuals and challenges, we can effectively harness internal and external resources.

Teams require different skills at different times to address diverse problems. Therefore, we must continually develop our leadership capabilities. Society urgently needs bolder and more devoted leaders, not managers who instill fear.

Here are specific techniques to further our leadership goals:

  • Prioritize fairness over reciprocity
  • Acknowledge both achievements and failures
  • Empathize with those in need
  • Be open to change
  • Commit to lifelong learning and development

As team leaders, it’s crucial to select individuals with complementary skills and perspectives. To influence those outside our immediate team, we must rely on persuasion rather than authority. Building a strong external reputation will increase our chances for future opportunities.

A common obstacle is prioritizing personal interests over the team's. Overcoming this means thinking long-term and putting the team's needs above our own. Another barrier is the fear of public speaking, which we can address by practicing and focusing on the positive impact we can make.

The key performance indicators are the best metrics to track our progress. Understanding what motivates team members, either intrinsically or extrinsically, is vital. We should regularly reflect on our actions, set clear goals for our team, and offer consistent feedback. It's also important to manage upward by cultivating a genuine relationship with our superiors.

To be exceptional leaders, we must deepen our self-awareness, recognizing both our strengths and weaknesses, and understand how to collaborate effectively with others.




  • 勇敢面對挑戰
  • 培養創新精神
  • 了解我們的價值觀如何促進社會進步
  • 追求自給自足




  • 老闆:通過權威激勵,創造恐懼,使用“我”,搶功,和命令。
  • 領導者:訓練他人,依賴善意,使用“我們”,分享成就,和提出請求。




  • 優先考慮公平而非回報
  • 承認成就和失敗
  • 對需要幫助的人表示同情
  • 採取開放的態度接受變化
  • 承諾進行終身學習與發展





My Goal to Be Healthier

I firmly believe that striving for a healthier lifestyle is crucial for our professional and personal relationships, as well as for our overall well-being in this unpredictable world.

Working hard to uphold our values is not about seeking external validation; rather, we strive for a healthier life because our circumstances seem to demand it.

Engaging in regular exercise not only improves our physical health but also enhances our cognitive function. Increased blood flow in the brain, particularly in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, enhances our memory.

To achieve this, we should set small, manageable goals, such as taking 10,000 steps per day, exercising three days a week, and sleeping for seven hours each night. In addition to exercise, mindfulness, nutritious eating, and adequate sleep contribute to our overall health.

Chemical messengers like serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline regulate bodily functions and impact our cognitive behavior. Exercise has been proven to improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. In fact, research suggests that aerobic exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating depression.

Moreover, a daily 20-minute walk can reduce the risk of stroke by over 57%. Exercise not only serves as a short-term stress relief but also provides long-term protection against the harmful effects of stress. Physical activities such as running, walking, or swimming are excellent ways to flush the stress hormone cortisol from our system.

Prioritizing personal health can also inspire meaningful, long-term change in our lives. If we believe that certain actions will improve our health, we should take the initiative to adopt them. Improved health can lead to increased productivity at work, better study habits, and a more positive social life.

Being around healthy individuals encourages us to adopt better habits ourselves. True friendships should promote mutual well-being, rather than fostering self-pity or toxic behavior.

Embracing a healthier lifestyle can have a positive ripple effect on those around us. It allows us to be more effective in our roles without compromising our health. Additionally, combating social isolation is vital; the risks associated with loneliness can be as severe as those linked to smoking.

To implement these changes, planning is key. For instance, I schedule a one-hour jog at 6 a.m. and an hour of swimming at 7 p.m. each day. Activities like cycling, kayaking, or hiking can replace screen time during weekends.

Maintaining a balanced diet is another cornerstone of a healthier lifestyle. Avoid fast food and opt for meals rich in fish and vegetables. Eating at consistent times and limiting sugar intake are also essential. A well-stocked kitchen with healthy options can make nutritious eating easier and more convenient.

