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On Feeling Uncomfortable Around Others

Have you ever felt uneasy speaking in front of a group of people? I certainly have. This fear is common; nearly everyone experiences stage fright to some extent. My own apprehension became clear to me when I had to give a speech at a conference.

At the event, I was scheduled to speak and realized that I knew only three people in the audience. The thought of speaking to a room full of strangers made my heart race. Although I had read extensively about public speaking techniques, the reality was a different matter. Initially, I felt obligated to engage in conversations, which added to my discomfort. When it was my turn to speak, my mind went blank and my fight-or-flight response kicked in, elevating my blood pressure. As I concluded my speech, I pondered how best to leave a lasting impression, whether through humor or a poignant story.

I realized that instead of being self-centered, I should have engaged the audience by making eye contact and asking questions. Adding value to their lives, rather than merely speaking about myself, would have been a better way to garner attention and appreciation. Observing the audience’s reactions helped me relax and focus more on their needs than on my own insecurities. This shift in focus alleviated my initial tension and allowed me to appreciate the social interaction.

It's essential to spend time cultivating relationships to prevent discomfort in social settings. Numerous studies indicate that positive relationships significantly impact our happiness and help manage stress. This social engagement acts as an antidote to depression and is crucial for long-term well-being.

As I transitioned from a software engineer to a manager, my role evolved from solving technical problems to helping others solve a broader range of issues. I've learned that focusing solely on my own abilities is not sustainable. Instead, I need to trust others and feel comfortable around them. This shift from a technical focus to a people-oriented approach is not just about leveraging others' technical skills, but also about drawing on their interpersonal abilities. Learning to trust and feel at ease around others is a journey motivated by love and respect, and it is one that I am committed to continuing.







Leading the Way

I remember the first day of my MBA program's orientation as chaotic and uncertain. The course coordinator had organized a charity project for us: constructing a wooden playground for a primary school. Given that many of us had backgrounds in finance and office work, and none in architecture or construction, we were lost. We had just two days to complete this challenging project.

In the initial phase, I had the opportunity to take charge. Instead, I held back, waiting for someone else to lead. I was concerned about embarrassing myself in front of my peers, with whom I'd be spending the next two years. My classmates were proactive and outgoing, while I chose the role of a follower, in part due to my demanding day job. I focused on completing tasks quickly and efficiently, thinking that was merit enough.

Reflecting on that experience three years later, I recognize the mistake I made. Introversion shouldn't prevent me from sharing my ideas or leading a team, irrespective of age, culture, or job title. In that chaotic situation, many were looking for someone to lead, to provide direction and delegate tasks. While I was effective as an individual contributor, completing small tasks like building a slide, the broader project required teamwork and leadership to construct the entire playground.

Leadership is crucial for success, not just in business but also in social and personal spheres. Now more than ever, amidst global tensions and uncertainties, I must exercise self-confidence and step into leadership roles. Effective leadership isn't for personal gain; it's about genuinely helping others and taking responsibility for the group's success and well-being.

I am committed to turning this weakness into a strength. There are myriad opportunities to lead—whether by joining organizations, volunteering, or speaking up in public settings. The path to success through leadership isn't about my achievements, but rather about facilitating the success of a larger group. I must lead, and keep leading, for the betterment of all involved.






我決定將這種弱點轉化為優勢。有很多機會領導 - 通過加入組織,做志願者,或者在公共場合發言。通過領導力取得成功的道路不在於我的成就,而是在於推動一個更大的團體的成功。我必須領導,並持續領導,為了所有參與者的福祉。

On Having a Social Circle That Is Too Small

As an expatriate working and living in a foreign country, I've found that my social circle is quite small. While most of my friends reside in my home country and I communicate with them through my work, this limited network puts me at a disadvantage. For instance, I recently had to vacate my apartment due to an unexpected lease termination and found myself scrambling to find a new place. Without a broad social network to guide me, I ended up in a less-than-ideal living situation. It was then that I realized the importance of having a more extensive social network for practical advice, such as finding affordable housing.

If I had a larger social circle, I could have approached this situation differently. Beyond my colleagues, I need to expand my connections by actively participating in various social activities. As an introvert, my default weekend activity is reading books at home, but I need to venture out and engage in public speaking clubs, sports, or cultural groups. The internet also offers an opportunity to connect with people I wouldn't ordinarily meet. Writing blog posts or hosting podcasts can help me understand perspectives different from my own and enable collaborative truth-seeking.

There are three main reasons why I plan to post regularly to address this issue. First, blogging allows me to connect with people outside of my immediate social circle, while also helping me articulate my thoughts better. Having already explored these thoughts in my blog posts, I can more effectively communicate with strangers. Second, I have valuable insights to share. The Feynman Technique, named after my favorite physicist Richard Feynman, posits that explaining something in simple terms helps to identify gaps in one's understanding. Blogging serves as a platform to apply this technique, enabling me to both solidify my own understanding and share knowledge with others. Finally, regular writing encourages self-reflection. Inspired by Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," participating in exercises like the ones on his self-authoring website can have a profound impact on my personal development and that of others who are outside my current social circle.

In conclusion, the limitations of a small social circle have become increasingly apparent to me. Actively working to expand this circle, whether through in-person interactions or online engagement, will not only improve my life practically but will also enrich it by opening up avenues for learning and personal growth.






