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Victor Leung, who blog about business, technology and personal development. Happy to connect on LinkedIn

  1. July 19, 2024

    In an era where the digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, businesses must continually adapt to maintain a competitive edge…

  2. May 30, 2024

    In today's rapidly evolving professional landscape, the mark of a high-caliber talent extends far beyond technical and functional expertise…

  3. May 19, 2024

    Selling software products effectively requires more than just knowledge of the product. It involves understanding the customer’s needs…

  4. May 11, 2024

    In the ever-evolving world of technology, two new contenders, the Rabbit R1 and the Humane AI Pin, are making waves by attempting to carve…

  5. January 05, 2024

    Leadership is a critical component in the success of any team, particularly in the dynamic and collaborative environment of software…

  6. January 03, 2024

    In the realm of software engineering, success is rarely a solo endeavor. It's a team sport, where collaboration, understanding, and mutual…

  7. December 14, 2023

    In this blog post, I am writing to compare the Go-to-Market (GTM) strategies of two organizations in the banking industry: the Development…

  8. December 08, 2023

    I was on business trip in New Zealand for two weeks. Nestled between two harbors, Auckland is a vibrant, multicultural city waiting to be…

  9. October 03, 2023

    Last week, I was on a business trip to London, where I had previously stayed for a month on two separate occasions. It is a city that…

  10. September 17, 2023

    In today's fast-paced business environment, launching a new product or service is a monumental task. It's not just about creating something…

  11. July 21, 2023

    In the world of data processing and real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka has emerged as a popular distributed messaging system that…

  12. June 16, 2023

    System design interviews are a critical part of the technical interview process for software engineers and developers. These interviews…

  13. June 01, 2023

    In the world of data visualization and monitoring, Grafana has emerged as a powerful and versatile tool that is revolutionizing the way we…

  14. May 24, 2023

    In today's digital landscape, modern applications face increasing demands for performance, scalability, and availability. With millions of…

  15. May 06, 2023

    I graduated from the part-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019. An MBA degree…

  16. May 02, 2023

    Digital transformation is a crucial strategy for any organization seeking to stay competitive in today's market. It involves leveraging…

  17. April 28, 2023

    Setting up Python on your local machine can be challenging, especially when you need to manage multiple Python versions. Pyenv comes in…

  18. April 18, 2023

    I have lived in Singapore for two and a half years. It is recognized as one of the top startup ecosystems in the world, boasting a thriving…

  19. April 12, 2023

    To me, "Start with Why" suggests that when a new request comes in, it's essential to begin by asking for the reason behind it. Instead of…

  20. March 05, 2023

    Introduction DBS is fighting to stay relevant in the second phase of its future-ready digital transformation. As an established incumbent…

  21. February 20, 2023

    Recently, I've been pondering the future of work in the context of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The concept is ever-changing…

  22. December 10, 2022

    As I was taking an online course on achieving personal and professional success through Wharton Online, I completed an assessment of my…

  23. December 09, 2022

    I am reflecting on two aspects of influence and power: relationship-oriented (investing in relationships) and result-oriented (building a…

  24. December 01, 2022

    In this essay, I am writing about my theory of success and how I plan to achieve it. My definition of success encompasses four areas:…

  25. November 29, 2022

    In this post, I want to discuss the most important people in my life and explore how their legacies have impacted and influenced me. From…

  26. October 23, 2022

    Over the past two weeks, I have been learning proven, science-backed tactics to boost my productivity and performance. My aim is to achieve…

  27. October 16, 2022

    In this blog post, I will review the book "Give and Take" by Adam Grant. I believe that learning and growth are fundamental human needs…

  28. October 07, 2022

    In this proposal, I'm offering strategic recommendations for Thought Machine, a fintech product company. Thought Machine has developed a…

  29. September 14, 2022

    I started my career working as an Assistant Marketing Manager in Brisbane, but then a year later I took a big risk and moved back to Hong…

  30. September 12, 2022

    Hello everyone, my name is Victor Leung and I am an AWS community builder. In this article, I would like to introduce Amazon Web Service…

  31. September 11, 2022

    I've been learning about Kubernetes, also known as K8s, an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of…

  32. August 20, 2022

    As a software developer, I sometimes find infrastructure networking quite confusing. In this article, I will delve deeper to understand…

  33. July 31, 2022

    I've been interested in technology since university, where I took an elective in Java programming. I fell in love with the subject and knew…

