How to Be a Good Consultant?

I worked as a Software Engineer for a major Australian technology firm. While I am bright, skilled, and dedicated, these qualities alone are not sufficient to make one a successful consultant. Fortunately, after consulting with an experienced coach, I’ve come up with some insightful tips. Here are the three levels of consulting expertise I’ve learned:

Welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore strategies, insights, and personal experiences in the world of consulting. I’m your host, Victor, and today we’ll be diving into a topic that is crucial for any consultant looking to excel in their field: the three levels of consulting expertise.

As a former Software Engineer turned consultant, I’ve had my fair share of experiences and lessons learned along the way. And I’m here to share them with you. So let’s get started!

At the basic level of consulting expertise, you possess a specific skill that sets you apart from others. For instance, in my case, it was JavaScript front-end development. Clients sought my services because I had a deep understanding of this skill, even surpassing the knowledge of their in-house team. However, relying solely on specialized skills can have its limitations.

Mistakes can happen, and it becomes challenging to maintain a consistently professional impression. Over time, you risk becoming indistinguishable from the sea of individuals with similar skills. This level limits your contribution, as the gap between what the client pays you and the value you deliver becomes narrower.

That’s where the second level of consulting expertise comes into play. At this senior level, you bring significant value by leveraging multiple skill sets. Through previous client experiences, you gain a unique perspective on current challenges. You understand what works, what doesn’t, and what the client truly needs from you and your consulting firm.

Cultural awareness also plays a crucial role in building trust with clients. By understanding their preferences and incorporating diverse talents, you set yourself apart from their internal team. This level allows you to contribute more effectively and provide a broader range of solutions.

Now, let’s talk about the highest level of consulting expertise. At this level, you become a trusted advisor, someone akin to a king’s confidant. Your responsibility is to provide honest feedback and recommendations, even if it’s not what the client wants to hear. You hold yourself accountable for any potential issues that arise, as clients often find it difficult to blame themselves or admit their mistakes.

Building a genuine connection with the client becomes essential. It’s not about simply liking them, but rather genuinely caring about their success. Understanding their motivations and recommending what’s best for their company with compassion is the key. Your focus should extend beyond personal success; it should encompass the client’s success as well. After all, when the client wins, you win.

Achieving the highest level of consulting expertise is undoubtedly challenging. It requires continuous learning, honing high-value skills, and offering exceptional value to your clients, your consulting firm, and yourself. It won’t happen overnight, but by following these guidelines, you’ll find valuable markers on your journey to becoming an exceptional consultant.

That wraps up today’s episode of “Continuous Improvement.” I hope you found these insights on the three levels of consulting expertise valuable and applicable to your own professional journey. Remember, continuous learning and self-improvement are key to success in this field.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, be sure to subscribe to our podcast and stay tuned for future episodes where we’ll explore more strategies for personal and professional growth. Until next time, I’m Victor, and thank you for joining me on “Continuous Improvement.”