Obstacles such as laziness or busy schedules can deter us from our health goals. To counteract this, we can minimize the effort needed to begin an exercise routine by, for example, keeping a gym bag at work or choosing exercise venues close to home.

Another challenge is the allure of fast food, particularly when it’s conveniently available. To resist this temptation, it helps to prepare healthy meals at home. Limiting dining out to once a week is a balanced approach.

Monitoring progress is possible through smartphone apps that track daily steps, aiming for an average of 10,000 steps a day. I plan to achieve this goal by my 31st birthday to keep myself motivated. Additionally, keeping track of physical metrics like waist size and weight can provide an objective measure of success.

Listening to podcasts during exercise or allowing occasional indulgences can make the journey more enjoyable. Advanced wearables can further assist in tracking health metrics like heart rate and blood pressure.

Staying committed and tracking metrics through apps like Google Health helps in gauging our progress without making the process cumbersome. After all, the journey to a healthier life is a marathon, not a sprint.

















只要我們使用像Google Health這樣的應用來跟蹤數據並堅持不懈,就能在不讓過程變得累贅的情況下評估我們的進程。畢竟,走向更健康的生活是一場馬拉松,而非短跑。

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

According to dualism theory, I often view the body and mind as two distinct entities, believing that mental and physical entities are separate. However, reading and exercise are not mutually exclusive. Fitness can help develop both your body and mind as a unified whole. Our health affects our mental state, and our thoughts, in turn, influence our physical health. Everything from our respiration and muscles to our immune system and heart rate is continually impacted by our thoughts, which also shape our thinking. Our body and mind comprise a complex interconnected system; it's difficult to isolate one element from the others. Taking care of our body allows us to nurture our mind. My aim is to improve fitness by integrating physical and mental well-being.

These days, I spend most of my time thinking and working in front of a computer, which has led to health issues and feelings of unhappiness. Physical training could help me think more clearly. Exercise releases natural hormones that help regulate my mood.

I want to be healthy because it is a prerequisite for achieving other life goals. Without good health, it would be challenging to concentrate and attain greater outcomes. I need to make it a habit to exercise more frequently after work, either by running or swimming for an hour. This regular exercise regimen can help regulate our emotions and clear our minds, making better decision-making possible. Exercise is worth the time investment, as it boosts our productivity and enhances brain function. Also, since we are what we eat, maintaining a nutritious diet rich in essential nutrients will help us sustain high energy levels without getting fatigued.

As I age, my metabolism slows down, and my body shape begins to change, particularly around the abdomen. Maintaining a healthy body size becomes increasingly important. I also want to be mentally resilient to handle various life challenges and maintain positive relationships with others.

To be a leader, one must be mentally healthy. Defining leadership isn't always straightforward, as the term encompasses a range of qualities such as competence, proactivity, and being a role model. A lack of leadership, especially in crises like the unfortunate situation in Hong Kong, can be disastrous. Those who are currently in government leadership positions are unfit, while those who are competent are not stepping up. Those in power should be serving the public, not using their positions for personal gain. If they continue to reject public opinion, they should resign.

When I am in good mental health, I find myself more engaged and curious. In stressful situations, we often close off our minds, limit our options, and avoid learning new things. However, maintaining an open mind and remaining curious can lead to unexpected new ideas and perspectives. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know, which only prompts further discovery.

With good mental health, I also maintain a more positive outlook on life. We don't react to the world; we react based on our mental map of the world. Therefore, our mindset, not the actual circumstances, often determines our actions and how we interpret those actions. Negativity is filtered out, enabling me to maintain a positive perspective, even when faced with daily challenges.

A healthy body and mind will enable me to contribute to the community effectively. While the Asian educational system may focus on hard skills like programming or design, soft skills become increasingly important as we face different people and challenges in life. Effective interpersonal skills can facilitate better community service.

