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為了抵消我在社交上的短處,我可以考慮改變生活方式,變得更外向和多元化。更多的社交活動可以豐富我的經驗,讓我能分享像滑水板這樣的活動的故事。擴大我的朋友圈可以讓我接觸到有趣的趣聞,通過讀書和新聞保持了解可以增加我在對話中的深度。否則,如果我繼續過著單調的生活 - 日夜盯著電腦屏幕,吃著相同的飯菜,從未走出我的舒適區 - 我的社交互動將始終平凡無奇。對新體驗保持開放態度,並採用不同的觀點可以豐富我的生活。擁有各種愛好,例如攀岩,皮划艇,咖啡沖泡或品酒,可以提供更多的話題,幫助我建立連接。



On Finding It Difficult to Approach Others

The last time I attended a networking event at a hotel as a guest, I was surrounded by strangers. Some people seemed to know each other and carried on chatting, while others were engrossed in their phones. My goal for being there was to meet new people and expand my social circle. However, instead of approaching anyone, I sat quietly in a corner. Eventually, a couple sat next to me. Excited yet relaxed, I contemplated introducing myself and striking up a conversation. But my hesitation took over. The longer I remained silent, the more challenging it became to initiate any social interaction. As time passed, my anxiety and social awkwardness intensified, making it feel as though time had come to a standstill.

Eventually, a speaker took the stage, and everyone returned to their seats. During the break, people reformed into small groups and resumed their conversations. I found it hard to integrate myself into any of these discussions. I felt that merely listening to people or discussing trivial matters like the weather would appear awkward.

In hindsight, I realize I could have approached the situation differently. There was no reason for me to be scared. After all, everyone was there to socialize and connect. It's not just about me; it's about collective interaction. Networking isn’t solely for expanding my social circle; it’s also about the value I can bring to the conversation. A meaningful dialogue occurs when we share ideas, whether interesting news or something that brings joy. By considering the other person's point of view, I could offer a potential solution, benefiting everyone involved. In the worst-case scenario, I risk rejection or embarrassment. However, since neither party knows the other well, no real harm is done. The upside, meanwhile, is limitless: I could learn something new, make a friend, or even advance my career.

If approaching larger groups intimidates me, I could start by interacting with individuals to overcome this shortcoming. To draw an analogy, the only way to learn to swim is to jump into the water. Reading numerous books on networking won’t help unless I practice. So, akin to learning to swim in a safety-netted pool, I could start by approaching people in more relaxed settings. The more people I meet, the more confident I become in my social skills. This confidence enables me to engage in deeper conversations and build genuine connections rather than sticking to mundane topics and generating an awkward atmosphere. By shifting my focus from myself to others, I become a better listener. Actively listening and offering insightful responses can lead to inspiring, engaging, and meaningful connections. One conversation at a time, I have the potential to make a positive impact.






Overcoming Silence -How to Engage with Strangers Effectively

I often find it difficult to speak up when I'm in the presence of strangers. During company meetings involving senior management and various stakeholders, many of my colleagues join the virtual call. At the end of these meetings, our director often asks if anyone has any questions. More often than not, silence ensues. Even in informal gatherings, the situation doesn’t improve; the boss usually monopolizes the conversation, sharing anecdotes without anyone daring to interrupt him. As a leader, I know I should speak up, but finding the right words can be a challenge.

This reticence to speak out has historical roots. In ancient China, if a government official said something that displeased the Emperor, the immediate response was often execution—of the official and his family. This historical context has led to a culture that advises caution when speaking within social hierarchies. However, this mindset is not appropriate in a startup environment, where feedback is essential for informed decision-making at the top levels. If I remain too reserved and overly polite around strangers, I won't develop into a better leader.

To address this, my first step is to exercise empathy. Strangers may also be hesitant to speak because they fear judgment. If I put myself in their shoes, I realize they are likely just as uncomfortable with the silence. By offering appreciation or asking insightful questions, I can show that I am actively listening, thus encouraging a more open dialogue. A warm smile, small talk, and genuine compliments can also make me appear more approachable, which in turn can make strangers more comfortable around me. It's a reciprocal relationship: a positive atmosphere requires active participation from both parties.

Finally, I aim to improve my communication skills by engaging strangers in conversation. This includes asking questions to involve them, offering comments to keep the conversation flowing, and using humor or storytelling to ease any tension.

To overcome my struggle with being overly quiet, I've committed to enhancing my communication skills. Writing has been a valuable tool for me to refine my English and organize my thoughts, thus preparing me for conversations with strangers. To have meaningful discussions, I need to continually challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone and engage with new experiences and ideas. Living a monotonous life limits my conversational topics, which doesn't add value to interactions with others. If you're not well-read or curious, you won't have fresh perspectives or independent opinions to bring into discussions. Thus, continuous learning is essential for genuinely engaging with people.

In conclusion, the journey to becoming more communicative and less reserved in social settings is ongoing. The more I engage positively with strangers, the more confident I'll become for future interactions. And who knows? We might just be surprised at how much we can learn from one another.

克服沉默 - 如何有效地與陌生人交流







On Missing Opportunities Due to Isolation

During a leadership training course, our instructor posed a question about how we could improve our community in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Suggestions could range from promoting social distancing to encouraging mask-wearing and frequent exercise. After a reflective five-minute silence, the instructor invited people to share their thoughts. Surprisingly, no one volunteered. We all avoided making eye contact with him. Finally, he moved on to debriefing the session, marking a moment of collective realization that although we were enrolled in a leadership course, none of us took the initiative to speak or lead. When questioned, some admitted they were afraid of misunderstanding the topic, some claimed they didn't know what to say, and others confessed to feeling shy. This was an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills, but I, too, failed to seize it.

