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  1. 強制型領導 - 在危機中有效。
  2. 權威型領導 - 通過願景激勵他人。
  3. 附屬型領導 - 著重團隊團結。
  4. 民主型領導 - 建立共識。
  5. 教練型領導 - 致力於個人成長。
  6. 節奏型領導 - 設定績效標準。






The Importance of Communication as a Software Developer

Let me explain why software developers need to be good communicators. Although it may seem self-evident, this skill will significantly impact your career. I say this from personal experience, having learned the hard way. As a team leader, your communication skills are essential during job interviews, progress reviews, and appraisals. You don't want to place yourself at a competitive disadvantage. There are numerous situations where good communication skills are critical, including:

How to Conduct a Good Demo: When designing and building a product, you must regularly demonstrate completed work to your team and key stakeholders. In Agile software development, sprint demos are integral to every iteration. Regardless of the product you’re building—be it an app, a website, or even a physical item—well-executed demos improve cross-team collaboration, build trust with stakeholders, boost team morale, and allow the team to adapt based on feedback and change. This is true even for more challenging subjects like APIs and back-end services.

Working in Cross-Functional Teams: We help organizations build products and services that meet the rapidly changing demands of their industries. Regular product demos are essential for our cross-functional teams, client product owners, engineers, and designers to communicate effectively, celebrate progress, and deliver value quickly.

In this chapter, I've gathered insights on why demos are important, along with tips for running great ones.

Demos Help Us Build Better Products: Regular demos provide a short feedback loop, allowing teams to adjust quickly and ensure they're building the right product. They also surface dependencies or duplicate efforts early, highlighting opportunities for collaboration across broader programs.

Improving Team Morale: We run a bi-weekly team demo on my current project. These sessions often lead to cross-team discussions about previously unconsidered issues, enabling quick resolutions before they become blockers.

Feedback Is Essential: Don't hesitate to refine your demo format based on feedback, ensuring maximum benefit for both your team and stakeholders.

Strengthening Stakeholder Relationships: Demos help in engaging stakeholders in the development process, thereby building trust and showcasing incremental delivery of valuable working software.

Team Development: Demos allow team members to develop presentation skills and interact more closely with stakeholders. They offer a rare chance for developers, especially those in early career stages, to hone their presentation skills.

Some Tips for Running Great Product Demos:

  • Zoom Out: Always provide context. Make sure to set the scene and focus on user benefits.
  • Tell a Story: Keep the audience engaged by sharing challenges you've overcome and what you've learned.
  • Go Slow, Keep It Simple: Present at a pace that the audience can follow and avoid jargon.
  • Preparation Is Key: Always rehearse and have your demo set up in advance to maintain audience engagement.

In summary, good communication is vital. Engage in meaningful conversations and share valuable perspectives. Maintain a positive attitude to build confidence, especially if you're introverted.

For public speaking, imagine you're talking to a friend. Be genuine and listen to your audience. Remember, how you say something is often more memorable than what you say. Speak slowly, especially if English is not your first language. These tips have worked for me, and I hope they will for you too. Next time, speak with intention, slow down, and breathe. Let me know what you think, and perhaps we can collaborate now that you understand the importance of communication better.












  • 放大視野:總是提供上下文。確保設置場景並專注於用戶利益。
  • 講一個故事:通過分享你已經克服的挑戰和你所學到的東西來吸引觀眾。
  • 慢下來,保持簡單:以觀眾能跟上的速度演示,並避免行話。
  • 準備得足是關鍵:要始終排練並預先準備好你的演示,以保持與觀眾的互動。



Setting Up Auto-Formatting for Python in Visual Studio Code

I was writing Python code and encountered issues with formatting. These formatting problems can complicate code reviews and the use of automated tools to detect such issues. Fortunately, life becomes much easier when you integrate a formatter into your code editor to automatically fix those issues upon saving. Here's how to do it:

  1. First, install Google's yapf formatter:

pip install yapf

  1. Next, open your Visual Studio Code editor. Press “Command + Shift + P” if you're using a Mac, or “Ctrl + Shift + P” if you're on Linux. Type "Open settings (JSON)" in the search bar and add the following line:

"python.formatting.provider": "yapf"

  1. If you want your code to auto-format upon saving, rather than merely receiving tips within the editor, add this setting as well:

"editor.formatOnSave": true

  1. Optionally, if you wish to use your project's .style.yapf instead of the global styles, add the following line:

"python.formatting.yapfArgs": ["--style", ".style.yapf"]

Now you can test the auto-formatting feature. For example, if you don't have a new line at the end of your Python file and then you save it, the formatter will automatically correct this issue for you.

