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On My Social Life in the Future

In my ideal future social life, I envision having many friends, a significant number of whom would be close to me. Instead of being a shy, awkward individual who often feels invisible, I would be outgoing and sociable.

I aim to overcome shyness, form meaningful connections with others, and make a positive impact globally. At social gatherings and events, I would circulate the room, engaging with as many people as possible and asking about their lives. A robust social network would earn me the respect and friendship of others. I would be comfortable initiating conversations, maintaining meaningful dialogues, and forging new relationships.

A strong social connection plays a crucial role in happiness. Our brains respond to social interactions similarly to the way they respond to physical warmth. I would have the confidence to face social rejection fearlessly, and at events or functions, I would be at ease exchanging pleasantries with everyone.

Moreover, I would be approachable and capable of assisting others. When my friends faced challenges, I would be there to help solve their problems while also adding value to the community.

Additionally, I envision having a wife with whom I could share secrets and go through all the highs and lows of life. She would be my soulmate, understanding and supporting me in every endeavor. Together, as part of a broader social network and community, we would raise a family. These social connections would allow us to seek advice and support from those we trust, enhance our career prospects, and make better decisions by considering the viewpoints of our friends.

By working together, we would gain a more objective understanding of the world and achieve greater things. Humans are social animals, and this ideal future social life would prioritize collaboration over competition; it would be characterized by peace rather than conflict.








On Improving Our Habits

We can change our habits to become healthier. There are three key aspects of health: physical, dietary, and mental.

Regular exercise is crucial for physical fitness and maintaining a healthy body. Every week, I jog for at least 30 minutes along the river. On weekends, instead of staying indoors all day, I opt for cycling or swimming. These activities facilitate the release of dopamine in the brain, which helps regulate mood and prevent depression. However, there are times when I get too busy or lazy to maintain my fitness routine. To stay motivated, I find it helpful to maintain a calendar and join a community.

Secondly, it's important to consume nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits. As we age, our metabolism slows down, and carrying extra weight can negatively impact our body shape. To lose weight, we need to restrict our caloric intake while burning more calories than we consume. During COVID-19 lockdowns, many of us work from home and spend the entire day in front of the computer, burning very few calories. It's advisable to limit our consumption of sugary beverages like regular Coke and iced lemon tea.

Lastly, improving our mental health is essential. The goal is to achieve a better work-life balance and broaden our social networks to receive more emotional support from family and friends. Maintaining positive relationships and contributing to the community are crucial. Achieving this goal can significantly impact both our happiness and our sense of purpose in life. Rather than being timid and hiding in a corner, we should make an effort to grow our networks and meet new people. To improve my public speaking and communication skills, I strive to make small daily improvements over the previous day.

Overall, maintaining a healthy body and mind is essential for thriving in our environment and becoming successful individuals.







A Love Not Meant for Me

I was 28 years old at the time, and she was likely around 32—although the age difference is purely conjectural on my part. I never actually asked her age. In some cultures, women consider their age a well-guarded secret, and it can be deemed impolite to inquire. My best guess is that she was a year or two older than me. And it's worth noting that many Asian women age gracefully.

We met in a bar. After a night of drinks, she agreed to go out with me. How could I refuse? She was the most stunning companion I had ever had. Her name was Kim, and she hailed from Busan, South Korea. We both shared a love for travel. She had visited Canada, the United States, and Australia. Kim even became my Korean language tutor; I was enamored every time she spoke in her native tongue. She was a mature young woman who no longer harbored naïve notions about relationships or romance.

We traveled extensively. We visited the tallest building in Hong Kong, dined at amazing restaurants, and shared stories from our respective pasts. She affectionately called me "Oppa," the term Korean women use for their boyfriends, which technically means 'older brother'. Ironically, I think I was younger than her. I called her "Noona" (older sister), which seemed to irritate her. One thing about Korean women is that they highly value their appearance and worry about aging, often turning to cosmetic surgery to maintain their looks.