  34. July 24, 2022

    Over the last 5 years, I have assumed leadership roles in multiple digital transformation projects. In 2017, I worked as a senior…

  35. July 19, 2022

    The book I'm going to review is "Think and Grow Rich," written by Napoleon Hill. Reading this book in public might be a bit awkward, not…

  36. July 11, 2022

    Today, I am going to review Vietnamese street food. All the photos featured in this post were taken by me during the trip. I will showcase…

  37. July 10, 2022

    I recently completed an online course where I learned the frameworks and concepts needed to create compelling and memorable product…

  38. July 03, 2022

    Apache Kafka is an open-source publish/subscribe messaging system. Kafka Connect, a component of Apache Kafka, addresses the challenge of…

  39. May 29, 2022

    As a FinTech consultant, I am conducting a study on the security and regulation of virtual banking in the US financial sector. The federal…

  40. May 22, 2022

    I recently completed an online course on becoming a Complete Manager. One valuable lesson was the importance of creating an operating manual…

  41. May 18, 2022

    One area in my life that has always intimidated me is social interaction—meeting new people, talking to strangers, and building connections…

  42. May 02, 2022

    I am writing this article in the hope of finding inner peace and self-reflection. Writing is therapeutic. At the moment, it helps me focus…

  43. April 01, 2022

    I recently took a class on the Psychology of Engagement, where I learned the methodologies and vocabulary needed to create highly engaging…

  44. February 27, 2022

    Last week, I received a bonus from my company. Things are going well, and the bonus served as a good financial incentive, rewarding me for…

  45. February 20, 2022

    I recently took an online course called "Section4 Strategy Sprint." After learning about the strategies that define the most valuable firms…

  46. February 19, 2022

    Imagine you are a business user and your favourite tool of all time is Excel. You are not technical enough to do coding, but you are…

  47. January 23, 2022

    A couple of months ago, I published a book online through Amazon's self-publishing service. Just to clarify, I am not a professional writer…

  48. January 16, 2022

    One night, a WhatsApp message lit up my screen, jolting me awake. Assuming it was an emergency, I was surprised to find that it was just a…

  49. November 09, 2021

    When I was a kid, my mom always told me, "Study hard! Otherwise, you could end up like that garbageman." The message was clear: I didn't…

  50. September 28, 2021

    I'm sure you've experienced this while shopping online. You find a product at an attractive price and decide to purchase it, using internet…

  51. September 12, 2021

    Is it difficult to create a book? The answer is debatable. Becoming a best-selling author is challenging if that's your sole aim. The…

  52. September 05, 2021

    Thank you for taking the time to read my book and journey through my life experiences with me. You likely have your own set of challenges…

  53. August 25, 2021

    Do you have a phobia of speaking in front of a group? I do. That's why I joined Toastmasters—to practice more and strive to overcome my…

  54. August 09, 2021

    In 2013, I embarked on a working holiday in Australia that completely transformed my life. While studying chemistry as an undergraduate in…

  55. August 08, 2021

    I studied chemistry for three years and earned a bachelor's degree. The greatest conflict I faced was between ideals and reality. In an…

  56. July 31, 2021

    What if you had the power to write your own fate? We can't predict the future, but we can articulate our goals and dreams for it. We can't…

  57. July 25, 2021

    My life story naturally begins with my mother, without whom I wouldn't exist or be writing this post. Before my birth, I had no awareness of…

  58. July 24, 2021

    What is your greatest phobia? For some, it's a fear of dogs or spiders, but many of us are terrified of public speaking. The concern about…

  59. July 14, 2021

    Imagine being in North Korea. How skeptical would you be of what you witness every day? Is the Kim family's rule divine? Is South Korea evil…

  60. July 11, 2021

    Given that our society prioritizes efficiency and economy, you're able to read this essay. As national productivity improves, we can…

  61. July 03, 2021

    What prompted you to leave your job? One of the most common reasons for resigning is dissatisfaction with one's supervisor. This led me to…

  62. July 01, 2021

    I am now a manager, responsible for directing a small team. To perform well in our roles, we need a blend of talents, including technical…

  63. June 27, 2021

    Dear Hong Kong friends, Your anguish is palpable. My heart bled seeing the blood flow from your wounds inflicted by brutal beatings. I…