If I could turn back time, I would certainly raise my hand, ready my thoughts, and take the floor. I should have remembered that people are likely to forget my words and that we may never cross paths again. Most daily memories fade; I've already forgotten more than 80% of what the instructor taught and couldn't even recognize the attendees today. This is regrettable, as my original intent for joining the course was to expand my professional network.

In retrospect, there are several lessons I've learned. Firstly, I should embrace every opportunity that comes my way. Each chance carries inherent risks; for example, a joke might not land well because humor varies across cultures. However, what's the worst that could happen? While it might be uncomfortable, it won't be life-threatening and will probably offer a valuable lesson. Secondly, I plan to improve my public speaking abilities, which is why I'm joining a Toastmasters club. Though it feels unnatural for me to address a crowd, that's better than remaining silent when I have valuable insights to add to the conversation. Thirdly, I would remind myself to take a deep breath and enjoy the spotlight rather than stressing about it.

By being open to various experiences, I can become a better leader. I'll seize every opportunity to provide impactful presentations and exhibit charisma, even in socially uncomfortable situations.






How to Download a View-Only Shared Google Drive Video

Last week, I received a Google Drive video that was shared with me in "View-Only" mode. When I tried to further share this video with my team, they encountered "Access Denied" errors when attempting to open the link.

Here are the steps for downloading such a video:

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to the Developer Tools, then select the “Network” tab.
  2. Reload the page where the video is playing and filter the results by “videoplayback” type.
  3. Right-click on this filtered link and choose “Open in New Tab”.
  4. Once the video opens in the new tab, right-click on it and select “Save Video As”.

That's it. No external plugins are required. You can then upload this downloaded video to a shared drive for your team or upload it to YouTube, depending on your use case.

如何下載僅供檢視的Google Drive共享視頻

上週,我收到了一個以「僅供檢視」模式分享的Google Drive視頻。當我試圖將此視頻進一步分享給我的團隊時,他們在嘗試打開鏈接時遇到了「拒絕訪問」的錯誤。


  1. 打開Chrome並導航到開發者工具,然後選擇「Network」標籤。
  2. 刷新播放視頻的頁面,並按「videoplayback」類型篩選結果。
  3. 在此篩選鏈結上點擊右鍵,然後選擇「Open in New Tab」。
  4. 視頻在新標籤頁中打開後,右鍵點擊它,然後選擇「Save Video As」。


Effective Leadership in a Technical Role

As a software engineer, you may eventually advance to a leadership position. However, you'll soon discover that technical expertise alone is insufficient for success in the tech industry. You'll also have to manage a variety of issues and crises on a daily basis. The bad news is, you might not initially possess the management qualities needed to lead a team effectively. The good news is, with an open mind and continuous learning, you can develop these skills over time.

First and foremost, you need to understand fundamental leadership principles. As a junior member, your focus is primarily on completing assigned tasks. As you rise through the ranks, you're expected to handle greater responsibilities, participate in cross-functional team activities, take on project management duties, and consider overarching corporate strategies. What does the title "Director" signify? It means providing direction, knowing your destination, and guiding others towards it. Therefore, my advice is to stay curious. Try to understand your company's decision-making processes and always be open to learning and asking questions.

Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean being overbearing or extremely extroverted. Research shows that there are six different leadership styles, each suitable for different situations. These include:

  1. Coercive Leadership – Effective during crises.
  2. Authoritative Leadership – Inspires others through vision.
  3. Affiliative Leadership – Focuses on team unity.
  4. Democratic Leadership – Builds consensus.
  5. Coaching Leadership – Aims for individual growth.
  6. Pacesetting Leadership – Sets performance standards.

Understanding your leadership style can help you adapt to various scenarios. There's no one-size-fits-all approach; you'll need to adjust your style to suit the team at different stages.

To be an effective leader, you must know both yourself and your team members. Each member will have their own strengths and weaknesses, and your role is to guide the team towards achieving its goals. This involves setting objectives, building a cohesive team, communicating clearly, and collaborating with stakeholders. Fairness is crucial when resolving internal conflicts. Recognize and reward positive contributions, while addressing any negative impacts on the team. Above all, lead by example. Your actions speak louder than your words, making you a role model for others to follow.

Managing a team requires both competence and emotional intelligence. You need to understand each member's unique needs and address the varying work styles, relationships, and conflicts within the group. Your communication should be formal and respectful, fostering an environment of mutual respect and cooperation.

To thrive as a tech industry leader, you not only need technical skills but also the ability to envision the future, show determination, display integrity and commitment, exude confidence, and communicate effectively. Additionally, you should demonstrate creativity, inspire your team, foster collaboration, and be authentic.

I hope you find this article helpful in developing the self-awareness required to become an effective leader. At some point, you'll need to step up, particularly when urgent issues arise. You don't have to wait for permission from higher-ups, who may not be best suited to handle the situation. Be proactive in seeking the resources you need. Remember, people are often too focused on their own responsibilities to pay attention to your needs. Given the global leadership shortage, I encourage you to take the initiative and address the pressing challenges we all face.