One day, she announced a change. "I'm moving to a new place, Oppa. Will you join me on my journey?" she asked. Without hesitation, I said, "Of course." But then it dawned on me: I also valued my career. How could I just leave for another city? We exchanged glances, and she took my hand. "Alright," she said, "you're coming with me." I nodded, hiding my inner turmoil. I needed time to weigh my options.

The next day, she flew to Australia for a short-term English course. Yet that wasn't the end of our story. We continued to message each other on KakaoTalk for another month, saying how much we missed each other. We made every effort to communicate, as English was neither her first language nor mine. Although we both yearned to be together, we knew it was impossible. I had my career, she had hers, and my family wouldn't understand. Besides, my friends weren't supportive—they teased me for dating a Korean woman.

It was New Year's Eve, and I decided to fly to Sydney on a 7-hour journey during my long vacation. We met at a lovely restaurant in Darling Harbour. I had brought an expensive gift, hoping she would like it. The evening was magical. We held hands and spoke intimately about our future.

The next day, we visited Watsons Bay, indulging our shared love for travel. It was one of the happiest days of my life. As I was getting ready to pick her up for another adventure, she sent me a KakaoTalk message. She said she couldn't continue the journey with me. She needed a more mature, financially stable man who was older than she was.

After she left, I was alone but resolved to be mature about it. Instead of begging her to come back, I told her that I respected her decision. I realized that whether I traveled alone or with someone, it didn't matter—I was capable of looking after myself. I'd traveled alone to various countries, but the journey would have been complete with a beautiful traveling companion. How wonderful it would have been to hold her hand while strolling along the River Seine in Paris, or embracing tightly near the Matterhorn in the Alps. I may have forgotten the names of many places we visited, but I'll never forget my beautiful journey's companion.


當時,我28歲,她大概32歲 -- 儘管這只是我個人的猜想。我從來沒有實際問過她的年齡。在一些文化中,女性認為她們的年齡是一種嚴密守護的秘密,這可能被認為是不禮貌的詢問。我最好的猜測是她比我大一兩歲。值得注意的是,許多亞洲女性都有著優雅的老去方式。



有一天,她宣布了改變。 “我要搬到一個新的地方,Oppa,你會跟我一起去嗎?”她問。 我毫不猶豫地說,“當然。” 但是,我也意識到,我也重視我的職業生涯。我怎麼可能只是為了另一座城市而離開呢?我們交換了眼神,她拉起我的手。 “好的,”她說,“你跟我一起去。” 我點了點頭,隱藏了我內心的掙扎。我需要時間來衡量我的選擇。





A Story of an Important Moment in My Life

As a child, my parents would often share life lessons through stories. I would listen intently, though I didn't fully grasp their implications. Now that I'm an adult, life has taken on new meanings.

What is the purpose of life? Generally, there are three types of responses:

  1. Yes, life has meaning, as argued by many philosophers;
  2. No, life has no meaning, a belief held by many ordinary people;
  3. I don't care.

The last type of response is common, possibly because people are too busy to consider it, perhaps because the question has been posed too often without yielding a satisfying answer, or maybe because they simply don't care.

I may not have all the answers to your questions about life's purpose, but I firmly believe that you should care. Different people find different meanings and purposes in life, and here's how I discovered mine:

I have a knack for getting into troublesome situations. During high school, I had ambitions to be the student union president; I didn't want to squander my youth on mundane activities. I grew up and was educated in Hong Kong, where we have one of the most rigorous public examination systems. Most students aim for good grades to get into top universities and secure stable, well-paying careers. I was no different, except that I also chose to run for student union president, thus inviting more challenges into my life.

My physics teacher warned me, "If you become the president of the student union, you're likely to fail your public exams and miss out on university. Statistically, most presidents are too busy organizing events and balancing their personal lives to prepare adequately for exams."

At the time, I had a girlfriend who was an exceptional student, aiming to enter business school and become an accountant. She had a more conventional path in mind: work, save, buy a house, and start a family. We had contrasting aspirations; she was a realist, while I was an idealist.