  64. June 20, 2021

    Last month, I was planning my speech for a public speaking conference. The process was stressful, and sleep eluded me as I agonized over…

  65. June 18, 2021

    When my girlfriend, Joanne, broke up with me, I lost control. Consumed by depression, I acted on raw emotion rather than rational thought…

  66. June 16, 2021

    During my university enrollment, I faced the dilemma of choosing between academic and practical studies. As a teenager, I believed that a…

  67. June 13, 2021

    Self-actualization is crucial because it enhances our well-being and makes our lives meaningful. We possess immense untapped potential, and…

  68. June 06, 2021

    Because my thoughts shape my destiny, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. A limited perspective can narrow our horizons. I can strive…

  69. May 08, 2021

    "Money isn't everything, but everything needs money," my mother would often say when I was a child. How true is this adage? This principle…

  70. April 25, 2021

    Curiosity awakens our minds. Being inquisitive, I always seek to learn and understand more. The world is enormous and constantly evolving…

  71. April 24, 2021

    Becoming a better leader is critical for success. Leadership isn't just about money, strategy, or technology; teamwork remains the ultimate…

  72. April 23, 2021

    I firmly believe that striving for a healthier lifestyle is crucial for our professional and personal relationships, as well as for our…

  73. April 13, 2021

    According to dualism theory, I often view the body and mind as two distinct entities, believing that mental and physical entities are…

  74. April 09, 2021

    A life without significance paints a vivid image of an unfavorable future. People work diligently to achieve their goals in pursuit of their…

  75. April 02, 2021

    I aspire to be an exceptional leader in my ideal future. Serving the community not only brings immense fulfillment but also requires ongoing…

  76. March 29, 2021

    After expending all my energy at work, I envision my family as a sanctuary where I can recharge. On weekends, I plan to spend quality time…

  77. March 29, 2021

    My future professional path lies in management. Over the next six months, I aspire to become an effective manager—one who looks after the…

  78. March 27, 2021

    Learning new things will be my primary leisure activity. There are numerous methods for learning, such as reading, listening, and hands-on…

  79. March 27, 2021

    In my ideal future social life, I envision having many friends, a significant number of whom would be close to me. Instead of being a shy…

  80. March 27, 2021

    We can change our habits to become healthier. There are three key aspects of health: physical, dietary, and mental. Regular exercise is…

  81. March 26, 2021

    I was 28 years old at the time, and she was likely around 32—although the age difference is purely conjectural on my part. I never actually…

  82. March 16, 2021

    I volunteered to take the stage at a Toastmasters meeting at the Sheraton Tower to challenge myself in impromptu speaking. The Table Topics…

  83. March 15, 2021

    Have you ever felt uneasy speaking in front of a group of people? I certainly have. This fear is common; nearly everyone experiences stage…

  84. March 14, 2021

    I remember the first day of my MBA program's orientation as chaotic and uncertain. The course coordinator had organized a charity project…

  85. March 14, 2021

    We can use our social skills to build connections, influence decisions, and inspire change. However, during a recent class, social anxiety…

  86. February 22, 2021

    As a software engineer, you may eventually advance to a leadership position. However, you'll soon discover that technical expertise alone is…

  87. September 07, 2020

    When you're developing a web application, you need to take browser compatibility issues into account. I encountered a problem with an…

  88. May 02, 2020

    Apps are becoming increasingly irrelevant. There's no need to download ineffective software when browsers can serve as adequate substitutes…

  89. April 04, 2020

    I recently faced the task of analyzing a massive dataset consisting of log files. When I attempted to open the file in Excel, my laptop…

  90. March 18, 2020

    I've encountered a rare scenario where a file has been modified, but I don't want to commit this change to Git. There are various methods to…

  91. December 04, 2019

    In JavaScript, you can use for troubleshooting directly in your browser. However, when working with PHP, a little trick is required to…

  92. November 03, 2019

    I'm building a Koa.js server and need to connect it to MongoDB to store and retrieve data. Here's how to accomplish this in a few simple…

  93. August 24, 2019

    Traveling involves a great deal of uncertainty and chance. Despite the delay of my flight in Helsinki, Finland, and the stress from a jet…

  94. August 24, 2019

    In this article, we will discuss the lessons that can be learned from the Li & Fung family business. The key to its longevity—over a…

  95. July 10, 2018

    I am working on upgrading Dynatrace AppMon from version 6.5 to 7.1. AppMon is a performance data gathering tool trusted by many clients; it…