On Being More Socially Skilled

We can use our social skills to build connections, influence decisions, and inspire change. However, during a recent class, social anxiety held me back. When the speaker asked for volunteers to ask questions or share their opinions, the room fell silent. No one raised their hand; no one dared to speak. Social skills are crucial for both my professional and personal growth, and their absence would be detrimental. Since I'm an expatriate who doesn't know many people here, I drove two hours to attend the event and expand my network. I did engage with locals seated next to me, learned from their life stories, and made new connections. But often, I found myself sitting in a corner, unseen and silent. Though hiding may feel comfortable and spare me any potential embarrassment, it also holds me back from engaging with others. To avoid awkward situations, I even left the class without making eye contact.

To better handle such situations, I need to overcome my social anxiety. Even celebrities experience nervousness; I'm not alone. I need to stop doubting myself and envisioning worst-case scenarios. The truth is, I have the skills and capabilities to handle these social settings successfully. Preparing opening lines in advance and practicing social engagement can boost my confidence. My networking shouldn't be limited to MBA events and formal dinners. I need to let go of the quest for perfection and recognize that mistakes are a part of the learning process. I don't have to compare myself to seasoned public speakers who have spent years honing their craft. Arriving early to familiarize myself with the venue and engaging with the audience can also ease my anxiety. If I don't manage to establish a meaningful connection immediately, it's not the end of the world.

In essence, the best way to improve my social skills is through practice. Whether the feedback is positive or negative, interactions with strangers provide valuable learning experiences. Frequent social engagements can help me overcome shyness and eventually alleviate my anxiety about speaking to strangers. It's important to remember that I'm not the focal point in these settings; I'm merely a participant. My fear of social interactions won't subside if I let my ego dominate my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, relaxing, and conversing naturally can go a long way. I have valuable contributions to make, courtesy of my wide reading habits, which provide me with current information, news, and even jokes. Finally, I should aim for a balance of friendliness and enthusiasm, enough to initiate a conversation but not so much that it scares people away. Developing social skills is a journey that takes time and effort, but it's a crucial investment for my future.


我們可以使用我們的社交能力來建立聯繫,影響決策,並激發變革。然而,在最近的一堂課上,社交焦慮阻止了我。當講師要求自願者提問或分享他們的觀點時,教室裡一片沉默。沒有人舉手,沒有人敢於說話。 社交技巧對我的專業和個人成長至關重要,缺乏它將是不利的。由於我是一名不認識這裡的許多人的外籍人士,我開車兩小時參加這次活動並擴大我的網絡。我确实與坐在我旁邊的當地人進行了交流,從他們的生活故事中學習,並建立了新的聯繫。但是,我經常發現自己坐在角落裡,無人問津,默默無語。雖然躲藏可能讓我感到舒適,並使我免受任何潛在的尷尬,但它也阻止了我與他人交往。為了避免尷尬的情況,我甚至沒有眼睛接觸就離開了課堂。



On Feeling Drained by Social Interactions

Social interactions often leave me, an introvert, feeling drained. The last time I experienced this was at a farewell party surrounded by friends. The organizer had requested that everyone bring food to share, so I opted for a French baguette and assorted alcoholic beverages like vodka and tonic, Kenmore whiskey, and ginger ale. I chose these Western-style items to stand out, but they remained untouched by the end of the party. This left me questioning whether I should feel ashamed for not conforming to the cultural norms of Hong Kong, where people typically prefer Chinese food.

During the event, my friends engaged in small talk, discussing topics like favorite foods, workplace quirks, and other random matters. I mostly stayed silent, not because I'm unfriendly, but because I had nothing to contribute. For example, if the conversation turned to gaming, sports, or Western music, I was out of my depth, given my lack of interest in these subjects. I found it exhausting to sit there for an hour, nodding in agreement, pretending to be an engaged listener.

To counteract my social shortcomings, I could consider changing my lifestyle to become more outgoing and diverse. More social outings could enrich my experience, allowing me to share stories about activities like wakeboarding. Broadening my circle of friends would expose me to interesting anecdotes, and staying informed through books and news could add depth to my contributions in conversations. Otherwise, if I continue leading a monotonous life—staring at a computer screen day and night, eating the same meals, and never stepping outside my comfort zone—my social interactions will remain unremarkable. Being open to new experiences and adopting different perspectives can enrich my life. Having a range of hobbies, such as rock climbing, kayaking, coffee brewing, or wine tasting, can offer me more to talk about and connect over.

To mitigate the draining feeling I experience during social interactions, I need to improve my conversational skills to avoid awkward moments. It was an eye-opener to realize that some people can become the life of the party without revealing much about themselves. They skillfully steer conversations by acknowledging and commenting on others' remarks, asking questions, and giving genuine compliments. Although I've read numerous self-improvement books on building relationships, I've yet to put these techniques into practice. While reading about these methods is encouraging, applying them in real-life situations can be daunting, which is why I've hesitated.

In both my personal and professional life, mastering the art of relationship-building, connecting, and establishing rapport is crucial. If I can learn to derive energy rather than fatigue from social interactions, my overall happiness and success will likely improve.