Amidst this, I was also attending university orientations and had a conversation with a philosophy professor whose books I had read. His talks on the meaning of life captivated me. Additionally, I was studying Chinese philosophy, which emphasized the qualities that distinguish humans from animals: empathy, justice, and altruism. These ideas greatly influenced my decision-making.

Influenced by these humanitarian concepts, I decided to run for the President of the Student Union. Despite numerous challenges and constraints, I was elected. The term I served remains one of the most memorable periods of my life.

In the end, I managed to score an A, a B, and a C in my public exams—good enough to gain university admission for my chosen subject. The life lessons I learned from serving as president were invaluable, far outweighing any academic grades.

This experience helped me understand the key components that give my life meaning:

  1. Learning to be a leader enriched my youth. The unique learning experience was valuable in itself, requiring no further justification.

  2. The ups and downs I experienced with my partner gave me a sense of purpose at that time.

  3. My service in the student union allowed me to contribute to my community and society. Giving up my time mattered to me because I cared for my peers, and I developed lasting friendships with fellow student leaders.

In summary, for me, the meaning of life revolves around learning, relationships, and contribution. I came to this understanding because I was deeply committed to seeking an answer to this pivotal question. While you'll have to discover your own life's meaning, the first step is recognizing the importance of caring in the grand scheme of life.




  1. 是的,生命有意義,這是許多哲學家的觀點;
  2. 不,生命沒有意義,這是許多普通人的信仰;
  3. 我不在乎。










  1. 學習成為一個領導者豐富了我的青春。這種獨特的學習體驗本身就很有價值,不需要進一步的解釋。

  2. 我與伴侶一起經歷的起起伏伏在那時給了我一種目的感。

  3. 我在學生會的服務讓我有機會對我的社區和社會作出貢獻。我願意放棄我的時間是因為我關心我的同伴,並且我與其他學生領導人建立了長久的友誼。


On Having Too Little to Say

I volunteered to take the stage at a Toastmasters meeting at the Sheraton Tower to challenge myself in impromptu speaking. The Table Topics Master randomly chose a topic for me, giving me two minutes to discuss it. This form of communication requires spontaneous speaking without prior preparation. About 50 people were staring at me. A timer in front of me was tracking the duration of my speech. I opened by asking, "Let's see how many of you consider yourselves to be leaders. If you are a leader, please raise your hand." Roughly half the audience raised their hands.

I set the tone by describing a project in my MBA program where I led by demonstrating how to accomplish tasks rather than blaming others and dictating what they should do. As I began discussing leadership through example rather than micromanagement, I found that I had run out of things to say. Anxiety flooded me as my mind blanked. Glancing at the timer seated in front of the stage, I noticed that only thirty seconds had passed. The audience's eyes were fixed on me, and as a minute elapsed, I decided it was time to formulate a satisfying conclusion. I ended by encouraging everyone to strive to be excellent leaders and to practice public speaking. My speech fell short, concluding at one minute and thirty seconds, not even reaching the two-minute mark.

If I could turn back time, I would have prepared in advance. The topic was unpredictable, and I had no way of anticipating it. However, if I had cultivated a habit of reflective thinking, I could have been better prepared. I would read more books and newspapers and maintain a database of quick-reference information. I'd gather a diverse set of life experiences to share compelling stories when the opportunity arose. Daily writing would enhance my skills; it serves as both a form of retention and a source of inspiration for me. If life isn't offering anything new or interesting, then there's nothing new to learn. While I’ve internalized some speaking guidelines and structures, including an opening statement, supporting arguments, and illustrative examples, more practice would allow me to express myself more freely.

Generally speaking, I need to work hard and practice more so that I'm not left with too little to say. Spending time gathering ideas, enriching my life, and learning new vocabulary could help me express myself more effectively and inspire others to take action and become great leaders. Initially, it might be challenging to incorporate these principles into my speeches, but persistence is key. Success is only a matter of time. It's better to have more to say than to fall short; articulate and fluent speakers are often perceived as stronger leaders. In an age marked by fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), my commitment to improving as a leader remains steadfast. I admire those who can lead effectively and contribute to making our society better for current and future generations.