Deploying a Koa.js Application to an AWS EC2 Ubuntu Instance

Hello everyone, and welcome to "Continuous Improvement," the podcast where we explore different strategies and techniques for improving our skills and knowledge in the technology world. I'm your host, Victor, and in today's episode, we're going to dive into deploying a Koa.js application on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Ubuntu server.

But before we begin, a quick reminder to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform and follow us on social media to stay updated on all our latest episodes. Alright, let's get started!

The first step in deploying our Koa.js application is to launch an Ubuntu instance on AWS. Now, it's important to modify the security group settings to ensure our application is accessible.

As you can see in the images provided in the blog post, it is necessary to add inbound rules for HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443. Without these changes, accessing the public domain in a browser would result in a "Connecting" state, eventually timing out and rendering the site unreachable.

Now that we have our Ubuntu instance set up, the next step is to install Node.js, the runtime environment for our Koa.js application. SSH into your instance and follow the official documentation instructions to install Node.js.

With Node.js successfully installed, we now move on to setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy server. Nginx will help us route traffic to our Koa.js application.

First, we need to install Nginx by running the appropriate commands. Once that's done, we'll open the Nginx configuration file and make the necessary edits, including adding the server block with the reverse proxy settings. Don't forget those semicolons!

After saving the configuration file, we need to restart the Nginx service to apply the changes.

Now that our server and reverse proxy are set up, it's time to deploy our Koa.js application. Clone your Git repository into the /var/www/yourApp directory on the Ubuntu instance. Keep in mind that you may encounter a "Permission Denied" error, but it can be easily fixed by changing the ownership of the folder.

Great! With the application files in place, it's time to create a simple app.js file to run our Koa.js server. The code in this file sets up a basic Koa.js server with a logger and a response that says "Hello World".

We're almost there! Just a few more steps. Start the server by running the node app.js command in the terminal.

And finally, open your browser and navigate to your public domain. If everything was done correctly, you should now see your Koa.js application running.

Congratulations! You've successfully deployed your Koa.js application on an AWS Ubuntu server. I hope this step-by-step guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to leave a comment on the blog post.

That wraps up this episode of "Continuous Improvement." I hope you found the information valuable and that it inspires you to continue expanding your skills and knowledge. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and follow us on social media for more episodes like this one. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, keep improving!

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