在Visual Studio Code中設定Python的自動格式化


  1. 首先,安裝Google的yapf格式化工具:

pip install yapf

  1. 接著,打開你的Visual Studio Code編輯器。如果你使用的是Mac,按“Command + Shift + P”,如果你在Linux上,按“Ctrl + Shift + P”。在搜索欄中輸入"Open settings (JSON)"並添加以下行:

"python.formatting.provider": "yapf"

  1. 如果你希望你的代碼在保存時自動格式化,而不僅僅是在編輯器內部接收提示,也可以添加這個設置:

"editor.formatOnSave": true

  1. 如果你希望使用你的項目的.style.yapf而不是全局樣式,則添加以下行:

"python.formatting.yapfArgs": ["--style", ".style.yapf"]


How to Install Ubuntu Desktop on an AWS Instance Using Chrome Remote Desktop

In today's cloud-centric world, many resources have been moved to the cloud—photos, files, and servers among them. So why not your desktop environment? Imagine not needing to carry a heavy laptop. You could access your computing power from any thin client, such as a tablet with a keyboard, from anywhere. This is achievable using an AWS instance combined with Ubuntu Desktop and Chrome Remote Desktop. While there are other solutions like AWS Workspace or VNC connection, Chrome Remote Desktop offers the lowest latency and performance closest to a native desktop. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Log in to the AWS console and launch an instance using the Ubuntu Server AMI.

  1. Once the instance is launched, SSH into your Ubuntu server. Update the package manager and install wget:

sudo apt update sudo apt-get install --assume-yes wget

  1. Download the Chrome Remote Desktop package and install it:

wget sudo dpkg --install chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb sudo apt install --assume-yes --fix-broken

  1. Install the desktop GUI environment.

After testing various distributions, I found that Xfce performs best, especially over slow networks:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install --assume-yes xfce4 desktop-base

  1. Configure Chrome Remote Desktop to use Xfce by default:

sudo bash -c 'echo "exec /etc/X11/Xsession /usr/bin/xfce4-session" > /etc/chrome-remote-desktop-session'

  1. Install xscreensaver as an alternative to the default Xfce locker, which is not compatible with remote desktop:

sudo apt install --assume-yes xscreensaver

  1. Disable the display manager, as there is no display connected:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm.service

  1. Add your user account to the Linux group and then log out:

sudo usermod -a -G chrome-remote-desktop $USER logout

  1. On your local laptop browser, open Chrome Remote Desktop's Headless Mode. Follow the steps to set up another computer. You will probably copy a command similar to this into your AWS instance:

DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="4/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --redirect-url="" --name=

  1. Finally, you can remotely connect to your Ubuntu desktop.

    Extra tip: You can display a screensaver, although it's not necessary.

You can now access your desktop environment from anywhere, using any device. This setup is especially useful for software engineers who want access to a full set of development tools at all times.



  1. 登錄AWS控制台,並使用Ubuntu Server AMI啟動一個實例。

  1. 實例啟動後,SSH登錄到您的Ubuntu服務器。更新包管理器並安裝wget:

sudo apt update sudo apt-get install --assume-yes wget

  1. 下載Chrome遠程桌面套裝軟體並安裝它:

wget sudo dpkg --install chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb sudo apt install --assume-yes --fix-broken

  1. 安裝桌面GUI環境。


sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install --assume-yes xfce4 desktop-base

  1. 配置Chrome遠程桌面預設使用Xfce:

sudo bash -c 'echo "exec /etc/X11/Xsession /usr/bin/xfce4-session" > /etc/chrome-remote-desktop-session'