Exercise has the potential to lead us toward self-actualization. Peak performance is often achieved not when I'm bored or anxious, but rather when I'm slightly over-challenged. That's when my brain releases just enough adrenaline to help me perform at my best. Enjoyment also leads to the release of dopamine in the brain, making peak performance almost impossible without pleasure. Managing stress levels becomes crucial as prolonged high levels of cortisol can lead to depression and burnout. Physical activities help regulate hormone release, thereby maintaining mental well-being. Research indicates that both depression and anxiety can be mitigated through physical movement and exercise. A better-regulated mind can lead to improved reasoning, problem-solving, and abstract thinking, allowing me to reach my full potential.











A Future to Avoid

A life without significance paints a vivid image of an unfavorable future. People work diligently to achieve their goals in pursuit of their ideals. The purpose of science is to uncover truth, while art aims to display beauty. Acts of kindness and love define morality, and the value of political actions lies in achieving social fairness. Human desires for food, love, honor, and power all culminate in self-actualization. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, these values propel us toward the highest level of self-actualization in our lives.

My values shape my daily actions. I strive to find value in everything, uncover significance in seemingly trivial matters, extract positives from negatives, and consistently live up to my life values. I believe this value system can guide me daily, enriching my life and improving my character.

To become my ideal self, I must avoid failing to achieve my goals, letting bad habits spiral out of control, and becoming dissatisfied, resentful, or bitter. I need to pursue various interests and invest significant effort. Filling my life with a variety of compelling content and activities, these pursuits will collectively create a more meaningful existence. The more experiences I have, the better I will understand my own life.

Living a distinctive and enriching life would help me avoid envy of others. I should focus less on physical possessions and more on psychological growth. I should never be content with my current state of mind but continually nourish my creativity and strive to become stronger and better.

In my career, I seek meaning and purpose. I aim to infuse my daily tasks with energy and connect them to the greater good. When I fail to make this connection, I become burned out and lose motivation.

Employees often distrust motivational speeches from bosses, suspecting that the main goal is to extract more work from them. However, a wise leader can turn a challenging situation into an extraordinary opportunity. As the saying goes, "Money follows management," and the inverse is also true: poor management leads to financial waste. A senior leadership team that makes poor judgments demoralizes employees and makes work feel pointless. In such a toxic environment, I must be aware that people may resort to deceitful and dishonest behavior, which I should avoid in the future.

Working solely for money can reduce my ability to experience emotions like joy and curiosity that come from pursuing meaningful goals. With sufficient passive income, I would have the financial freedom to explore and experiment. This decentralized approach allows for greater creativity and makes small successful trials even more rewarding.

To manage my productive anxiety, I need to engage in mental rehearsals. While some people may react negatively to my actions and words, I must remain passionate even if undervalued. I should strive to understand people's needs and interests, hear the assurance in my own voice, and speak with ease. In tense situations, I will employ sarcasm or withdrawal to avoid inadequate responses. As a leader, my aim is to inject energy into the workplace and make a positive impact on both relationships and the organization as a whole.

Virtual experiences can never replace real ones. I can't fully assess my enthusiasm for or competence in any endeavor without actually engaging in it. In simple terms, fear revolves around the possibility of danger. To conquer fear, I need to understand thoroughly the opportunity, odds, risks, and benefits.

Engaging in real experiences allows me to envision the future, predict my place in it, and plan accordingly. Volunteering provides a chance to apply my skills. I cannot afford to be passive and silent as time passes by.

I am acutely aware that I will die one day. While I don't know where I came from before birth or where I'll go after death, I do know that the present moment is unique and should not be wasted.

If I don't use my curiosity to try new things and discover new ideas and solutions, it would be a waste. I aim to inspire others with my vision and remain open to better solutions while avoiding idealism and perfectionism. For me, "good enough" is not acceptable.

My passion lies in creativity and innovation. I wish to collaborate with individuals who appreciate the application of creative and strategic thinking to solve problems. I can see the big picture, structure a problem, inspire strategic leadership with curiosity and ingenuity, and be well-suited for my ideal future.

A future to avoid would be one that stifles my principles and prevents me from becoming my best self. Should I find myself in a life filled with cynicism and resentment, I would know I have failed to live up to my potential.