  96. November 19, 2017

    In traditional top-down organizations, managing your boss involves a conscious effort to collaborate with upper-level management for…

  97. November 19, 2017

    Research indicates that six distinct leadership styles have a direct impact on the work environment and financial performance, particularly…

  98. September 23, 2017

    Life is a series of choices. Managers are frequently faced with making decisions that range from everyday business operations to pivotal…

  99. July 16, 2017

    I was working on a project that utilized the Nexus framework and scaled Scrum. A Nexus serves as a development unit in scaled Scrum, forming…

  100. June 04, 2017

    This article explores the Internet Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed for exchanging routing…

  101. November 29, 2016

    Last year, I worked on an Internet of Things (IoT) project focused on a Bluetooth smart gadget. The experience differed significantly from…

  102. September 24, 2016

    I was often told by my teachers that Hong Kong is an international financial center. Indeed, in our highly competitive corporate environment…

  103. September 16, 2016

    Many of my friends have been asking about the emergence of the blockchain revolution. According to recent news, four of the world's largest…

  104. July 26, 2016

    I'm using the Anaconda distribution to install Jupyter Notebook. Step 1: Download Anaconda First, visit the Anaconda website to download…

  105. June 13, 2016

    RancherOS is a Linux distribution designed for running Docker containers. While there is an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) available in the AWS…

  106. April 29, 2016

    Fact 1: The integer value representing the month in JavaScript begins with 0 for January and goes up to 11 for December. For example: Today…

  107. April 09, 2016

    I enjoy helping people and solving complex problems. However, it's disheartening to encounter issues that fall outside the scope of a…

  108. December 20, 2015

    I worked as a Software Engineer for a major Australian technology firm. While I am bright, skilled, and dedicated, these qualities alone are…

  109. October 15, 2015

    Step 1: Create an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS instance on AWS. Step 2: Connect to the instance. Step 3: Install Java. Step 4: Add a Hadoop user. Step…

  110. October 09, 2015

    First, install Homebrew, which is the missing package management tool for OS X: Next, update the formulae: Then, install MongoDB: To have…

  111. October 09, 2015

    The Problem I Encountered: After updating my Ember project to version 1.13.5, I received the following warning in the browser console…

  112. October 02, 2015

    My ambition is to travel the world, although I realize that may be a bit too ambitious. One essential lesson I've learned in software…

  113. July 18, 2015

    Today, one of the tasks I performed involved batch cropping numerous pictures. I found ImageMagick to be very useful for scaling and…

  114. June 28, 2015

    The Atom text editor has just released its 1.0 version. There are plenty of reasons to switch from Sublime Text. Maybe you love the concept…

  115. March 14, 2015

    Recorded at the Hong Kong JavaScript and Node.js meetup on March 3, 2015: Today, I want to discuss React, a JavaScript library for creating…

  116. February 20, 2015

    The Problem: If you are using a Mac and have installed Node.js via a pkg file downloaded from the official website, you are likely to…

  117. February 20, 2015

    I enrolled in the Hack Reactor Remote Beta as part of the second cohort in Hong Kong to improve my technical skills in JavaScript. The…

  118. February 20, 2015

    The Problem: I am working on a project that uses BreweryDB. While trying to load some data from the API, I encountered a problem: the API…

  119. December 22, 2014

    The Problem I was setting up continuous integration using CircleCI and Karma tests for Angular on Heroku. The tests were working on my…

  120. December 22, 2014

    NOTE: This tutorial uses Meteor 1.1.3 with as of December 15, 2014. Since this feature is under active development, it may have changed by…

  121. December 22, 2014

    I was invited by General Assembly (GA) Hong Kong to talk about my experience in the Web Development Immersive (WDI) course. 1. Introduce…

  122. December 22, 2014

    The Daily Routine Every morning, I wake up at 12 a.m. My alarm clock helps me start my day with the goal of becoming a software engineer…

  123. December 22, 2014

    The Problem While writing a Mocha test suite for array comparison, I encountered an issue. Here is the test suite: Contrary to my…

  124. March 15, 2014

    Which is better, Sydney or Melbourne? The choice is yours. There's a traditional, petty rivalry between the two cities. In my opinion…

  125. March 11, 2014

    The situation is complex. I love Hong Kong for its unique qualities, yet there are aspects I find incredibly frustrating. I was born in…