  1. 安裝xscreensaver作為預設的Xfce鎖屏程序的替代品,因為它不與遠程桌面兼容:

sudo apt install --assume-yes xscreensaver

  1. 禁用顯示管理器,因為沒有連接的顯示器:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm.service

  1. 將您的用戶賬戶添加到Linux群組,然後註銷:

sudo usermod -a -G chrome-remote-desktop $USER logout

  1. 在您的本地筆記本瀏覽器上,打開Chrome遠程桌面的無頭模式。按照步驟設置另一部電腦。您可能會在您的AWS實例中複製此類命令:

DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="4/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --redirect-url="" --name=

  1. 最後,您可以遠程連接到您的Ubuntu桌面了。



How to Install Ubuntu on an External Drive Using macOS

If you're using Mac hardware but also want to run Ubuntu, you can install Ubuntu on an external hard drive without risking the removal of your macOS installation. Here's how to do it without messing up your bootloader:

  1. Plug in your external SSD/HDD. Open Disk Utility and format it to MS-DOS (FAT).

  2. Open a Terminal window and run: diskutil list

This will help you find your external hard drive's IDENTIFIER, e.g., disk2 in this example.

  1. Download and install VirtualBox: VirtualBox Website

  2. Run the two commands below and start VirtualBox with admin rights:

sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename bootcamp.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/disk2 sudo /Applications/

  1. Select "New" and then click on "Expert Mode." Choose "Use an existing virtual hard disk file."

  1. In the "System" tab, check the box for "Enable EFI (special OSes only)."

  2. In the "Storage" tab, mount the Ubuntu ISO file to the virtual machine. You can download the Ubuntu ISO file from here.

  3. Start the virtual machine and proceed with the Ubuntu installation.

  4. Once the installation is complete, you'll be ready to boot from the drive. For Mac, you'll also need to reduce the Security level and allow booting from external media. To do this, press and hold Command-R immediately after you see the Apple logo to start macOS recovery.

  5. Restart your Mac again and press the Option key. You can now choose your drive with the EFI label.

Enjoy using Ubuntu on Apple hardware! Note that you might have to sort out some driver issues, but hopefully, this guide makes the process easier for you.



  1. 將你的外部SSD/HDD插入。打開磁碟工具並將其格式化為MS-DOS(FAT)

  2. 打開終端窗口並運行: diskutil list


  1. 下載並安裝VirtualBox: VirtualBox網站

  2. 運行以下兩條命令並以管理員權限啟動VirtualBox:

sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename bootcamp.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/disk2 sudo /Applications/

  1. 選擇“新建”然後點擊“專家模式”。選擇“使用現有的虛擬硬碟文件。”

  1. 在“系統”標籤中,勾選“啟用EFI(僅限特殊OS)”。

  2. 在“儲存”標籤中,將Ubuntu ISO文件掛載到虛擬機。 你可以從這裡下載Ubuntu ISO文件。

  3. 啟動虛擬機並進行Ubuntu安裝。

  4. 一旦安裝完成,你就可以從驅動器啟動了。 對於Mac,你也需要降低安全級別並允許從外部媒體啟動。要做到這一點,在你看到蘋果標誌後立即按住Command-R以啟動macOS恢復。

  5. 重新啟動你的Mac並按住選項鍵。你現在可以選擇你的驅動器擁有EFI標籤。


How to Fix the "Access Denied" Error in an AWS Amplify Angular App

When you deploy your Angular app on AWS Amplify, the first landing page loads without any issues. However, if you have defined a path in your router and attempt to access it, you may encounter an "Access Denied" error:

To resolve this issue, navigate to the AWS Console and select "Rewrites and Redirects." Next, add a new rewrite and redirect rule. Click on "Open Text Editor" and insert the following rule:

    "source": "</^[^.]+$|\\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf)$)([^.]+$)/>",
    "target": "/index.html",
    "status": "200",
    "condition": null

After adding this rule, try accessing your URL again. It should work as expected now.